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rate my pics please


Feb 4, 2021
Had a small photoshoot with a buddy. Got some decent shots but it started raining hella hard so we had to leave lol.
Let me know what yall think, and what i can do in the future to get even better shots. Idk what kind of poses to do.
Toast Getting leaner + dressing edgy (instead of dressing like a dad) + styling your hair somehow. Basically all the stuff that's on Andy's tinder guide part 1.

Your face is kinda puffy-looking from the fat, so if I were you my priority would be to lose weight.
Reservoir said:
Getting leaner + dressing edgy (instead of dressing like a dad) + styling your hair somehow.

100% agree.

Prioritize weight loss first.

You should probably aim for 30 to 40 lbs or so to come off.

I was at 205 lbs a year ago.

I'm at 171 lbs now and I still can't see my abs. So you might need your goal weight to be closer to 165 or even 160. (I thought I would see abs at 180... lol I was so wrong about that!)

5 lbs a month is a good pace. Get accountability systems in place if you don't have that already.

Oh and I dont want you misinterpreting me... Make sure you do the AA program while losing weight.
Thanks everyone for all the suggestions.

Reservoir said:
Your face is kinda puffy-looking from the fat, so if I were you my priority would be to lose weight.
Reservoir I definitely agree with this. Last year I was at 215, and now I'm plateaued at 195. Been consistently weighing in at 195 for like 2 weeks. I've been tracking my calories, but maybe I'm still not being diligent enough and I am over eating, with not enough cardio. I also have been using creatine lately so maybe some of its water weight? Either way definitely going to focus on weight loss.

In regards to styling hair, what do you all suggest. At the moment this is my styled hair lol. I was going to get a haircut and thinking of keeping the top longish and going shorter around the ears and neck, A fade of some sort?

Dang, didn't think that my favorite cardigan was dad style lol. Slowly upgrading my current style. Just recently bought those boots in the pictures, and some rings, bracelets, and earrings.

KillYourInnerLoser said:
Don't shoot photos from a lower angle (as in, the camera is below your face) - it makes your chin/jaw look chubby. It's NOT a flattering angle for most guys, unless you're incredibly lean.

Thanks for the advice. This is exactly why in a lot of the photos I was looking slightly up. I've always held fat under my chin and have had a double chin whenever I slightly look down.

Manganiello said:
Oh and I dont want you misinterpreting me... Make sure you do the AA program while losing weight.
Manganiello In no way am I stopping cuz I look chubby. AA is my top priority right now for sure.
Good to hear man.

Toast said:
Been consistently weighing in at 195 for like 2 weeks. I've been tracking my calories, but maybe I'm still not being diligent enough

How often do you think you are hitting 2000 calories (if you're being as honest as possible)?
Manganiello I feel like I generally don't hit 2000 calories, and I was trying to fix my metabolism because I cut calories too quickly. My breakfast is usually around 350 calories. Cup of egg whites/turkey bacon/veggies, etc. Lunch is a protein shake around 350-450 calories. Scoop or 2 of protein/banana/cup of oat milk. I eat a protein bar that is 200 calories or a few oranges as a snack in-between meals. And dinner is my biggest meal which is what varies the most. Either something that work provides around 750-1000 depending on what is served. Or kind of the same at home when I make dinner. From my calorie tracker. I'm generally hitting 1600-1800 calories if I don't snack. I get home from work around 1130pm and I try not to eat anything, but I do give in to temptation some times, but its usually nothing big. Maybe 150 calorie snack like several cookies or a bite sized candy.
Ok got it Toast .

So long reply here,

But I'm going to share an option.

I'm not saying it's a good option, or that it will work for you, or even that it's healthy but it's something that's worked for me. It contradicts a lot of the weight loss advice out there.

So that option is:
Run the lowest possible calorie deficit that you possibly can while you still feel energized and not hungry. Do not worry about your metabolism.

