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Setting up a gameplan for two 365 projects


Aug 26, 2022
Hey I`m new to these forums and am considering a 365 goal to hit some of my goals. I don`t typically post on forums but have found that I am still require external pressure and motivation to push through my personal goals.

Here are the 3 main goals I laid out when I joined the group (which I`ve adjusted slightly) in priority level. * means I`m considering a 365 and looking for advice

1. Become a frontend web developer so I can start working remotely and be location independent.
I've got a few projects on the go and am actively programming pretty much every day and I`ve also put in a deposit for a coding bootcamp in Jan 2024. You can see my github at https://github.com/PhilJG if you care. This is my highest priority and I have enough motivation so I am not considering a 365

*2. Cold direct approach 365 women this year.
I want to be able to have the stones to full direct approach like "Hey I thought you were cute... etc". I`ve been able to do this in bursts the and tried to do 10 approaches like this a day for a while but I found it be to high a bar to stick to consistently. I think 1 girl a day is manageable since this isn`t my highest priority. I want to be able to just approach any girl with getting stuck in my head regardless of how attractive she is.
I`m in bush camps many months of the year so not near an area with a high volume of women so I`ll need to get more approaches when I have the chance in the city. Anything else I should consider before jumping in.

*3 Develop myself as photographer so I can take better dating apps pics but secondarily for business and social media.

I'd say I get decent results on dating apps but I want start raising my standards and matching with more attractive women and I think my photos are what are holding me back at this point. I`m looking for suggestions on how I could integrate some sort of a 365 day project on photography because its pretty easy to take 365 shit photos and not get any better.
How should I structure the challenge? Are there any guys one here who have done something similar? Another challenge of being the "photographer" is not getting any decent pics of myself cause not many people around me care or take photos for the purpose of dating. I`m thinking I`ll need to get a remote timer and tripod to do pics of myself at this point.

... So far I have gotten a bit better at taking portraits of others, as a little project I went to 4 festivals this summer and basically walked around with a 50mm lens and got shots and captions of people I met which you can check that out at https://www.instagram.com/fest.buds/ on ig to see if there are any standout things I could improve on. The idea was like a humans of new york format for music festivals

Any feedback, suggestions or resources would be greatly appreciated.