Rice photo log


Mar 9, 2022
edit: I am going to make this my log for photos progress because they tend to get drowned out in my main log.

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I know this forum hates these one off threads. But I've posted this question on my log:


As well as the main feedback megathread:


And mentioned numerous times on my main log updates that I have been struggling with online dating all year. I have also asked for feedback on previous versions of my profile on my log and aside from one very obviously bad iteration where I was standing around like a lonesome bodybuilder, I haven't gotten any feedback.

Or maybe this is my fault because I have been avoiding complaining lately and so didn't spell out explicitly that I still need help with my profile. So hopefully by making a separate thread this is clear.


I am a 5'3.5 asian guy living in Canada. I had completely different archetypes with each major iteration of my profile:

  • I first joined tinder in October 2021, free version at first but got on platinum in the new year. Photos were shit. A few candid blurry iPhone pics and a shirtless mirror selfie. Basically generic bro dude that has abs.

    Had insane self confidence issues and overall a loser who was running an incel server. During this 6 month period I still managed 11 dates, 2 lays and almost a third lay who would have turned into my gf

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  • May 2022. Met up with Mimbe393939, got DSLR photos and started boosting. I would keep this profile all the way until May 2023.

    I still had insane self confidence issues so my dates were not going well but this profile net me well over 50 dates in a 6 month period from May 2022 to November 2022. I got 5 lays during this period. Matches dropped off rapidly around November and I don't know why exactly because the next 6 months I would only get 4 more dates and 2 more lays.

    This was around the time I addressed my confidence issues so perhaps thats why my date:lay ratio improved so much. Or I was only getting dates with chicks who really liked me so it was impossible to fuck up at this point.

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  • May 2023. I overhauled my style and took new pics but my posing was very lonesome bodybuilder. I got zero dates for the next 4 months. This one I already got feedback on but I am adding it for completeness. The gist is that I am not doing anything except standing around like loser and girls can sense that.

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  • My current profile has been active for 2 months and had 200$ worth of boosts thrown at it, way more than I ever spent in the past. Even without boosts it gets 2-4 matches a day automatically, so in the 2 months its been running I have gotten over 300 matches.

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    Except I've only gotten 3 dates and one lay. Historically I have always gotten around 1 date per 25-30 matches and I have been texting girls the exact same way over the years. I am autistic and generally do not change things so this isn't exaggerating.

    This seems obvious thats its "text game" but I don't see it. My texting has a few steps:
    • 1. Clickbait opener
    • 2. Compliment, sexual if possible (somehow how all my lays been with the compliment: "I like your style, the dress really shows off those curves"
    • 3. talk about hobbies and ask out
    • 4. plan date over text
    • 5. date

    For years I have reliably lost about 50% of girls with each step, which means it would take 32 matches on paper to lead to one date. This is exactly what was observed. During November 2022 I just simply didn't get many matches, leading to less dates but the pattern held true.

    Nowadays its 50% down to step 3, in which case its a steady drop. My hypothesis is that this is the time when girls give my profile a second look, which clues in that there is something fundamentally off about my profile... That is what I need help with.


Its also worth noting that I have never gotten a single date from Hinge despite having matched 200+ girls in my time of trying it for a few weeks every now and then and giving up. I would get matches just fine and then girls would drop off at step 3, just like tinder is right now.

Is it because I am too fuckboy for Hinge? maybe. But I doubt it. I think its because I am forced to list my height and that instantly disqualifies me. If there are any other guys here who are 5'5 or shorter and get good results on Hinge then please respond. (Ed_ ?)

