Rate my Tinder pics

Jun 21, 2020
Ok, guys, these are my first tinder pics. Taken with a proper camera. Yeah, in these photos I am lonelier than Stalin in friendship day, I'll add one with friends later.

What do you think? Be harsh if that's required.
You look skinny as heck. You obviously have wide back and nice chest, but your arms look as if never trained, and your core is barely showing, even tho your bf is obviously low. I believe that you need better physique for shirtless photos to work well.

Photos 2/3 are kinda artificial in your posing, nr 1 is nice, but the dark glasses make it not viable for main photo. The dog pic is super cool tho.
I think his physique is actually fairly optimal for going after girls tbh Lostcause

Andy is skinnier than that
I feel like Andys shirtless photo hits different vibes, more artistic ones, with the top hat and all. While here he's just standing on a bland background without shirt.

Not an expert on shirtless photos by any means tho. Tbh he should first put these photos on tinder, then ask us for opinion, not the other way round.
I think only the 1st one is bad. It looks super defensive, kind of like when you are talking to a home owners association rep.

4+5 are my favorite from this bunch and your 6th is pretty good also.
Agreed. The first one has to go. And I think the shirt on the first and second one just doesn't look good. Also 1 picture with sunglasses should be max.