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RSG's AA (Day 9) + CA Log

Feb 5, 2022
Hey everyone here.
I'm back in big city among a lot of girls and time for excuses is over.

I was choosing between doing AA program or just hitting on girls. Latter gives me more motivation and energy, but for a couple of days I was just trying and wasn't able to actually do it. And even if I was, it wouldn't have been consistently.
It will be better to just do at least something (asking for time) and move from there.

I started straight from Day 4, as I tried to attempt approaches (asking time) before and failed. I needed to start this now from serious action and not promises.

So, Day 04 - Complete
I asked girls for the time 8 times, it took me 3 hours and 11km of walk.

Before I did my first one and was psyching myself for it, two actions were still in my head - just ask for time and leave. Or force myself to say 'You're cute'. Somehow former felt like a waste of time. But I broke a deal with myself - I will do first approach with the time and then can do whatever I want. It was a right call - I don't think I would've overcome the bigger fear of the latter. I need to take it one step at the time.

1. Walked for an hour. Saw girl moving alone towards me, approached. She was distracted in phone, had trouble understanding me. But she was nice and tried to be helpful and told me the time after my 3rd ask.

After I did first there was this very cute girl passing. After a minute I convinced myself to run after her and say hello, I catched up with her in about 2 minutes. When I was right near her I noticed her airpods and that she was chewing gum - it intimidated me so much that I passed her without contacting. That was such a dumb excuse. After I felt creepy to attempt again and so let her go.
But I haven't went after some girl like that before, so it's kinda progress.

Then back to AA program.
2. Two girls, neutral. Asked for time, one of them gave it to me.
3. Cute girl, had big headphones. She was really really nice - even before I asked her for time she was smiling and responsive. It was such a great interaction. I really wish I could have said to her that she is so cute and try to talk with her.
4. Funny. Two girls with bags. One of them took phone from the bag of other and shown it to me. Theme was very strange and I didn't see the numbers. I was hit with anxiety and tried to laugh, thank and leave but she saw my confusion and read it aloud to me . We laughed and I left. Great interaction, but I tried to end it quickly as I "don't want to waste their time".
5. Cute girl with glasses. Nice, friendly and smiling. Should have said to her that she's cute afterwards.

Day done, but it didn't feel very hard to continue so I tried to do a couple more

6. Two girls, neutral and kinda wary. Got time and left.
7. Friendly girl, said the time and smiled.
8. Two girls, couldn't answer but shown me time. Thanked and left.

- It really gets easier after some initial interactions.
- With these "normal" questions it's easy to approach two girls even among other people. Single girls were manageable when isolated, still have a huge anxiety when people were around.
- Some girls are really nice and happy to answer you. That is what I need to see more.

Still really want to say some compliments or have a talk with some girl. I'll try to do it when they will be very receptive after my initial question.

Vlog for Day 4:
Day 5 Completed

Ask 5 girls for time. Rest. Ask 5 girls for time quicker.

Easier to repeat what I did yesterday. And much easier to start - the first girl I approached in 4 minutes of walking out of my apt.
3. Girl had broken phone and still tried to help me. She tried to see the time herself, then tried to show to me. I think finally she told me the time on Armenian (she only spoke it), but I don't know. Thanked her and left. It was hilarious.
4a. Stopped and asked. But she said in English that she doesn't know English, heh. Said ok and left.
5. Was very cool stylish-looking and intimidating for me, but answered nicely.
First part (5 girls) done in 40 minutes. Much better than yesterday.

Took a break more than supposed to, went to gym for 1.5 hours. But it was kinda ok, only needed 10-15 minutes after to start next part.
3. Cute, sexy girl. Kinda intimidating for me. But was nice and helpful. Said time and "you're welcome".
4. Was cute, helpful. Kinda smiled after me asking, and gave the time.
Part 2: 5 girls in 18 minutes + 10 min first hesitation. Done in about 30 min, faster than previous.