My thoughts

These are the things I know for sure:

  • I am not shadowbanned or cucked by the algorithm. Tinder can only control the number of matches you get, and I am getting matches and initial responses just fine.
  • I am an attractive enough archetype in my region because I can get dates from cold approach with no "game"
  • I am responding to girls fast enough. This is mainly for people who know me, I have a bad habit of getting bored and taking 12+ hr to respond to chicks sometimes. However, in my earlier days I did this out of anxiety anyway. And for the past month I am aware of my habits and forced myself to reply as soon as I see a bubble. This hasn't changed results

These are the things I unsure about and would like other people's opinion:

  • tinder added optional height as part of profile now. Not sure how much this affects me because tall guys would usually write it in their bio anyway
  • tinder keeps pushing for verified profiles now. Does verified actually matter more now than it did in say, 2021?
  • I know online dating is an arms race, but is it really so bad that I went from killing it to basically irrelevant in less than a years time
  • is there subtle incongruence to how I present myself that I am too autistic to see?
  • tinder added a feature that it asks users if they feel safe with "inappropriate language" is it now bad to use sexual words? just cus the popup might kill the vibe
  • there is probably something obvious that I am missing

These are the things I am going to be doing in the next few weeks and would like feedback on if it is sound or not:

  • I suspect my profile looks too obviously staged, esp the way my hair looks in 4 of the photos. So I am thinking deleting two of them and adding another iPhone photo. Would like feedback on which two are my weakest.
  • find a new texting strategy just in case mine is obsolete now

My goals

I am no Chad. But I don't see why I shouldn't be able to get at least 1 date a week consistently. Just in general, I have noticed a pattern where the members here who do both cold approach and online dating, and have done between 500-2000 approaches, always get results online >= cold approach.

Intuitively this makes sense, we are doing "tinder in real life" because this isn't a game forum. Tinder on tinder will always be more efficient because advertise to more girls at once.

This used to be me as well. But now its the other way around. This year I have gone on over 30 dates from Cold Approach, but literally only 6 from apps. Could this just be a 2023 thing or is it a me thing? Its hard to tell because the members I am thinking of have all moved out of the west or stopped posting.

I am willing to accept that I simply fell behind the arms race and need to put in more effort into my profile to catch back up. If this is the case then advice for my next shoot would be appreciated.


If anyone knows a guy shorter than 5'6 who actually gets consistent sex from apps (in North America) I would be very inspired and happy to see that I simply suck and need to work harder because height isn't an excuse. My experience has always been other short guys debating if its even possible to get a gf...

Or god forbid, actually get laid from tinder. But I already knew that from the start from my own experience. This is arrogant to say but I have still yet met in person or even chat online with anybody as short as me who gets hotter girls. And this is why online dating has always been discouraging for me. I don't want to be the best I know.

I know that its possible to get laid in general as a short guy because in real life, vibe and game can make up the difference. I am still working on cold approach, so if online dating fails Il be alright. But I would also like to achieve a level of online dating where I can get 1 decent girl a month because its Cold in Canadian winter.

I am looking for inspiration from a guy who is:

  • Is at or below the average height of women in his area. I consider this "actually short" as you are no longer noticeably taller than the majority of women (sorry 5'8 guys, ur not actually short). The average height of women where I am from is 5'5
  • Living in North America
  • Uses online apps for his pipeline
  • Is not a local celebrity (but using deepfake or whatever to appear like one is fair game)

If nobody knows, thats fine. Il figure it out myself. It would just make the process way simpler as I would finally have somebody I can compare myself to.

PS: Sorry for the clickbait title. I wanted people to actually read this
Rice man, I understand you're quite annoyed right now, and we will do our best to help you

I have your back and want to help you, OK?

But reading this, you are stressing about your looks and height a lot. I am going to be sensitive to the situation, and not straight up lock this, but this absolutely is the sort of thread we need to have in the progress logs section. If you changed the title and made a post asking for help, and tagged some of the active users, we'd help you of course.

I am sorry you are doubting yourself right now. It seems like you are in a dark space, and I understand, I have been there many times as you know.

You are, in my opinion, a very attractive man, and you have a bright future with this. You know very great guys in Game who will get you there and you even had coaching with Dante and he does not bullshit around, I understand he said you will be OK?

