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Profile 'Provement Priorities?

Apr 12, 2021
Just made a tinder account last week. Just had to grab the best pictures I had on my phone because I never considered actually putting effort into my profile might help. So what should my priorities be with adding and replacing photos? I find my facial structure looks much more aesthetic in selfies but I also have never tried to take lots of photos with a timer or remote. Any tips at all would go hard, I'm looking for brutal honesty so long as it's constructive.

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Not much to say that you don't already know. You look good and are fit af, so make sure you always have photos showing that off. The selfie and the one with you looking down are bad. Just get a good camera and take tonnes of photos and you'll be fine. As far as priorities, try and get your main photo taken, something that shows your face really well and with good quality. The rest can come after that
Your body is your biggest asset, your topless photo isn't doing you enough justice with the bathroom behind you.

Consider these 2 photos, they are from the same guy: -

https://www.tinderseduction.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Not-a-good-tinder-picture.png - This is actually an alright photo, way above average however...

https://www.tinderseduction.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Good-tinder-pictures.png - This second one blows the first one out of the water. He's taking up the frame, looks fantastic and the background looks like somewhere a Fireman would be. Consider adding context to your topless shot and maximize your asset. You have some shirtless hobbies, try using a Yoga or a surfing shot with your body out, you will see much more success.

I like the beach one with the 2 girls, It might not be a problem for you, but you look super young in there compared to your other photos.

I like photo 1, you have a real castaway Tom Hanks vibe. This is great, but car selfies are not the best. You could even retake this on the beach with a ball painted Wilson face, it would get a few laughs from girls and be a conversation starter for very low effort.

The one with you looking down, the style isn't bad, but you are too far away and don't look comfortable. I wouldn't use this.
First, you got an handsome face, but you are kind of ruining your potential with a close selfie. Go for at least mid-shot/medium-close shot[1], in a decent background (not your car, any wall or a well cleaned room is fine) and with a good light source

Next, the last 3 picture are really fine to start, even the poor quality of the shirtless one is balanced by the quality of the body. But for the last one, crop it so you take more space in the photo, and always avoid making a fist with your hand

Finally, like everyone on this forum, i strongly recommend investing in a DSLR. And learning to self-model, to get good quality picture - it really help you stepping up in social media/tinder or just being able to present things well throughout photos (CV picture, selling stuff, helping your bro getting laid, etc ...)

[1] : https://www.pinterest.fr/pin/519602875744444723/