roast my tinder profile!


Oct 25, 2022
Hey Guys,

New guy here, I have been on tinder on and off for quite a bit with the occasional lay but not super satisfied with my results really.

Here is my current profile.

What do you think, is there a picture which needs to go, something I should definitely change about my style, important shot missing?

You are a completely different type of person, then me, but i think your photo set really appeals to the nerd girls who are looking for the nice nerd and you get them down.

The last photo I would replace with similar, this one looks somehow wrong in case you go for women ;)

You did not mention what exactly don't stratify you, in case you're hunting for hot shots who wear "f*** me tonight" clothes, then you must transform to a bad boy.
Hey Noname,

Thanks a lot. So funny, now that you mention it I can totally see what you mean about the last picture :lol:

I definitely want to give the "f me tonight" profile a try but I need to up my style a bit for that first and do some good photoshoots.
Currently focusing on going to the gym and eating properly.
Hey man,

A fellow Swiss compatriot huh ?

So yeah, you clearly need to get new pictures. Your vibe is definitely too "nice guy", you should aim at a more "bad boy" look overall. Read Andy's Tinder guide if you haven't done it yet.

First pic should give that "guy who gets laid" vibe Instead of that "nice IT guy" vibe haha. ;)

I would avoid cat pics too as they're not seen as really attractive for guys.

Last pic is interesting, nice background and lighting, but your posture and expression need some work.

So good luck taking new pics !
Yes right, this would require a transformation.

So that you are not disappointed, keep in mind this kind of hot chicks usual make you ultra fast horny on them, in bed they are often boring and need some effort (you must be dominant to get what you want)... usual the best uncomplicated and drama free fun I have with the nerd girls, that go with me for a kick.
Grüezi mein schweizer Freund, bin aus Deutschland.

I judge profiles very hard on here because online dating is a tough battleground. You just have to be in the top 5% of profiles, which is easily possible with a little effort, since most men put in little work.

1. Take out the height! 178cm is a solid height, i have the same height, but most men lie. I know many men who are 170cm and claim to be 180cm+, so women think 178cm looks like 168cm, not kidding. In real life I am usually estimated at 185cm because everyone lies.

2. Cat pic is very dope, the picture with crossed arms in the mountains too, the picture of your face is bad, by all means take that out, you don't look sufficiently attractive there for dating apps in this pic, reading pic is good, you can leave the group picture inside, but it doesn't bring you any disadvantage or advantage.

3. You definitely need pictures in which you present yourself attractiv. You have solid looks, you just need to know how to "pose" and take good pics + how to edit them.
Write me a PM and I'll show you how. Do you have a camera with a good lens for portraits or an iPhone 11+?