I don't want to pry too much, I sense you're not in the headspace for that, but one thing I will say, is that I can relate, and this game requires a lot of grinding and toughness of mind.

If the quality we seek isn't there, then we just have to improve more. Which is what we're trying to figure out here.

However..........you do need to get it out of your head that success is not possible.

Yes, there ARE short guys getting laid, dude. Yes, abso-fucking-lutely. They are.

We know them, they exist.

And they are making it happen.

GLL had a classic article about a dude who was 5ft1 who slays.

You are not, and will never be as low SMV as me. If you saw some of the treatment I get, it would make your skin crawl. I am brown, have an ugly face, there are very, very few female human beings in this world who would feel attraction for me. You are not in low SMV hell. I don't want you to be there, and this is really positive. It's dark down here, dude, there's rats scurrying around, it's fucking horrible.

And yet, despite what is close to impossible, through sheer force of will and game, I do actually obtain outcomes, and the quality of treatment I can receive here and there, is actually what I am looking for and fits my goals.

I get women to date me, close through actually having some game, and find ways to win.

The path, is different for some men, dude.

There are Level One men (most of the world) who, despite getting laid, really don't have any semblance of a clue & live on Just Exist mode.

And there are others, who, for whatever reason the world decided, just need to go way, way, way, way, way deeper in order to start turning this around.

There is a certain amount of you that just has to fall into the abyss and die in this game, in order to improve.

But improve, you will. Maxx out physically, AND in terms of Game. Texting, vibe, all that.

We can help you understand the areas for development, Nail down an action plan, and start executing.

Every 6 months of hard work, we do improve man.

And if it helps you at all in this moment of doubt, just understand that someone who is at the absolute fucking rock bottom of the bottom, still has a dating and love life, and still has women who want to date him. There is no one who is too ugly, too short, too anything else man. Sorry, but there's just not.

Hey MakingAComeback I appreciate the kind words. But I am actually in a good headspace right now. This isn't about blackpill or whats possible generally through cold approach / game / whatever needs to be done.

btw the GLL article doesn't count because its outdated. and if after a decade thats still the only short guy example? then doesn't that kinda prove my point? I am over that already though because I don't need to see someone else succeed to know that with a small amount of game I will be fine.

Maybe I didn't make it clear enough but game has nothing to do with this.

This is specifically about online dating alone.

Where I feel like I have been disproportionately bad in recently and would like to rectify.

I understand that you like to gatekeep me from claiming "low smv" status because I am asian. And I agree. I am not low smv. So where are the online dating results then?

I made this post because I would like feedback on my online dating profile. Which is important because after all, you, a quote "low smv male" still got way more results from online dating than from cold approach.

This doesn't mean that I ignore anything that Dante told me or have any implication on my game journey. I simply want to get online dating to work again because during certain seasons it is the most efficient way to get experience.

As for why its not in my log, you can go and read it yourself. There was no feedback. And I specifically remember I updated my log title too. Maybe u can check the audit log yourself.
Also just to be clear

I know I am good looking.

I know height won't stop me from my goals.

I am not depressed.

I am not even having a bad day. I am just reviewing this right now because I travel tomorrow and won't be going out tonight.

I put that in the title for people who don't know who I am yet to read over this. Simply because those who have actually followed my journey haven't been able to pinpoint what is wrong with my profile so I was hoping for a fresh eye on things.

I noticed that other members get feedback all the time by complaining a lot. I also noticed that I stopped getting feedback once I stopped complaining. So hence I made a "complaint" thread where I only spent a paragraph or two complaining. The rest of it was me displaying data in a neutral fashion.
Rice said:
I understand that you like to gatekeep me from claiming "low smv" status because I am asian. And I agree. I am not low smv. So where are the online dating results then?
Because simply being "not low SMV" isn't enough to achieve good results on online dating. You are achieving some level of results. You went on a date the other night.

