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Rev1405's Tinder Profile Feedback


Sep 4, 2020
Just created my tinder profile a few days ago. Barely any matches (only 1 real).

Profile images:

I am aware that I need a better first image of my face with me smiling (already have one in mind). Also that my last image is pretty much the same as the 3rd (outfit wise) and my facial expression is horrible.

Bio is (translated):
"Love to shoot people. Not with a gun, but with a camera." and then a list of 7 hobbies/interests with emojis.

I am debating if I should change it to:
"Blindfolds are much more fun than turning of the lights."

Regarding my looks:
I can not grow a beard (and if I do it will be ginger) and I have trouble finding a proper hairstyle (because I have low volume on my front scalp, and I doubt I can rock a bald look yet).
Your photos look really blurry. What's the reason?

As for your looks (and it's my personal opinion)- I can agree that it's not the best. If I were you I would dye my hair some darker colour probably. Your hair as of now looks even more less dense, because the colour is close to your skin. Exact same issue I have with my beard hair. Also, have you tried Minoxidil?

Give a beard a try. It may be a long time investment to grow it, but may help you a lot with looks.

I can not grow a beard (and if I do it will be ginger)
If I can grow a beard, then anyone can grow a beard. Literally.
Your photos look really blurry. What's the reason?

I can definitely see that they look blurry on imgur, but the originals aren't (except the 3rd, it is slightly blurry because I screwed up). They might look more blurry because of a lack of contrast between me and the background, or perhaps just compression. Will definitely pay more attention to the focus in the future, just in case if that is the real reason.

If I can grow a beard, then anyone can grow a beard. Literally.

It takes me 1-2 weeks just for a stubble. But I am definitely willing to give it another try. How long did it take you to get the length you have?

I will try to dye my hair a dark color (always wanted to try it anyway) and also check out minoxidil to see if that helps!

Thank you for the feedback!
Change that bio

Looks wise is the issue. You have some work to do but I see potential (based on previous transformations I've seen on GLL)

You need the following in order of priority

1. A tan
2. Some mass on your frame (get in the gym, get diet in check and gain some size)
3. A shorter tighter haricut (if you arent willing to shave it off) - if its not got much volume you need it short
4. Better style - you have the right idea with the accessories and what I can see. But it looks like a fitting issue which might sort itself out if you gain some size.
It takes me 1-2 weeks just for a stubble. But I am definitely willing to give it another try. How long did it take you to get the length you have?
I think it's over a year since I started now, half a year since I went all in, no cutting, and 2 months since I am back on Minoxidil. And trust me, my beard is still shit, low volume and short. But even then, universal feedback from girls is that I look better with beard, then without.
Thanks for the feedback, Radical! I will do all what you have said.

For the bio, should I change it to the one I suggested or something else?

Why a tan? I am curious about that.

Lostcause, thanks for the additional info. That makes me a bit more hopeful regarding growing a beard, albeit it will take a ton of time.
A tan is the biggest thing that you can do straight away that will affect your looks other than a better haircut

You are very pale, it helps to get darker trust me on this