Here was my lesson:

After about 4 or 5 frustrating plateaus, I've came to terms with two truths.

(1) I generally suck at sticking to calorie targets, (2) my metabolism ends up slowing down no matter what I do.

Oh and (3) most nutritionists giving weight loss advice never in their life were overweight, and *might* unknowingly be giving bad advice because they've never done it (big weight loss) themselves.

I'd do like 1 good week of 1800 valories and then a weekend where I slacked would cancel out all the gains I made. And then even if I did have a good stretch of weeks, after awhile the scale stopped responding.

So I learnt that the best diet was one where even if I slacked and even if my metabolism slowed down, it wouldn't matter because my deficits were so huge I almost couldn't screw it up.

Everyone says slow and steady with diets. But I looked quite a lot at the actual research (peer reviewed) articles and what it actually showed was that the people who had bigger deficits in their diets stuck to them longer and lost more weight (and kept more of it off).

And with your metabolism slowing down (its actually called adaptive thermogensis), your metabolism will slow down by about 200 to 400 calories total on an extreme diet. And the research was showing that EVERY diet people did no matter how conservative or aggressive the calories were, the metabolism would slow down eventually. It was just a question of how much.

I've stuck to that for 4 months and that's where I've had the biggest wins. Out of the last year, almost half of the weight I've lost came from the last 4 months. So it seems to be working. No plateaus (except for the weeks I go way off course).

Like I said it might not work, and everyone thinks that I'm crazy for such an extreme diet. But its working for me and I feel fine.

I'm not doing it perfectly, I still have an issue of countinf calories everyday. But every week without fail the scale is dropping.

There's no 1 diet that beats any other diet. Just find the one that works for you. And maybe the biggest lesson is just keep experimenting til you find something you can stick to forever (if need be).
Yeah just thinking about it some more. Find what works for you. I'm still experimenting with my diet. But the low cal (1200 to 1400) calories seems to do the trick for me.

And I should note that I'm also planning to get off this diet and go into a raw food diet (mostly veggie diet) after I'm done weight loss & hit my target. I haven't quite figured out the longterm (lifestyle) diet part yet. I'm still learning about that.
Thanks for the advice. Ill definitely consider adapting my calorie intake. I didn't want to have to do a cut of calories just yet because there were other options I haven't explored yet, and I felt like I hadn't really been eating in excess recently. Also if I don't eat as much as I do right now the hunger gets to me later in the night as I go to bed. Could possibly try adapting what i eat so I can eat more food that's less in calories. Energy levels are generally pretty good on this diet as well.

Also my cardio is lacking, and I'm only working out for around an 1-1,5 hours like 4 times a week. My job is behind a computer as well so that doesn't help with my activity levels.
I'm going to try and add 30min of cardio or 300-500 calories burned like 4 times per week and see how this affects by body.

If this doesn't show results by the end of February ill definitely look more into my diet and calorie consumption.

After putting in everything I'm eating today it comes out to ~1500, but I'm most likely going to hit 1700 by the end of the night. 1200-1400 seems pretty extreme right now for me and I feel like id be hungry at the end of the day. id probably attribute my hunger to having a liquid lunch essentially.
I was leanest and in best shape when I did 0 cardio. It's good to do some though for your health. If getting hungry at night on low cals is your issue, eat least in the morning and during the day, and a little more at night. Losing weight is calories in vs calories out. There are no tricks or secret or "other options" except anabolics. You could lift harder, do more cardio, anything, but calories in vs calories out is king. Definitely have potential and good that you're here keep up the hustle
enjoyablehat said:
You could lift harder, do more cardio, anything, but calories in vs calories out is king. Definitely have potential and good that you're here keep up the hustle
100% true. Doing cardio was my way of reducing the calories at the end of the day without having to eat less. I most likely am also not going hard enough in the gym as well. Been tracking my progress, but maybe I'm just not pushing myself enough.
Thanks for the advice and compliment.