Achieving good/amazing results on online is a totally different story. Your profile needs to be well above average in order to do that.
Bring back the mirror picture with the hot chicks. Underrated pic.

Your current profile is incredibly posed. You stand around a lot, there is no action, no movement.

Why are you holding a pool stick and looking away? Play the game and have a pic of you playing it. Do you see what I mean? Candid pics are necessary.

Girls want to feel emotions when they view your profile. They want to be drawn into your world. You need to tell a story and bring them into it.

This is not easy. In my opinion try to understand what each picture says about you. Then you can see what the whole profile says about you. Your latest profile has little personality at the moment.

Again, bring back the preselection photo. It’s awesome.

Your text game is weak. Just because your lays have happened when you gave a sexual compliment, doesn’t mean it is a good strategy. Bro, I got laid with the opener “What superpower would you want to have?”. Doesn’t make it a good opener.

No sexual compliments. No compliments at all — you don’t stand out doing that.
foducossy42 said:
Bring back the mirror picture with the hot chicks. Underrated pic.

Also, devious trick I just came up with.

FaceApping doesn’t have to be used to make only you hotter!! FaceApp the women to be even hotter and you max out on the preselection. They can be totally unrecognisable by the end of it too because your dates will never meet those women.

Man I wish I had hot female friends to pose with me like that. Super solid pic with great vibes, I love it. Tried hiring a model the other time for a preselection pic and that didn’t work out.
foducossy42 said:
Bring back the mirror picture with the hot chicks. Underrated pic.

Your current profile is incredibly posed. You stand around a lot, there is no action, no movement.

Why are you holding a pool stick and looking away? Play the game and have a pic of you playing it. Do you see what I mean? Candid pics are necessary.

Girls want to feel emotions when they view your profile. They want to be drawn into your world. You need to tell a story and bring them into it.

This is not easy. In my opinion try to understand what each picture says about you. Then you can see what the whole profile says about you. Your latest profile has little personality at the moment.

Again, bring back the preselection photo. It’s awesome.

Your text game is weak. Just because your lays have happened when you gave a sexual compliment, doesn’t mean it is a good strategy. Bro, I got laid with the opener “What superpower would you want to have?”. Doesn’t make it a good opener.

No sexual compliments. No compliments at all — you don’t stand out doing that.

Thanks man, that makes a lot of sense.

I've tried the two girls thing before and it seemed to make things way worse. Maybe because its vibe is a lot different than the rest or its too blurry. Or maybe it just appeals to the male gaze.

Would you say my past profiles are also super dry? I mostly compare poses to old profiles and so didn't see it. But now that you mentioned it, maybe the inclusion of just one group photo made the entire difference. Or is it the subtle differences in facial expression?

Would be helpful to know exactly what to aim for in a future shoot. Since it seems a recurring issue of mine is having no emotion.

I have this one from same shoot of me actually "playing". Wonder what you think about it.

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edit: heres the girl photo to show blurriness. It was actually completely unplanned and the blonde ended up using it on her profile lol. Unfortunately I am not on good terms with these girls anymore so I can't ask for a sharper version.

Your photos in general are also way too polished for them to be so posed.

The goal is to do a photoshoot which doesn’t look too much like one, your pics don’t do this and adding the selfie isn’t enough to combat this.

I agree with foducassy that you’re highly in need of a social shot. Every race but white (except if insanely handsome) needs a social proof shit.

I bet girls like you and then scroll through your profile again and think “Would he really be this good looking in person?” and “Hmmm he seems so cool, why doesn’t he have friends, is there something off about him?”
Rice said:
I've tried the two girls thing before and it seemed to make things way worse. Maybe because its vibe is a lot different than the rest or its too blurry. Or maybe it just appeals to the male gaze.

