Firstly gentlemen, thank you for your posts, it’s greatly appreciated.
Alright man. This is complicated, you need more context. I am not going to make any defiitive decisions I will just think it over this weekend.
It was actually my friend who convinced me to go this route, we had a multiple hour discussion in the forrest, I also ran it by the guys in the group, and everyone was kind of agreed this is the best way for me to go. This includes Andy btw. I think how I phrased it in this log was a bit dramatic.
Quitting is not in my DNA trust me, lol. If he didn't totally convince me after many hours of talk, I wouldn't have even considered it.
I wanted to move to London next month and approach every single day. That’s what my people in London expected, and now I will have to tell them it ain’t happening.
I provided way more details on the private group, so yes I missed some important context.
I made a great new friend, a dude I really admire and want to emulate, and he has been so fucking helpful to me. He has kind of given me the blueprint he used to get where he is, I am thankful, but it will require SERIOUSLY HARD WORK. Like, realistically, it’ll be 80-100hrs a week from now on. And I have this guy checking in on me twice a day. I had to hustle to make this connection, work and risk that went in, but unlike with women, this actually paid off and we actually became bros.
So we talked, he said, dude, don’t move to London stay put save your money and spend it on Ads every month. He talked about a lot of stuff I’ll need to look into, and living in London just won’t be viable man.
There are many details I don’t put here, like the fact that I moved so much of my life around, put so much off, reduced my hours a tonne, did a while lot to accommodate being able to go really really hard into getting dates. I gave a concerted effort for many months and I did get 1 date yes from a approach 2 weeks ago, which was good. As nice as she is and believe me she was such a sweet lady, she didn’t say much at all. I personally am very expressive and I kinda want that energy. So I must tell the truth. I left thinking, man, that ain’t it. I’m a big boy and will keep going and try to get another girl to date me. But yeah, it was interesting.
In this process, I have lost a lot of weight, improved my mental state and self esteem a tonne, and lots of other positive things happened. I will be honest, when I began to feel way better about myself, I did begin to think, man I am pretty good as a guy, the fact women do not see this is totally on them. I am happy with who I am.
I am obviously not giving up, do you know me?!
But meeting my friend changed a lot.
It showed that a very successful dude who I’ve followed for years is someone who actually wants to know me, and he has done a lot for me and been so helpful.
With women, it’s not the case. Fighting tooth and nail for the attention of them was something I was willing to do for many more months, but right now, I am frankly thinking of just doing it as a daily process that takes up an hour, and just leave it at that.
Sometimes it’s crunch time and we have to sack up and do what it takes to be more and be better.
With very solid work ethic, it must be possible to improve dating outomes and work solidly. I am sure of it.
I understand I phrased that in a dramatic way, for that I am sorry, but I am just stuck with all this and it is definitely tricky.
Moving forward: I’ll still cold approach for 1hr a day, I will re-do my OLD in a month or two and try to get it really on point, and I will do whatever else I can possibly do. I am in the gym 4 x a week, I am losing weight, I am doing my best.
I won’t be in London, so yeah, the women here really are not my type (no offence to them) but the Uni students are back as it’s now term time so they will be about and they’re quite nice.
The mission must be to be greater than I currently am. It absolutely must be to transcend it all.
Just a whole lot to process man. I’m off to London shortly and will see how tonights date goes.
No definitive decisions have been made. I'll give it time and thought.
Keep hammering,