- 1pm Sunday, most of the girls were alone. I didn't approach pairs today cause of intimidating excuses.
- When I have done this before it becomes easier to start.
- Still have excuses for a lot of girls mostly because they are doing something specific like talking on the phone or taking photos. And if we are going in same direction then I can't do it for now.
- No really great responses today, maybe because of time of day. It's kinda good and bad - I miss that, but I don't have any regrets/missing opportunities about today.

Log 3. Day 6a - not completed

Gave me a fucking mental breakdown.
It was still such a simple drill but after first 2 approaches I overthinked that to a point I couldn't leave the house and do even just asking for time.
Had a rant with hating and hitting myself.

Tried to at least force to repeat previous day. Had 1 good approach. Next one completely ignored me.
And then I approached two girls and somehow startled one of them. Felt really bad after and just couldn't force myself to continue today.

Results: 4 approaches, 1 rejection (if you can call it that at this stage). At least I tried second time and didn't just skip the day. But still very bad.

Logging cause I still attempted this day.

And the rant. There is nothing much but me whining and hitting myself. But its for the history and future me. https://youtu.be/QCVjXvLEiuc.
Log 4 (2 days ago)
I fell back to Day 5 drill, still couldn't force myself to ask something but time for Day 6.
Asked time 16 times in 52 minutes.
Tried to approach in situations I feared before: chasing after and stopping, asking among other people. Also tried to do in quick succession.

Wanted to follow up after with Day 6 drill, but failed.
VLOG #4:

Took 1 day break yesterday.

Log 5 (today)
Still asked only time. Walked for almost 3 hours, trying to follow up a couple of times, but every time stumbled and left.
Lost count after 15, think it was about 25 people.
Again tried to do some approaches I feared before: 3 girls, on escalator, sitting on a bench, before crosswalks among people. Again spooked some of the girls (it was daytime, come on) but care much less about it now.
Also tried to not rush away immediately after and tell "cool, have a nice day" while staying still for a couple of seconds. Forgot the words sometimes, but managed to do it about 5 times.
VLOG #5:

Overall the progress exists but is REALLY slow. I worry if I am lazy or doing what I can and need to keep taking these baby baby steps till success.
Consulted with my psychologist and maybe there will be some adjustments to push through these blocks.

Still need to push through them somehow, though.
Well, gonna try again and again until I can do it.
Log 6. Day 6b - Completed

Walked 2 hours and finished that day finally!
Changed up last question a bit (still outcome dependent and cannot say strange shit) - I asked about popular places so I used variations of "Did you like it there? Is it worth going to?". 5 times all 3 questions, 7 times - time/direction and about 5-7 just time. So 17-20 in total

And after finishing day I felt that the prospect of saying "You're cute" does seem less hard now.

Tried to do that for an hour, finally approached 2 girls, said "Hey, Just wanted to say that you two are cute. And have a great evening" and walked away.
I was smiling and almost laughing all time - my defence mechanism. They were kinda wary at the start but afterward were laughing too.
I still can't believe I just told some girls that they are cute! It is so important moment for me - If I did it once, I can do it again!
It feels so surreal. Recorded additional VLOG right after, just to remind myself that it happened and to not forget.

- FUCKING DID IT. It was first big hurdle for me and I finally overcame it. And now I know what to do with every other hurdle later in the program.
- Baby steps to the victory!
- Still outcome dependent. But feel how that slightly starts to change.
- Starting to have fun when something in conversation goes not according to plan. Still worry a lot, but see fun side too.
- Easier to stay longer in conversation or wait while they are searching for an answer to help you - getting easier to INCONVENIENCE people.
- Smiling to passing girls more. Able to hold eye contact more. Sometimes both of it gets reciprocated.
- Got in some guy Youtube interview about movies/series. Before it would have been too anxious about that pressure, but I just decided that I need to face that and accepted. Was awkward and funny. And I am really proud that I didn't run away and put myself out there.