Back then your profile was different. I say give it a go. You gotta experiment. It’s a concept called preselection. In theory it should help. But the vibe has to be right. My assessment of that pic is that the vibe is right… but end of the day it’s the results that matter for your specific archetype, geography etc.

Rice said:
Would you say my past profiles are also super dry? I mostly compare poses to old profiles and so didn't see it. But now that you mentioned it, maybe the inclusion of just one group photo made the entire difference. Or is it the subtle differences in facial expression?

Tinder in the past is quite different tbh. I’d advise not reading too much into it. Too much has changed, not just tinder but you and the type/age of girls you’ll be going out with.

One note: I might not lead with a shirtless selfie. Just quite douchey. Might turn girls off.

But your problem seems to be conversion rather than matching. So texting is your bottleneck. One in 32 is really poor. I usually get a commitment to meet (but schedules are busy so doesn’t always happen) about 5-10% of the time by my estimate. Might run the data at some point but my text game has improved by leaps and bounds now so I’ll need to run my text game a bit more to get sufficient samples.

Rice said:
Would be helpful to know exactly what to aim for in a future shoot. Since it seems a recurring issue of mine is having no emotion.

Candid. Different facial expressions every shot (you repeat a lot). Do things don’t just stand around.

You have to be creative with this.

Rice said:
I have this one from same shoot of me actually "playing". Wonder what you think about it.

Better because you’re not alone. But your technique seems poor and the angle is quite boring. Your facial expression is the same as every other picture. And frankly you don’t look like you’re playing, you look like you’re posing. Try to be more immersed. Just relax and play the game and let your photographer do his thing.

kratjeuh said:
Every race but white (except if insanely handsome) needs a social proof shit.

Yeah especially if you’re looking to date white girls. They want to know on a deep instinctual level that white women are comfortable around you.

In theory I really would benefit from a preselection shot. I have none right now because I don’t have those friends — white British girls don’t hang out with brown guys in London.

If anyone knows any ideas for getting a 7 to take a pic with me, please let me know. Not meaning to hijack Rice’s thread though.
Rice said:
tinder keeps pushing for verified profiles now. Does verified actually matter more now than it did in say, 2021?

You’re a guy, you don’t really have the luxury imo. You need to be verified.

Especially if your photos look so professionally taken that you could be using an influencer’s pics for a fake profile.

I have been called a catfish before on tinder, and I’m already verified. I had to remind her that I’m verified and to just message me on Instagram.
Rice said:
This seems obvious thats its "text game" but I don't see it. My texting has a few steps:
1. Clickbait opener
2. Compliment, sexual if possible (somehow how all my lays been with the compliment: "I like your style, the dress really shows off those curves"
3. talk about hobbies and ask out
4. plan date over text
5. date
For years I have reliably lost about 50% of girls with each step, which means it would take 32 matches on paper to lead to one date. This is exactly what was observed. During November 2022 I just simply didn't get many matches, leading to less dates but the pattern held true.

Nowadays its 50% down to step 3, in which case its a steady drop. My hypothesis is that this is the time when girls give my profile a second look, which clues in that there is something fundamentally off about my profile... That is what I need help with.

Okay now reading again… yes your pictures could be the problem. However I’m not sure. You have 2-4 matches a day automatically. You should have the volume for many more dates than one in a hundred matches.
I am increasingly certain your texting is the primary issue.

You should upload your tinder conversation screenshots here and let us analyse the interactions.
Rice said:
edit: heres the girl photo to show blurriness. It was actually completely unplanned and the blonde ended up using it on her profile lol. Unfortunately I am not on good terms with these girls anymore so I can't ask for a sharper version

Try using an AI image upscaler. I haven’t much experience with these. If you find anything good please let us know here what software you used. Probably Photoshop Beta will be the best if they have the feature as they are trialling AI tools.

Faceapp the devil girl she’s got a kinda mid face.

Your facial expression is a bit goofy. Can Faceapp a bit — passion and/or charm filter work well.

