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Reconnecting with an old FWB.

Sin Silver

Jun 30, 2020
About two years ago I started my second long term FWB. She was already a good friend of mine, and is a lynchpin in my friendship group. I had her over one night to play Smash Bros and I just spontaneously felt like lying down beside her and putting my head in her lap(See 'Kino' on most seduction websites), One thing led to another, and we became FWB. Even after I moved town, and had to travel and hour and a half to see her, we still kept it up for 9 months.

Just as Covid started to put the UK on lock down, I got a call saying she was seeing someone, and she wanted us to end it. I was a little disappointed, but I told her it was cool and I respect that.

Two weeks ago I decide to catch up with her to see how she was. Turns out she has broken up with her boyfriend. I didn't ask for details, but he lives 200 miles away, and I doubt they saw each other much, if at all during lock down. I didn't really comment on that other than 'I'm sorry to hear that.'

Any how, lock down in England is lifting, and I've made plans to go see her, and go shopping in the large city she lives in(it's the closest to my small town).

As Andy said, it's 'Me and Her' not 'Me and Her', she is a good friend, and I want to support her. I am not ashamed to admit that I want to have sex with her next weekend, but she said sleeping with someone isn't going to be good for her right now. I don't plan on making any moves unless I feel she is ready.

Any advice on what to do?
Sin Silver said:
I got a call saying she was seeing someone, and she wanted us to end it.

Lmao something very similar to this happened to me on a potential FWB for me. And we didn't even meet because of lockdown. Still, so far I have 2 other potential ones so far. Let's hope they maintain their interest in me until lockdown lifts.
SIGMA_1234 said:
Lmao something very similar to this happened to me on a potential FWB for me. And we didn't even meet because of lockdown. Still, so far I have 2 other potential ones so far. Let's hope they maintain their interest in me until lockdown lifts.

Mate, if they've been as dry as the rest of us. They are going to be well into it.
As much as I want to be optimistic, I'm still pretty salty. For these past 3 months, I'm still pretty salty that 2 potential leads fell off. But, these are baby numbers. I just can't bring myself to go all in on girls while they are still scared of leaving their houses.
Mate, you only 24, I didn't loose my virginity until I was 23. Patience, persistence, and learning is key. If you keep working hard and improving every day, you could make even Andy's numbers look look like Rookie numbers when your his age.
Sin Silver said:
I didn't loose my virginity until I was 23

Lol lost mine at 22. In some ways, I see myself in you, too. School nerds looking to get better with girls and life in general. What I'm not proud of is that I was so hardcore with self-improvement at 22, at 23 I lost the will to do anything because I was so damn lost. Now looking to get back at it stronger than ever.

Sin Silver said:
If you keep working hard and improving every day, you could make even Andy's numbers look look like Rookie numbers when your his age

That's the plan. At least an accountability thread here will no longer give me the excuse for inaction.
GravyTrain said:
It's like newbie gains at the gym. Once you see progress, you become addicted, and you'll make DAMN sure you don't get consumed by external issues out of your control ever again.

Yeesh here I go again with negative thinking. I'll be better; aiming to get to that point in my goals.