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Should i create sexual tension with chick which that i'm not attracted to or not planning to date


Dec 31, 2020

I'm not someone who has the habit of asking for advice or any sort of help, tbh, i almost never did that, even with my parents.
I did and do every thing by myself, i became who i am, fixed my emotions[1], enhance my look, became social with a "good" attitude, all by myself*. So i'm kind of "hidding" my problems to people around me and fix them on my own. This habit put me in a situation where asking for help just feel unnatural, even if it would benefit me a lot. I get why people do it, asking for advice, and i'm always happy and proactive to help, but when it comes to me, i really can't see myself asking.
And i want to change that, i believe asking for help and including people in the process of thinking/finding a solution to a problem is a great way to create bound
So here i am, practicing "asking" for advice about the following problematic : Should i create sexual tension[2] with chick which that i'm not attracted to** or not planning to date***

My problem :
Around 2 years from now, when i started working on myself, i learned about sexual tension and practiced a lot, mainly with prolonged eye contact, and it really boosted the way women react to me. I was "practicing", with every chick i could put my eyes on, but in the process i started stopping build tension with girl that i don't find attractive, like i don't want them to believe i'm into them and let them hope that i would, one day, ask for a date or something.
But by doing that, i'm depriving myself of all this experience and ease that i could gain from practicing with them.
Nowadays, every time i avoid tension with a chick i'm like "Dude, you want to get your dick sucked or not ? Because all i see is a coward that do NO effort !"

So what do you think about this ?

PS : imo i should definitely get myself to do it, i think it would definitely be worth it
PS2 : I really recommend the yt channel The Fearless Man[3] for its content about emotions and tension, it really helped me a lot. It also speak a lot about the Slight edge[4] principle

* I never asked someone to help me with MY problem, but rather go online/read book to find solution or mimic other people that had successfully fixed a similar problem, like Andy with his tinder guide.
** if they were asking for a date, i would probably politely refuse, or really hesitate about saying yes
*** Like the girls i see every day at school, or in the building where i live
[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVpzlE_dJZ8
[2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwIcL0uQ-hM
[3] https://www.youtube.com/user/TheFearlessManTV
[4] https://kyil-extra.com/slight-edge/