I personally think it’s an image worth putting the effort into to making it work. It shows a lot more personality than your other pictures.
foducossy42 genius.

Tried every free ai photo website I can find. Didn't work. It makes the edges of the face sharper but it is too obviously discolored, and not actually sharp.

But I came across this (https://github.com/TencentARC/GFPGAN) which actually works, except it made the blonde into an old lady...

So I went on faceapp and tried to make her pretty again, as well as faceapped myself and the brunette. Heres the final result:

The ai made me have curved eyebrows now. But I think its ok if I leave this photo zoomed out like that so that you can barely see my face.

Since I am now going to be using a nearly 3 year old photo. Do you guys think I should sprinkle in some older photos with black hair?
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Here is texting examples. One is from last year and the other is more recent. I don't really do anything special, thats why my ratio was so "bad" at ~1/30. The girls are just giving me less frame nowadays, usually not even making it past the point where I ask them out.

I guess I do change a little bit of the wording on my messages, but the overall structure hasn't changed. So I would have expected to keep my match:date ratio the same rather than it be less than 1/100 right now.
Rice didn't you move cities?

There's a small chance it could be that. Tinder in Korea has below 3% female users.

Still works. But it's not even close to the same. It's so bad I stopped using it altogether.

Could be that.

You've gone pretty far looksmaxxing.
- could be the height thing. Entirely plausible.
- Asian?. Probably not.
- picture diversity is low. No social pics (but I don't think that's a huge deal)
- You could go for an edgier look (less pretty boy), which would literally just mean change your hair, or put on a backwards hat. (Which would be interesting, but hard to say what difference it would make)

I'm just putting out ideas.
I literally don't know.

But if I had to guess it would be looking too soft (not edgy enough), and height.

You can't fix height. But you can trick it just enough where any embellishment would be a non-deal breaker.


But I think this is besides the point. Cold approach is probably better anyway. And I don't think there's any downside from being great at Cold Approach and shitty with online.
Hello Rice

I tend not to post much unless I truly feel like I have some useful opinion on the matter that could possibly help. In this case I am not sure I can but I will give you my thoughts. Feel free to tell me to gtfo, up to you.

Online dating is brutally fucking difficult.

And I would wager the vast majority of guys who try get their cheeks utterly clapped and handed to them. The statistics of how many dudes throw in the towel after x amount of time might lend credence to that alone. As well as the fact the majority of all users of these apps are men and the strong probability only a tiny % of men on those apps actually get results should make it abundantly clear to anyone with eyes to see that online dating is as I said brutally fucking difficult.

You could be a legit 7/10 male who has maxxed himself out to the highest degree of his capabilities and still get your cheeks clapped to oblivion. This is more true today back in the Good Looking Loser days when simply being ‘above average’ (which technically would be being a 6) was good enough to get results. Today though it’s the chads who clean up and lay pipe to the lion’s shares of sugar walls.

Disclaimer, I am not a 5’4 Asian man with otherwise decent looks playing the game in a highly competitive Western country. Let’s get that out of the way.

I am a 5’7.5 bald white guy with a homely face.

And I only got laid ONCE in a western country (the not so United Kingdom) in my LIFE. From hinge funnily enough. And please believe it was not from a lack of effort or years of grinding it out during the GLL days.

The very fact you did as well as you did is inspirational as fuck to me.

You might not realise it but you are probably in the top 10% when it comes to online dating performance. Or at least you were. It isn’t exactly clear because obviously you ARE still getting plenty of matches (which as you say is the only thing tinder controls). Yet you aren’t getting the dates – you are losing more girls than before at each step of the process.

Let me tell you something. Back in 2017 I was getting HUNDREDS of matches on tinder in Mexico City – one of the most populous, if not THE most populous city in Latin America. And on one 2 week trip stuck my pee pee in 9 different girls.

