Roast my current profiles


Jan 28, 2023
Hey wonderful people of KYIL, here's my second (technically third because of the intro reply) post on the forum, with screenshots of my Bumble and Tinder profiles.

Bumble -
Tinder -

I know for a fact that both my profiles suck. I initially showed it to my ex-fwb who seemed to think that it was good but 1) experience with getting matches seems otherwise and 2) I've found that she has a unhelpful "suck it up" attitude when I ask for feedback. So... I'm coming to you guys for tips.

My success on Bumble is much better compared to Tinder. I've been on both for around 4 months, and in that time I have received approximately 50-60 likes on Bumble while getting exactly 2 on Tinder, both of which were spam profiles. I do not live in a very big city, but considering the fact that the population here including the suburbs is ~500k, I'm positive the city is not the problem. Further, I checked my Bumble data two months into the app, and the stats were 36 incoming yes's and 1029 incoming no's. So there's definitely scope for improvement.

Now I can see that I fail at the first thing one needs in a good profile - photos. But unfortunately these are the best photos I have of myself IMO, and I don't have friends who are good at taking photos. More important than friends not being good at taking photos, I just don't know how to conduct myself in front of a camera and I'm a rigid mess. Here's the perfect example of all photos from a "photoshoot" my friend tried to do in Barcelone -

Now is there a specific question I am asking here? Unfortunately no because I feel there's like a thousand things I could do to improve my profile. So throw the ideas you have at me. And while you're at it, if you're someone who understands how to take photos of people, please tell me what I am doing wrong based on the photoshoot album.

Apart from these, there's the obvious track of physical improvement, the biggest of which would be to gain weight and cease being a stick. Well, I am working on that currently. If you have suggestions for how I can make my face more attractive, i would love to hear your ideas.
Welcome, brother.

First question: Did you read the tinder guide, yet? I don’t think any of these photos show you off in the best light.

Regarding photos, I’d actively reach out to MILFandCookies. He’s built an entire dating photo business, and has helped a lot of men get that sorted.

Aside from that, good call with bulking. Do you have a routine to build more muscle?
natedawg said:
Welcome, brother.

First question: Did you read the tinder guide, yet? I don’t think any of these photos show you off in the best light.

Regarding photos, I’d actively reach out to @MILFandCookies. He’s built an entire dating photo business, and has helped a lot of men get that sorted.

Aside from that, good call with bulking. Do you have a routine to build more muscle?

Hi natedawg, yes I have, but only the condensed version. Perhaps it's time to read the expanded one (I've read the expanded ones for everything except perfecting the profile).

In terms of routine, yes I do. I'm not really new to bulking, having already gained 12kgs since I started (yeah imagine how skinny I was!). Consistency has been my main problem because of traveling + lack of discipline but I'm slowly getting back into the rhythm. I was running a modified version of PHUL the last 4 months but I saw no progress in my upper body lifts so I recently switched to Beginner 5/3/1 by Jim Wendler. I run the beginner version instead of the standard one because my lift numbers are still low and I think I would benefit from the higher volume. I haven't been to the gym in two weeks because of work related travel and then falling sick after skiing for four days in a row, but I will be getting back into the gym tomorrow now that I feel better. I'm planning to also make a workout log post to keep me accountable