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Public photography insight - meeting women

That One Guy

Mar 14, 2021
I recently decided to get more serious learning photography. I got a cool camera and have been practicing landscape and street photography. Street photog has similarities to cold approach. You just walk around and take random photos of buildings and people. Some people love it and some hate it. In the US It's totally legal to take peoples' pics in public whether they like it or not. I'm working up my courage to boldly take peoples pics without permission. It's Approach Anxiety and doesn't even involve trying to score with women! Honestly, lots of the subjects are happy to do it, especially if you offer to send them one of the pics.

I was out taking street pics the other day and something interesting happened. I realized there's lots of opportunity to meet women this way. That isn't even my focus or goal, but just a pleasant side effect of this venture.

I met a few young guys, college age, and offered to take some pics of them skateboarding. They were really excited and loved some of the results. Then 2 attractive women walked by, probably about age 30. One had huge DD breasts, 1/2 falling out of her top. She was begging for attention. They stopped and hung out for a few minutes, and normally they wouldn't have given these skater guys the time of day. I realized they were there for the camera. The DD starts standing to the side, even posing a bit. Then she offers to lay down on the sidewalk so the guys can jump their skateboards over her while I snap pics. The guys declined, not wanting to fall and rupture one of her breasts. I could have easily started flirting with the 2 women, but I mostly blew them off.

It was honestly kind of weird and awkward, but it struck me with one of those "Ah Ha!" moments. As I was taking pictures, sometimes people were approaching me. In general, taking pics attracts attention of everyone around. And if people want to see the pics, they're now asking how can they get in contact with me. People are offering their phone, IG, or FB. I'm now certain that sometimes this could easily turn into "Hey do you want to have a drink later" or "My friends are getting together Saturday. You should come hang out".

With spring approaching, and outdoor events starting soon (festivals, farmers markets), I'm excited to see where this all goes.