In 2019 despite the matches I didn’t get ONE lay on the 2 week trip I was there. I still got TONS of matches – maybe not like 2017 but still a ton. My chad friend who accompanied me on that trip got a similar number of matches yet he fucked I think it was actually 9 girls lol. Same number of matches and very similar texting style.

Since 2019 my photos improved dramatically. Fast forward to 2021, in Monterrey I managed to get 4 girls from a total of 3 trips (total 6 weeks or something). One of those girls is actually my girlfriend now and our relationship is open (which is why I haven’t gone mad yet lol).

In 2022/2023 I have spent several months in Monterrey and I haven’t got a SINGLE new lay.

Far fewer matches, maybe 2 or so dates. If I was in the top 10% before I am certainly not now. Bear in mind I am a white guy (let’s forget lack of looks, height and hair) so I should have a huge leg up in goddam latin America by default. Latin America along with SEA is the place white guys are supposed to be killing it in, even if they get no play at all in whatever Western country they originated from.

Yet even pound for pound, if you look at number of dates proportional to matches I am getting my ass kicked. More gringos flooding Mexico could be a factor but there are likely far more and all ultimately contribute to a kind of inflation over time which always threatens to knock you out of the game. I have a theory that the reason I did so well in 2017 is because the rapper Pitbull was the cat's whiskers in Latam and I resembled him somewhat. And perhaps his popularity dwindled (along with my success) in the eyes of the mamasitas over time. Maybe, its just a theory.

Why I am I telling you this?

I am telling you this because I am really trying to drive home the fact you are doing FAR better than you think. This is a monstrously competitive game you are playing. And it is ALWAYS becoming more competitive. The only guys who are immune to this (in general, not always) are the chads.

Kurvam has banged well over 150 girls from online dating in Poland over the course of 7 years or something and occasionally has banged more girls in a fortnight than I have over the course of 7 years in that very same country where I used to spend most of my time when I wasn't working on the ships. Let that sink in.

Getting 1 date a week from OLD consistently for any guy who isn't in the top whatever % is a VERY tall order and it gets harder all the time because there are tons of other men who are constantly working on their photos/looks, driving up the difficulty for all players of the game.

I can’t really advise on how to fix this. You are actually doing better than me – a man who is white and taller than you who is getting his ass handed to him in freaking Latin America.

All I can really say is that if cold approach is working for you (even if far less efficient) then focus on that. 30 CA dates in a year is not to be sniffed at! Or just be cool with the fact that OLD is just going to keep getting harder over time and the ROI is going to sink.

Not that you should stop trying or anything – obviously keep working on your photos/text game or whatever. Why wouldn’t you?

Even if you aren’t getting a date a week, it isn’t a huge opportunity cost to keep trying. Let’s say you get 3 new lays a year from OLD to supplement your cold approach – that is still 3 lays more than 0 and any one of those lays could become a good FB or even girlfriend.

I too would LOVE to hear from 5’1 to 5’5 guys who are killing it the way that 5’1 guest posted on GLL purported to back in 2012. I think shorter guys seeing such guys who do consistently succeed in action would be a very good thing for morale and inspiration.

Not sure where they are hiding. I thought maybe they just want to keep their secret sauce to themselves to limit competition. Yet the other side of me thinks wait a minute, guys love bragging about their successes online so why wouldn’t they?

By the way, isn’t colgate 5’5 and from an Asian country? I am not familiar with his performance on the apps – I think he and MakingAComeback are going to do a part 2 where they delve into that if I am not mistaken.
Yo Rice, glad to hear you're not in a bad spot mentally.

I will reply in full, I am flying back to Budapest today, but I will do my best to contribute and help you out.

Remember, we all want you to succeed, dude. We will do our best.

I want you to win, and I do not want any of the KYIL guys to have a horrible time at all, that makes me pretty upset and fortunately so far we have been able to get guys over the line.

Rice said:
@foducossy42 genius.

