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Radical writes: This dude has no proof and is the WORST guy to believe currently on the internet about getting laid…...


May 30, 2020
Im talking about YOU.


Yeah you. Ya loveable newbie dickhead.

You shouldn't believe YOUR OWN ideas and theories that you have!

Unless you have proof.

And I don’t mean a social science study. I mean proof gathered while taking action via practical - often obvious - steps towards your goals.

Now all this might come across as a bit negative but don’t worry, when I’m done explaining the issue I will suggest some ways to get around this common stumbling block.

So, if you are very new to this then trust me on the following: at multiple points in your journey you will be guilty of mental masturbation.

This is where you soak up all the theory you can and debate it with yourself; and also other inexperienced guys online. Now if you want to masturbate in a group online with other men that's up to you. I'm not one to judge these things.

But you won't actually be making any progress and you won't be obtaining actual proof that these theories are true. The process is worthless.

And the insidious part is that even though this time spent is worthless, the ideas that you fixate on will be stuck in your mind and it is often difficult to move past them.

It is especially hard if you are intelligent.

Andy (killyourinnerloser) introduced me to this video where a Harvard trained psychiatrist talks to a supposed ‘incel’ about his mental blocks. He provides the best explanation of confirmation bias I have ever heard. The relevant part of the conversation lasts 10 minutes.

Video with timestamp where I want you to start from:

To summarise: the smarter you are, the more capable your mind is of convincing you your own theories are correct - because it can locate seemingly logical support for them with ease.

It is unbelievably frustrating for anyone trying to help a complete newbie to then meet resistance in the form of stubborn ideas they are clinging onto, despite them having little to no personal experience.

For ease of reference your personal theories about getting laid are automatically trash if:

- You have no personal evidence of it working.
- You have evidence from just a handful of occasions - often it will be connected to just a single moment in the past. One that hasn’t repeated.
- You got stuck on an idea from another guy that can’t, or won’t, show proof.

Having identified the issue it's time for the most important part of this article, the practical advice you can follow to fix it.

I’ve come up with 2 options that have helped me in my journey so far:-

1. Hard option: Become aware and highly critical of your own thought process - then run your own experiments, on a shit ton of girls.

2. Easy option: Follow proven advice like a robot - eliminate your own ideas and objections at the beginning until you have experience. (There isn't actually a lot of proven advice out there so this helps remove a ton of noise and confusion).

In my mind No. 2 is the only real option for someone that is fresh and can admit they have no idea what they are doing.
Andy fortunately has, I believe, the most NSFW proof on the internet that what he does works. So take his advice and plough ahead with the easier option.

(My proof fwiw: https://www.goodlookingloser.com/forums/members-only/143044-radicals-log

This is my GLL log that covers the last year, you will need a registered account to view it.

Covers my journey from newbie to intermediate and shows that I know something about the pitfalls that arise at the beginning. In the last year I have more than doubled(in fact just a couple shy of tripling) my lifetime lay count via online, cold approach and social. I still have a ways to go but I know what I am doing enough where it's more a job of grinding out the numbers now.)

This is my first attempt at a more longform advice article. Wouldn’t mind some feedback lads.
Cheers Andy

Posted this to get it off my list and stop trying to perfect it

Next will be an depth hostel guide and then my defence of travelling as an option for younger lads
Radical said:
To summarise: the smarter you are, the more capable your mind is of convincing you your own theories are correct - because it can locate seemingly logical support for them with ease.

I did not know this, but it makes good sense.

Radical said:
1. Hard option: Become aware and highly critical of your own thought process - then run your own experiments, on a shit ton of girls.

2. Easy option: Follow proven advice like a robot - eliminate your own ideas and objections at the beginning until you have experience. (There isn't actually a lot of proven advice out there so this helps remove a ton of noise and confusion).

I find that there are a few challenges with the second option.
One is that since every person is different what has worked for one person might not work equally as well for the other person, this could be due to different circumstances related to the goal/obstacle trying to be solved. An example of this is with regards to getting big. Some people do the bro split, some swear by the full body routine, some say you should have higher frequency and don't push yourself to the edge, while others say the reverse. All of them could have an equally good body, but their methods varied, and they found what worked best for themselves.

The other challenge is - as you say yourself - that for option 2 to work you have to be really certain that the person which advice you follow like a robot has actually obtained the result you seek. This is sometimes easy to check but a lot of times it is not.

For me personally it is a spectrum, the more I find the evidence convincing and the logic coherent, the more faith I have in the person and the methods, and the more willing I am to blindly follow the advice.
If on the other hand I don't find much convincing evidence, I am off to explore for myself, and do my own research.

I really liked the article and I feel it is an important subject, and something I have thought about a lot myself.
Cheers man

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on my article

Yeah i definitely think the advice to follow for option 2 is limited to only a very few people who have the proof and can convince you to believe in them

I would also say its only for the short term - when you are a complete beginner. Because if you decide to take that route you will inevitably end up running option 1 at some point as you gain experience in field and after like 20 lays you will have an idea what works specifically for you

But for like a virgin or a guy who's been laid just a couple of times they could really do with shutting their objections to top advice down initially
Yeah I recall that video. That doctor is a real inspiration to me. When I think back to those times when I tried to help self-proclaimed 'incels' I wish I had seen that video first. Maybe I could have helped them an iota better. And who knows - maybe that would have made all the difference.

I have to remind myself that there is NOTHING I COULD HAVE DONE to help them. The onus is always going to be on you to make any kind of change. However, meeting the right person or stumbling on that one extraordinary community can change the trajectory of one's life. Even one as seemingly fargone as that guy 'seeking help' in the video.
Absolutely agreed. Empiricism is the only thing that matters, theory is useless, and the most important thing is that everything is tested because only with testing do you get objective feedback in the form of results
Radical said:
To summarise: the smarter you are, the more capable your mind is of convincing you your own theories are correct - because it can locate seemingly logical support for them with ease.

Yep. I have been a victim of this for so long. I have come to slowly realize intelligence is overrated. Well, intelligence without action that is. Action, action, action!