Rate Ninja's Photos - Ninja Shoot

My advice is none of these shine in anyway. Boring facial expression.

3rd one is the only one i can say has a little merrit but nothing really. Style sucks you need some better clothes.

You look like youve got a decent body but you need to show it off more.
1 and 2 are decent enough to make it into a profile. Communicate that you’re well groomed and clearly show that you’re not an uggo.

They do not communicate much else. 1 looks like it was taken outside of a store? What does this say. Imagine photo 1 someplace cool like a waterfall or rave or whatever. You should work on the background the literal content on your photos to the type of girls you wanna bang. Ie if you want some health fit girls. Photo 1 at the beach would be sick. Good try mang
Adrizzle said:
1 and 2 are decent enough to make it into a profile. Communicate that you’re well groomed and clearly show that you’re not an uggo.

They do not communicate much else. 1 looks like it was taken outside of a store? What does this say. Imagine photo 1 someplace cool like a waterfall or rave or whatever. You should work on the background the literal content on your photos to the type of girls you wanna bang. Ie if you want some health fit girls. Photo 1 at the beach would be sick. Good try mang

What I'm gathering is that each photo should have a specific goal. To communicate something about myself and therefore give off a "Guy who fucks" type of vibe or whatever vibe I chose. And ideally, all my photos would come together to contribute to that vibe. I'll try that out for my next shoot.
ninjaboynaru said:
Adrizzle said:
1 and 2 are decent enough to make it into a profile. Communicate that you’re well groomed and clearly show that you’re not an uggo.

They do not communicate much else. 1 looks like it was taken outside of a store? What does this say. Imagine photo 1 someplace cool like a waterfall or rave or whatever. You should work on the background the literal content on your photos to the type of girls you wanna bang. Ie if you want some health fit girls. Photo 1 at the beach would be sick. Good try mang

What I'm gathering is that each photo should have a specific goal. To communicate something about myself and therefore give off a "Guy who fucks" type of vibe or whatever vibe I chose. And ideally, all my photos would come together to contribute to that vibe. I'll try that out for my next shoot.

Correct. There are three key factors to every photo:

- Facial expression/pose
- Clothing/style
- Context/background

Your first two are good enough, now you just need the third.