Review My Profile

Jan 4, 2023
I am 21, 6'1, 187 lbs, live in Orlando, FL, and pay for Tinder Platinum. I currently average 1-3 matches a day, but there are many days that I get none. I am skinny fat and store a lot of fat in the stomach, but I try to conceal that w/ my pictures. My goal is to lose 15-20 more lbs and be more consistent in the gym in order to improve my looks, but is there anything I can do w/ my profile now to optimize my success? I used to be 286 lbs and have already lost a lot of weight, and I am surprised that I am still a virgin despite the success.

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This profile is not strong enough in the current online dating market.

I suggest you follow your goal of losing your skinny fat, building some muscle and then try again with better style and a better lifestyle shown in pics.
You’re definitely attractive enough, but you need to figure out how to take pics properly because you’re coming off a little stiff. Just get a cam and take a million pics of yourself, then you’ll improve over time

First photo can be great, just crop it so only your upper body and face are showing
Style upgrade: leather jacket needs to be replaced with a contemporary version, you need new (clean) shoes, like Air Force 1s. Jeans need to be slimmer fitting.
This is going to be rough, nearly every single one of your outfits has a bad colour combination.

1 and 2 are decent photos still. I don’t understand why you would use 4. Can you explain why you chose that photo?

Radicals style guide. TLDR no more than 3 colours in one outfit. No more light pants with dark jackets
kratjeuh said:
This profile is not strong enough in the current online dating market.

I suggest you follow your goal of losing your skinny fat, building some muscle and then try again with better style and a better lifestyle shown in pics.

My goal weight is 170, but I worry that I'll be too skinny if I lose any more weight beyond that. I'm tall and don't want to be walking around at 165 lbs if possible. My lifts aren't going up, but either staying the same or going down, but I'm focusing on lifting to maintain as much muscle as I can. I don't know what my BF % is now, so I can't determine what it will be when I reach 170. What would be my BF be?
1prctbetterdaily said:
kratjeuh said:
This profile is not strong enough in the current online dating market.

I suggest you follow your goal of losing your skinny fat, building some muscle and then try again with better style and a better lifestyle shown in pics.

My goal weight is 170, but I worry that I'll be too skinny if I lose any more weight beyond that. I'm tall and don't want to be walking around at 165 lbs if possible. My lifts aren't going up, but either staying the same or going down, but I'm focusing on lifting to maintain as much muscle as I can. I don't know what my BF % is now, so I can't determine what it will be when I reach 170. What would be my BF be?

If you consistently lift weights and track macros (eat a lot of protein), you will not lose much muscle. Maybe try doing a body recomposition, or you can do a cut and then a lean bulk. Are you tracking your workout reps and sets with a journal or app?