VLOG about saying you're cute
Log 7. Days 7 and 8

Today was even better than yesterday. But I'm sooo tired now and don't have energy to write detailed log.

- Did Day 7 in 2 hours, walked to the first woman I saw across street and went from there.
- Approached 2 girls on a bench and said "You're cute" again. Was more calm and slow this time. Was looking at them and pushing myself for 10 minutes before that. They were kinda confused but then smiled and said thank you. Gets easier.

Approached, said "hi you're cute", but she didn't speak English. BUT I WALKED RIGHT TO HER AND SAID THAT.
I wasn't expecting to run away right after and wanted to stay and talk with her. MY INTENTION WAS THERE!
The hardest part is not the interaction. It is the overthinking before that and trying to push myself knowing that I wont just immediately run away after one compliment. I WAS PREPARED TO FACE HER ANSWER.
Now I can repeat that with some other girl and go from there. I have precedent now. I HAVE PASSED MY BARRIER.

- Did Day 8, as I had some time left. Took a lot of hours as I was not rushing it and just walked in nature parks most of the time.
Later got to mall and did some approaches there.
Was finishing the last two at 11PM on streets. Just decided that I don't want to repeat all of that tomorrow - too long. And just forced myself to ask em "Have they been there" about main square.
It was very weIrd asking that at night and with big bag from store in my hand. I was tired as fuck and couldn't even smile to them a lot. But I needed to be efficient and just finish it, so I did.
- Was already saying variations of "Did you like it" on Day 6 and 7, as it was easier for me that way. So Day 8 was mainly a repeat.
- One girl walked me halfway to my gym. Other walked me to crossroads to show direction.
- Getting more comfortable to wait while they are trying to help me, searching maps, thinking, etc... Even try to have some small conversations in the middle of it.


About two girls "You're cute" approach - 2nd:

About first real approach and hit on girl:
Log 8. Day 9a - incomplete. + 4 Cold Approaches

I started today as a tired, sleepy, unmotivated, physically hurting mess. Allowed myself to try anyway, and day turned in another best.
Principle of "giving permission to suck" is really changing my life.
I don't know if I would ever realised that if I didn't find Andy and this forum. So happy and grateful that I am here!

AA Program:
- Approached 5 girls. Day was really hard for me. Couldn't do third step. Not counting any of them, have to repeat next time.
- First girl I saw - asked time.
- Then asked some groups of girls about have they eaten at nearby cafes. Almost all of them asked me back, why I want to know that - so I had to answer and exercise was ruined.
- Had one girl keep talking to me even after I said her bye. So I stayed, we talked about which cafes she likes. Then SHE asked my name. And after that I asked her about having a coffee sometime, and she had a boyfriend. Said nice meeting you, have great day and left.
That was actually a great experience to have - we clicked and liked talking, but she JUST WASN'T AVAILABLE. Really important thing to see.

Cold Approaches:
- Firstly, I'm fucking proud that now I can write about that here.
- 4 Cold Approaches: 1 contact + 1 instadate, 1 rejection, 1 me leaving. I know that I'm REALLY FUCKING LUCKY to have that on my 1st day. But the main thing is I APPROACHED. Result is secondary.
- Liked than even on rejections/worrying they still smiled and said thanks after "You're cute"
- Rejection didn't hurt at all. It's like "IT WAS SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN". "She is expected to reject me in CA". I have these notions, they are not really healthy to believe but they kinda help me at the moment.
- I wasn't afraid of rejection. I was more worried about INCONVENIENCING people with my approach. And AA program already helped me pass that barrier.
- On that point I don't feel any outcome dependence in CA - the act of me approaching and talking is all that I need. But my ego really wants to go somewhere with these 2 girls, cause that would be a fucking great story. And I only have 1 week left here, lol.
- AA program is a priority for my social freedom. But adding some CA in parallel would be good for my development.