Tried every free ai photo website I can find. Didn't work. It makes the edges of the face sharper but it is too obviously discolored, and not actually sharp.

But I came across this (https://github.com/TencentARC/GFPGAN) which actually works, except it made the blonde into an old lady...

So I went on faceapp and tried to make her pretty again, as well as faceapped myself and the brunette. Heres the final result:


The ai made me have curved eyebrows now. But I think its ok if I leave this photo zoomed out like that so that you can barely see my face.

Since I am now going to be using a nearly 3 year old photo. Do you guys think I should sprinkle in some older photos with black hair?

This is really good. So clear now! A little bit too smooth texture on the skin so it does look slightly artificial but still works.

Edit: this works despite looking a bit artificial because it’s a unique situation. This isn’t your standard AI headshot. It looks real.

As for the brows you should be able to do a simple touch up using photoshop. But you are right it’s not going to be noticeable because this pic’s purpose is to show you with other people doing something, no girl will look at your face closely.

Fucking incredible with the old woman thing and faceapping her 😂 You can do whatever you want with the girls’ faces because they aren’t of you anyway. Bravo.

MakingAComeback IMO this AI upscaler tool could be stickied somewhere as it could help salvage old photos.
Rice said:

Here is texting examples. One is from last year and the other is more recent. I don't really do anything special, thats why my ratio was so "bad" at ~1/30. The girls are just giving me less frame nowadays, usually not even making it past the point where I ask them out.

I guess I do change a little bit of the wording on my messages, but the overall structure hasn't changed. So I would have expected to keep my match:date ratio the same rather than it be less than 1/100 right now.

These girls are both incredibly interested in you off the bat. You just had to say pretty much anything. I bet you even the Andy line “Watcha up to?” Would have worked.

You can tell because of their *insanely* high investment responses.

What are their archetypes? Eg are they Asian, white, tall, sporty etc?

It is clumsy to compliment them and then immediately switch to “What do you like to do for fun?” But yes as I have detailed elsewhere in this forum I do love asking that question as it builds rapport and the girl feels like you care about who she is as a person. It also serves as a qualifier for the date (you seem cool (because of what she does for fun) let’s get a drink). I’m switching to use it for after we solidified the date idea, more to anti-flake than qualify.

Secondly, compliments on an app do not set you apart at all.To be fair your compliment is a rather decent one, there are much worse out there. But it is also just a compliment. It is push with no pull. Yin with no Yang.

I have had decent success with ONE compliment line. “You’ve got great style, think I’ve finally found my match ;)” Because this doesn’t give you away as a needy guy trying to get her attention, you’re framing yourself as a chooser. Someone worth being pursued. It’s not push-pull, but it is chase-framing.

Another line that has worked is “I hate that you can wear so many bright and beautiful colours” — if you know or care about colour season theory in fashion (how colours work for your skin) this can work, I am brown so my skin works better with cooler darker colours. This is push-pull. Note that this isn’t a neg, it’s a compliment with a twist. Another similar line is “You dress in such bright and beautiful colours so I’m not sure if we can work out :p” <— I have never used this, just brainstorming.

So anyway your problem here is the second message is clumsy and it’s a push-only compliment. Open loop openers are the best for opening rate but you will need to come up with a better thing to say and you cannot make it unique because it is too much time investment from you.

You also should have messages that lead you towards a date. So for example the second message can be a push-pull compliment that hints at the two of you going out for a date.

Putting all these together:

I gotta say one thing

You’ve got great style, think I’ve finally found my match ;) But the two of us might attract too much attention when we’re out on a date. <— this compliments her but positions you as a similarly fashionable guy who also gets attention when he’s out.

<now you have to Vacuum since this is a statement and not a question, which is a weakness of the line I came up with. Your next question can ask her to pick from date ideas, which is natural and not autistic since you already talked about a date>

You will need to experiment with this. But I’ve given you a lot today. Report back with your findings in your log and tag me there.