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Shoe advice for real-life bigfoot

May 2, 2021
Shoe advice for real-life bigfoot

I have been trying to improve my style and the advice on this forum has been great. One point of feedback was that my shoes look like shit. I tried to fix it, but its not that easy in my case. Finding good shoes is a long-term problem I have.

OMG THEY'RE HUGE! Though it sounds similar to a frequent compliment on my dick, the current topic are my feet. They are large but not extremely large length-wise (roughly 30cm/11.8 inches). But the width is unusually large compared to the length.

As an example, I purchased the shoe that Radical recommends in his style guide, Adidas Stan Smith. I bought size 13 which is good in terms of length for my feet, sometimes even too large.
Width of the shoes: 11cm/4.3inches
Width of my feet: 12.5cm/4.9inches
I measured the shoe width at the outside when a foot is inside. So the space inside is even less.

Comparison pic:

So the problem is basically that ALL the shoes you can purchase in regular stores are 2cm/0.8inches too narrow for me when I purchase the correct length.

Before asking you guys for advice, there are some ideas that don't work and which I have tried:
-buying longer length shoes: The shoe width doesn't increase quickly with the shoe length, I would be wearing shoes that are ridiculously much too long
- just wear the shoes that are too narrow: Have done that for years, but it resulted in problems such as severe foot pain and repeatedly ingrown toenails due to the narrowness. Sure one could take this trade-off, but I am not willing to do so.

How do I currently cope?
For the longest time I was just wearing wider shoe-types (like ugly-fucking Birkenstock-type sandals) whenever I could or wearing shoes that fucked up my feet medically. At some point I discovered so-called "barefoot shoes" and that is what I have been rocking since. They have a bunch of differences to normal shoes, but most significantly, many of the barefoot shoe brands are much wider than regular shoes.

But the looks of these shoes are a real problem:
- there is little choice in these shoes and they tend to be more tailored towards hippie/nature audience and not very cool. There are some casual ones though recently.
- they will always look weird, for two reasons:
1. They have a thinner sole and therefore look kinda like walking around in socks.
2. Their shape is markedly different from fashionable shoes. This is simply due to them being wider and them being tailored towards a natural foot shape (not being round or pointed at the front).

Since they always look weird I have been wearing as low-key shoes as possible as to not draw attention to them: , Simple black leather shoes.
Two shoes of mine close-up and one of them in combination with one of my outfits:
View attachment 1View attachment 2

Questions for you guys:
Given my very limited options, I need some advice:

1. General advice of what attributes make a shoe look good. I'm trying to get a feeling for picking good-looking shoes

2. Radical's advice led me to search for barefoot shoes that look similar to normal low top tennis shoes in white leather. After searching for a very long time, I pretty much only found one in my size. What are your thoughts on these? Are they a better choice than my current shoes? Remember that they will look worse in reality.

View attachment 3

3. How bad is the problem? Going for custom-taylored shoes in Germany is way out of the budget that I would usually consider. On top it would only take care of the soles being thicker, not of the generally unfashionable width and shape of the shoe. I'm trying to gauge how extreme of a measure I should take to fix the thickness of the sole aspect.

4. Any ideas on how I can minimize the negative impact of having weird-looking shoes?

Thank you guys for reading all this way. Looking forward to your opinions.
Huh, you do have wide feet

I have like the exact opposite, im a 13 but with very narrow feet

How are you with sneakers/trainers?

Be interested to see if we can solve this problem for future reference, already helped phoenix find something waterproof
Radical said:
How are you with sneakers/trainers?

Same problem there if that's your question. Or do you mean sneakers/trainers would be an option?

Radical said:
Be interested to see if we can solve this problem for future reference, already helped phoenix find something waterproof

Yeah that would be nice. Searched the forums prior to my post but couldn't find anything related
No not any normal ones. For sports I also use barefoot type shoes and they are ugly AF (like hardcore). I used to wear some adidas and nike sneakers a few years back but they also caused me the problems described above so I stopped doing that.
You gonna have to shop around a bit man, its a bit sucky buying online right now cause stocks are out everywhere

Im sure there is a german version of this website


Jacamo specialise in larger clothing and shoes here in the UK. I really couldnt say what your country's version is though, i don't know Germany. But with your situation you are gonna need to go to specialist retailers not keep trying with the mainstream stuff

Feel free to run some options past me if you find any that would fit you