  • 1st approach - saw a girl. Hesitated for 5 minutes. She walks off and I decide "No, I have to do this" and run after her. Caught up, stopped, said she was cute, she smiled. And went from there.
    Was fucking nervous at the beginning. Even asked her "I want to talk with you and get to know. Is that ok with you?" because I really believed that I will get rejected. But no. We walked for 15 min, she was from France travelling, we clicked immediately. Ended with exchanging instas. And then she said how good it was that I approached her. I was like "WTF", said to her this is my 1st, that I had to run after her, we had a good laugh and she pat me on my arm (like Andy was telling in podcast, so surreal heh)
    I fucking did it. Now it's definitely real approach.
    I need to stay outcome independent, but I fucking loved her reactions, liked her and hope I'll see her again.
  • 2nd approach. After 1st and recording VLOG, I decided to continue. Approached girl almost at the same place. She was Russian, travelling for work. We walked for a while. And then she wanted to eat and we just went in a cafe there. I was like WTF is happening again. We had a dinner talked a lot, exchanged numbers and maybe meet after too.
    I couldn't even comprehend how to get instadates before. It always seemed something so far away. And 2nd CA gave me that...
  • Approached another girl. Said she cute, she smiled, but I could see she was uncomfortable, so I said this is strange for me too. Asked if she would be ok with me staying and talking, she said no. I was so nervous that I didn't understand what she said and was like "Do I need to leave now?" - "Yes" - "Ok, have a great evening" and left
    Fucking hillarious.
  • 4th I just stopped, said she was cute, she smiled said thanks, but took a step back. I didn't want to scare her so said bye and left. I had enough for today and it was dark already.

REALLY GREAT DAY! It will be my foundation moving forward.


1st Cold Approach VLOG:
Quick update today.
Day off from AA program. Still did asking first girl I saw for time though.
Then said 2 times to girls that they were cute and left.

Did 5 CA - 1 number.
Had 2 dates today with girls from 1 & 2 approach. Don't think it will lead somewhere but I'll try anyway for that ego boost, heh.

Getting much easier to approach girls. Really don't feel much pain from rejections. I just needed to overcome that initial fear.
Also starting to feel that abundance mentality really building up now.
Log 9

AA Day 9b - incomplete.
- Time from first girl I saw.
- Asked about cafe from next group, but they again responded with "why are you asking".
- Fun interaction with 3 girls. Asked first for time. She couldn't understand me. Then I just moved to her friend and repeated. She answered me, we laughed and I left.
- Only 3 AA approaches today cause I'm still really anxious about asking 2nd and especially 3rd question
- Said "cute" to 1 girl. Like to try that daily because I want to say that.

I can hit on girls now, so there's no pressure to do this program fast. I will focus thoroughly on days I can't easily do - repeat them until it becomes easy. And will beat my AA completely.

- 2 approaches, 1 number.
- Had no time, so literally RAN AFTER the girl, talked for a 30 sec and she gave me the number. SO MUCH FUN. I feel so alive when doing this!
- Still hesitant to do that around big groups of people, but that's okay for now.


About running CA:
Log 10


AA Day 9c - Complete.
- Will repeat it again to master
- 15 (5/5/5) approaches done
- Had one girl completely ignore me, and pretend I don't exist. Fun thing that it was in Andy's log of Day 9 too. Watching it really helped me with my response to this. I just went after her and kept saying "Hey! What is the time?" I think I said it about 5 times and then surprisingly she shown her phone with time to me. I tried to ask her about "eaten at cafe" but decided not to continue and left. And I think it was a BIG success, as it is one of the first times when I stood up for what I needed and retaliated somewhat after her belittling me.
- I was angry at her afterwards, and then something clicked inside and I started having fun from approaches. Asked girls specifically about Starbucks (as they don't have one here) to always get this confusion when I ask them "Did you like it?". At the end I was just smiling and laughing all the time. Felt so great!
- After that went full retard mode and shown girls my phone and asked them to read me the time. Many were confused but it was very fun for me and I didn't care. Some of them catched my vibes and were laughing with me about it too.

