(Roundtable Discussion) Guys Who've Gotten Laid from Cold Approach


Apr 8, 2021
Awesome idea. Would honestly take notes as I did with your podcast with Manganiello,

Q: Do you guys make a conscious effort to play with vocal tonality, body language, or facial expressions? Do you do any outer game stuff, like push/pull? or just authentic normal guy numbers game?
I'm down.

But it should be noted were all just starting and trying to figure this shit out.
Question : did any of you had conservative upbringing ? OR conservative social conditioning ?

Let me provide some context ;

The keyword here is conservative. Like in certain countries and societies ( like the subcontinent in SEAsia ) - dating is considered taboo , casual relationships are considered sinful and physically close socialization b/w boys and girls is considered to be immoral and wrong - people are awkward about sexuality and do everything to avoid the topic

In short , your parents will tell you to avoid girls / relationships and focus on your studies and career. Pre-marriage sex will be considered a serious sin and if you are found to be a libertine - your family might as well disown you and kick you out of any inheritance. Your entire reputation in society is on the line. So anyone raised in such (or even similar) society can be considered to have undergone conservative social conditioning

oh and you can be phyiscally beaten for approaching an absolute stranger during day game

you can understand what limiting beliefs and anxities this can cause to a guy ..

if you had any such experience or any such limiting beliefs ;

- How did it affect your game, starting out ?
- What were the initial fears you faced ?
- How did you overcome it ?
- What would you give to other who are facing similar fears ?
A question I wanna ask is what's the absolute worst reaction each of you got from a girl you approached (or even other people around watching)?
SamJ_ said:
A question I wanna ask is what's the absolute worst reaction each of you got from a girl you approached (or even other people around watching)?

Silent audience of maybe 15 people waiting for their coffee at Starbucks. Girl flipped out and started legit yelling at me.

People would look up and then look back down at their phone when I looked at them.
Manganiello said:
SamJ_ said:
A question I wanna ask is what's the absolute worst reaction each of you got from a girl you approached (or even other people around watching)?

Silent audience of maybe 15 people waiting for their coffee at Starbucks. Girl flipped out and started legit yelling at me.

People would look up and then look back down at their phone when I looked at them.

What'd you say and what'd she say?
SamJ_ said:
What'd you say and what'd she say?

It was pretty fucking intense.

It was one of the drills I did.
I actually gave a detailed report on it.

First post on this page (Day 41)

Definitely the most extreme situation I had.
Manganiello said:
SamJ_ said:
What'd you say and what'd she say?

It was pretty fucking intense.

It was one of the drills I did.
I actually gave a detailed report on it.

First post on this page (Day 41)

Definitely the most extreme situation I had.

Wow that is pretty intense haha. Any bad reactions from just calling girls cute/attractive?
SamJ_ said:
Manganiello said:
It was pretty fucking intense.

It was one of the drills I did.
I actually gave a detailed report on it.

First post on this page (Day 41)

Definitely the most extreme situation I had.

Wow that is pretty intense haha. Any bad reactions from just calling girls cute/attractive?

Not really.

I mean girls walk away mid conversation. Can ignore me. Etc.

But nothing really bad.
Yaxir said:
oh and you can be phyiscally beaten for approaching an absolute stranger during day game

If I had to bet, I'd say it's easier to summon Mjolnir, actually have it respond, get hit by a thunder bolt when it comes to you, and then die by covid.

Unless you're socially retarded and ignore all the style/hygiene advice in the site, you'll get positive/neutral responses 99.5% of the time and the other 0.5% will range from looks of slight annoyance to one or two swear word.
Yaxir said:
The keyword here is conservative. Like in certain countries and societies ( like the subcontinent in SEAsia ) - dating is considered taboo , casual relationships are considered sinful and physically close socialization b/w boys and girls is considered to be immoral and wrong - people are awkward about sexuality and do everything to avoid the topic

My 2 cents:

I'm from the Philippines, and I just smashed yesterday on the 1st date with a Bumble date. You are right, to a degree. Other countries, like mine, still hold some form of conservatism no matter how westernized we are compared to other SEA countries. The key here, again, is screening. Add some edge, and look for horny girls, not the conservative looking to get married ones. So, you can still get laid in a conservative area (tbh conservative girls may make better FWBs because they're damn repressed. Just make sure you don't make her look like a slut in her community; her name is more valuable than your horniness).

Yaxir said:
oh and you can be phyiscally beaten for approaching an absolute stranger during day game

Not true. Just be honest what you're looking for, and if they're not cool with it, just politely leave. Yesterday, I straight out said: "Hey, I'm only looking for something casual. So, sex only. Nothing serious will come from this, but I still love to have a chat afterwards. You cool with that?" She said yes, and BOOM we smashed.

Tbh bro, just get in the game. I don't read much of your log, but you seem to be doing too much theorizing & mental masturbation at this rate. Pretty soon, you'll see all your limiting beliefs are pretty BS.
You guys are a fucking inspiration, I appreciate you very much for working on getting to a high level in life.
thanks KillYourInnerLoser , Crisis_Overcomer (haha , the Mjolnir really made me laugh - don't worry , i will try to have as good fundamentals as possible when doing my first ever cold approach later this month ) and SIGMA_1234 ( very detailed description and you described it very well - hits the points i was really worried about , also motivates me to approach )

also Sigma , thanks for pointing out the theorizing and mental masturbation bullshit .. it's overthinking shit too much

i have to get rid of that ASAP !

Just to provide a little bit of background;

By heritage , i am from a generally conservative Muslim country , which is why i asked these questions

I am sure other people with similar backgrounds have similar fears / anxieties - but we can only grow by overcoming them !

this forum gives me hope that i can change and i will !

great day my mates !
I have a few questions:

-How to keep being motivated when there's shit weather? I just feel depressed when it's a shit weather, I don't think theres any trick except to force yourself but still I'd like your opinion.

-Do you guys live far away from the spots you approach? For me it's something like 1 hour train trajects to get to good approaching spots, so it's difficult for me to get shit done and not procrastinate. But maybe I should just force myself, don't know.