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Scott's Progress Log

Apr 17, 2023
I'm new to the forums here, but I admire the positive attitude and the dedication to taking real action everyone here has. I just started reading through the guide to getting laid on Tinder earlier today.

So for my very first concrete step, I'm going to drastically increase my workout routine. I used to do a bit of cardio or some weightlifting/body weight exercises or an ab workout - one of the three most days.

I'm going to commit to doing all three every day. It's time to take this seriously.

My other concrete goals for this week are to go shopping for myself and to work on a picture. I know I'm really far away from where I need to be, but I understand that you need to start in the present, even if so much about you isn't perfect yet.
Thanks for the encouragement!

I was reading the guide, and it suggested going through your phone to see if there are any photos you already have that might make good profile pictures. So I did a search of all the photos with my face in them.

There were a ton of amazing photos! And 99% of them were selfies with my ex-partner right next to me. So I sorted through to find the handful where I was either by myself or cropping was feasible.

I know this is an iterative process, so I'll need to take better photos eventually. What do people think about these for now, though?

(Edit: Deleted the photos from here, since the feedback was mostly negative and I'm more comfortable that way.)
sup man. You have to shave your head. It has to go. You look good in the icy waterfall pic. You look handsome, but the haircut is really bad and makes you look old.

Grow your beard like that too.

Good news is that you can recreate faceshots like that with better style, more edgy and in cool spots and you'll be set.

I wouldn't use any of these. Maybe the meditatin by stairs as a filler photo.

Theres a good looking guy under all that facial fat bro, get to work
Olafsmash said:
sup man. You have to shave your head. It has to go. You look good in the icy waterfall pic. You look handsome, but the haircut is really bad and makes you look old.

Grow your beard like that too.

Good news is that you can recreate faceshots like that with better style, more edgy and in cool spots and you'll be set.

I wouldn't use any of these. Maybe the meditatin by stairs as a filler photo.

Theres a good looking guy under all that facial fat bro, get to work

Yeah, I've realized that what little hair I have left on my head doesn't look good. Full shaved head is the way to go, I guess. The photos are just whatever I had already in existence that I thought might be passable before I get the things I need to take better ones (Gonna work on growing a beard and getting nicer clothes.)

Is it worth it bothering with any apps at this point, or would you wait until you had better pics if you were me?
HeyitsScottWest said:
Yeah, I've realized that what little hair I have left on my head doesn't look good. Full shaved head is the way to go, I guess. The photos are just whatever I had already in existence that I thought might be passable before I get the things I need to take better ones (Gonna work on growing a beard and getting nicer clothes.)

Is it worth it bothering with any apps at this point, or would you wait until you had better pics if you were me?

i would not bother. Wont get anywhere with these pictures.

focus on style, losing fat and figure out how you will get good quality pictures
As a 51 yr old in pretty much the same boat as you, abs are made in the kitchen.

You should work out but buy an iron skillet and learn how to make steaks, burgers and tacos and some salads. I only use garlic pepper, onion powder and garlic powder and salt. Your protein intake should be significant. Your carbs should not. I learned the hard way, don’t forget a multivitamin.

You’re better looking than I am. I think mewwing will help define your jawline more.

As far as style, raid a shop and try different outfits in fitting room and post them here. You don’t have to buy them. Sometimes if you lose a lot, you’ve got to buy another wardrobe. Or just buy radicals style consult. I’ve been trying to find someone local.

Others know a shit ton more about tinder but don’t waste your life making presumptions. While you’re working on improving yourself, create and let your profile explain you with some personality.

It’s a thing where gorgeous woman are dating betas instead of what we aspire to be. These relationships don’t last per some people I’ve listened to but are you going to stay celibate for the next couple of years? Doesn’t make sense. I think woman are not ignorant of redpill and some have responded this way. Ravi posted a note about a guy he helped create a profile for and he’s getting laid and dates. Sounded like a neck beard.

Post here, maybe after a few dates and falls, get some coaching. I think some one like you will get results 4x faster.
My exercising and dieting has started off well. I've lost 2 or 3 pounds in about a week and a half. I feel like I can keep it up.

I tried going shopping. I'm not sure if I'm going to the wrong places (I went to American Eagle and Old Navy first) or if I'm just fashion-blind right now, but I had difficulty even finding things worth trying on.

Part of it is that right now, it's just too hot for me to wear anything more than short sleeves. I can't really understand that much about what makes a shirt a good shirt - I just see t-shirt, collared shirt, button-up shirt, and they all kind of look the same to me. I took just two pictures, and I don't feel great about them, but I'm posting them anyway. I hope someone can give me some advice or guidance on what direction to look in, so I can keep improving.
I've continued trying to look for different outfits, but I'm a little lost still, for reasons I described in my last post. I've included a few new pictures. I'm not feeling anything yet though. Can anyone advise me on what I'm missing?
I also tried taking a few photos that could sort of work as a profile pic.

I've read the guide, and I absolutely understand the importance of getting a proper DSLR camera. I will definetly do that - in the near future, when money isn't as much of an immediate issue for me. In the meantime, I don't want to sit on my butt until everything is perfect, I want to at least attempt something with what I have available, so I can keep learning. So I'd appreciate any advice or criticism about any other aspect of the pictures.
These are my personal thoughts based on experience.

Thank you for posting these too.

I don’t know where you live, but here in the US, we have thrift shops and Salvation Army, you can find some real cheap stuff. Even guys like alpham(Aaron Marino), shop there.

Don’t use short sleeve oxfords or short sleeves shirts. Those are for me. Lol. Black tshirt, just slightly loose. Or amethyst gold color tshirt would suit you.

Accessorize: rings, necklaces, I’m not into tattoos but consider one. The jeans are too loose, the colors too many on your shirts. I don’t know about khaki shorts, i know plenty of guys whose dicks get abused who wear shorts and sandals.

I’ve heard or read that you need to create an image; a bohemian, a rock star, a stud, there’s an article on here:


But yeah, the first thing I saw in your photos wasn’t the clothing, it was your shoulders. There’s a ratio, I think it’s the Adonis ratio. Work towards it.

Your sneakers need to go as well. Consider all white or Vans. Mine are all black or rainbow colored easy since I love using flats on my mtb.

I’d also suggest finding a couple of models on instagram who’d you like to emulate, and who you aspire to look like. Copy their fashion. It takes awhile to get under their skin and understand how they wear what they do. Believe it or not I aspire to be like cilian Murphy in peaky blinders,. Took me awhile to find him.

Go away from normal. At least initially. Jean jacket or denim overalls. Black or ripped jeans. You can make your own after purchase from a thrift shop. A silk shirt or non collar Henley would look awesome on you.

Your socks need to be in shoe or below ankle. I prefer black or running socks. Splurge on them, not clothing. If you ever snow board or run into winter, you just need one pair of snowboarding socks. Not the garbage at Walmarts or tjmaxx.

I did exactly what you did, I went to the mall and thought, “?, this stuff is so drab, what do I do now?” Didn’t buy anything and was miserable when I got home. One of my lady friends told me I look good in darker colors. So for cheapness and looks, I’m going all black. Notice comedians; they mostly wear all black in their specials. Consider one outfit as all black with monk shoes or converse sneakers.

Lastly, suntan? Idk, but maybe someone can chime in. If only making you look more outdoorsy.

Love you man.