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Samy's Log


Jul 1, 2021
Very simple, my goal is to approach more and cultivate an abundance mentality. The second goal is to get back in shape, I'm already pretty buff, but I need to focus on cardio.

Today 7/2/2021

First approach ->
My friend and I arrive in South Beach. He parks his motorcycle and I park my car. Immediately, I see this beautiful black chick and I approach her.

Me - Excuse me, I think you're cute and I wanted to say "hi"
Her - How you're so sweet and cute, but I have a man
Me - No worry, he's lucky guy! You're sweet too. Have a nice day
Her - Thank you!

Second approach ->

My friend and I are walking on Ocean Drive and I see these 2 beautiful young women. I run after them and one of them is "startled".

Me - Ho I'm sorry, I did not mean to scare you, I just saw you and I thought you were cute
Them - Aww, thank you but we both have boyfriends
Me - Ah no worry, where are you guys from?
Them - Texas, Houston
Me - Ah great. Well no worry, enjoy your time in Miami!
Them - Thank you!

Third approach ->
We are still walking on Ocean Drive and I see this woman by herself

Me - Excuse me, I'm not trying to sell you anything. I just saw you and I thought you were cute
Her - Omg thank you, I was actually looking for someone to hangout with
Me - That's perfect, we should grab a drink tonight
Her - Sure
Me - By the way are you from here?
Her - Actually no, I'm from Michigan
Me - I get it, I'm originaly from Montreal, I escape it too
Her - Yes the cold heh, so you know about it
Me - Yup
Her - Okay, let me grab your phone number
Me - Actually, let me get yours (I gave her my phone to enter it)
Me - I'll text you around 5 today and we'll go grab a drink
Her - Sounds good
Me - See ya

Basically I'm going to text her tonight and we'll go grab a drink

Forth approach ->
I'm now walking by myself because my friend is grabbing something to eat. I see this nice chick with a lot of plastic surgery

Me - Hey, you're cute
Her - Actually, I'm beautiful

At this moment, I realized that this woman was a transexual.

Me - Alright, I have to go, bye

The end for today
I put the money spend on my date, not because I'm cheap, but I'm very analytical. Update on my date yesterday.

Profile: She's from Detroit, a senior in college and she's in Miami visiting.

So I setup the date and drive to South Beach (25 minutes ride) and I park (7$) - FIRST MISTAKE. I will never never never drive to a woman location again. Lesson learned. I meet her at 8PM and she tells me that she has a "boat ride" at 10PM and that her flight is at 11AM in the morning. Immediately, I understand that:

- Her investment is low
- She is basically "cock blocking" any kind of potential romance by bringing that excuse (true or not who knows)
- She ain't sleeping over at my place

So we talk and we vibe. I then decide to buy some drinks (total 13$). At this point, my gut feeling is telling that something is wrong. I should have bailed then. So again, I'm not listening to be my gut feeling and I decide to keep hanging out with her. So we hit another bar and I buy 2 shots (18$) while telling her that the next round is on her (trying to qualify her). Her reaction is weird, she does not react well.

10 minutes later, I ask for a second round and I tell her it's time to pay. She straight-up refuses and tells me that she never pays for drinks. I respond by saying it's 2021 and women are strong and independent. She still refuses. I straight up tell the barmaid to "unpour" the shots. Awkward moment. She goes on her phone or some shit. I should have "checked her" even more, but I feel weird about it. Not going to lie, I was pissed about it, but I can only blame myself. Basically wasted my Friday night.

Anyway, at this point, I decide to take an L and bounce. I hug her goodbye, leave and delete and block her number. '

Lesson to be learned:

- Make her invest, if she's not down, then she's just a time waster

The end and to the NEXT
Alright, gents, a summary of the night:

- My friend and I decided to hit Wynnewood in Miami. I park and we start walking. Honestly, we probably walked for an hour and I did not find any women attractive. I also choked twice. All my successes come from night game, but I actually dislike it. I'm very introverted and I HATE loud music.

Anyway, we keep walking and we finally decide to go to the "Oasis". It's like a huge closed plaza with bars and restaurants. We sit on a bench and immediately, I see 2 chicks and I tell my friend: Yo, look at this shit. I'm going to bring them here and that's what I did.

First approach:

Me: Hey, I saw you and I like you. You're cute
Her: Thank you...
Me: What's your name
Her: my name is XXXX
Me: Cool my name is Samy, you guys don't look from here
Her: Ah yes we are from the North East
Me: Got it, look, music is kinda loud here and I want you to introduce you to my friend. He's kinda shy. Let's go see him, we are sitting on that bench there
Her: Mhhhh, sure...

Anyway, we just hangout with them for a little while and then they leave to get a drink and dance. They came back and were looking for us. "Where's Samy????!" We danced with them, then they went to the bathroom and they never came back ahaha

Second approach:

My friend went to the bathroom, so I decide to go solo. I see these 2 beautiful women and I approach them

Me: Hey you're cute, I want to know what you're about
Her: Thank you (she is SUPER nervous)
Me: Where are you from
Her: Colombia

Anyway, the conversation went nowhere and my friend came back and we kept talking

Went for the number close on that Colombian chick

Me: Hey, I want to know more. Let's go on a date this week.
Her: Ah sorry, I have a boyfriend
Me: Ah no worry, he's a lucky guy. Enjoy your night guys

Third approach

See this super cute chick with her friend

Me: Hey you're cute, I want to know more about you
Her: Awww thank you
Me: What's your name

Long story short, she is extremely receptive. We joke around. She's from Michigan and works in Miami. I go for the date close

Me: Hey look, I need to go but let's go on a date, when are you free
Her: Well, there's a storm, but let's do next Saturday
Me: Cool, I'll text you tonight and we'll go grab a drink Saturday

I texted her 30 minutes later with: Hey, it was nice meeting you. She answered. I'll text her tomorrow to schedule something for Saturday

Forth approach:

I see this chick walking down the street

Me: Well, you seem in a hurry, but you're cute
Her: Thank you!
Me: What's your name?
Her: Nicole, you?
Me: Samy, so what are you up to?
Her: I'm going to see some friends right now
Me: Ah okay no worry, Look I would like to get to know you. What's your phone number
Her: Awww thank you but I'm not in the mood and I'm kinda in a hurry
Me: No worry, enjoy your night
Update: The chick from yesterday answered. We have a date scheduled.

Today's plan: Going to the beach with a friend and I'll day game on the beach. Will report back. 8-)
Update to my report, a lot of things happened since then.

- First plate
- Brutal rejection yesterday: "You're a creep!"

Been hitting on chicks. Went on like 5 dates since then. Got stood up, ghosted etc.
Met that chick, scheduled a date and she wanted to bring her friend to the date. Told her to kick dirt.