- 8 approaches, no contacts.
- Some were just avoiding and ignoring me, but it happens. Continued after.
- Girls from my first 2 approaches are out. No ego boost for me from getting laid with my 1st approach :lol: But at least it doesn't matter anymore and there is no stress to get laid ASAP. It happens when it happens. It is inevitable after all...

Said "cute" to girls 10 times today, got 1 number out of it!
- I'm saying "You're cute and have a nice day" and leaving. It's just for additional practice when I have no drive to push to conversation. And the last girl I said it to just catched up with me after and asked about my name. We ended up having 5 minute talk and exchanging numbers. And I was like WTF IS HAPPENING all the time.
- Another confirmation that it doesn't really matter what you say to her if she is interested in you. IT IS REALLY JUST A NUMBERS GAME.
Log 11

AA Day 9d
- Had bad mental state, couldn't finish Day 9, only 11 approaches.
- Did yesterday thing with showing them phone with the time 3 times. But it was much harder with my state.
- Had couple of funny interactions. Some people ignored me and that was painful.

Said "cute" 6 times, had one girl thank me a lot and say that I made her day. Interesting to see for myself that there are other people like me who are really happy when some stranger gives them a compliment.

Log 12

AA Day 9e - completed 2nd time
- 17 approaches. Done with Day 9.
- Many people ignoring me, many people not understanding me. Today felt tiring and frustrating.
- In the end caught myself fearing that people will ignore me. THAT is the type of rejection that is really painful for me. Will need to work on that.

Said "cute" 4 times, got couple of smiles but nothing more. It's okay, I'm doing it for my practice.
Quick update.
- Arrived in Belgrade, really tired today.
- Said cute 1 time - had IOI with us smiling to each other. Approached her and her friend, said cute, left. Finished quickly and ran because I was scared to be open. Need more practice staying and trying to have a conversation.
- Approached pair of girls and did compliment to one of them and hit on her. Exchanged instas.

Quick update.
- Arrived in Belgrade, really tired today.
- Said cute 1 time - had IOI with us smiling to each other. Approached her and her friend, said cute, left. Finished quickly and ran because I was scared to be open. Need more practice staying and trying to have a conversation.
- Approached pair of girls and did compliment to one of them and hit on her. Exchanged instas.

02.05-06.05 CA Logs
5 last days doing just cold approaches. AA Program paused as for now I want to use every opportunity to meet new girls and not "waste" them on AA drills.

Thought that this type of updates will be irrelevant, so was recording them but not posting. But now I started hating myself for it and need to fix this.

CA stats:
02.05 - 5 CA, 2 contacts
03.05 - 17 CA, 2 contacts + 1 instadate
04.05 - 7 CA, 0 contacts
05.05 - 7 CA, 0 contacts
06.05 - 21 CA, 1 contact

VLOGS are without AA program, so only links just for history:
02.05, 03.05, 04.05, 05.05+06.05

- Like Belgrade. Girls (and people) seem funnier, more chill and direct. Climate helps with motivation.
- Some days were really hard, some days did approach PRs. Have to practice different situations/types of girls.
- Contacts gave no results for now. But it should happen eventually.
- I'm sure that in approaches I do everything wrong, but it doesn't matter as it is practice for now. And some of the girls will be available even with all my inexperience.
07.05-15.05 CA Logs
Was doing just Cold Approaches still, trying to find girls here. And I was so fucking successful.

07.05-14.05: 24 CA in total, 5 contacts, only one of them responded and I got laid :3
15.05: Went crazy and did 62 approaches. Got 12 contacts.

CA Lay Report and details about last day of approaching here: https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=34568#p34568

I was pausing AA program until I would have success with CA and meeting people in Belgrade. I got what I wanted in these 2 weeks and now I allow myself to continue forward with AA program.