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Should I do something immoral just to get laid


Jun 21, 2022
Brief context:

Been doing cold approach for a month with lots of numbers, a few dates, but no lay yet
Ultimately want a family and kids, but want to sleep around for the next 5 years
Met an 8/10 through cold approach, she's very aligned with what I want for a mother but is 35, I'm 30
First date cocktail bar - made out, established an intesne connection
Second date my house dinner - Lots of heavy grinding but no sex ("sex is sacred to me, blah blah")
Third date her house dinner - Ate her out twice giving her intense orgasm but she wouldn't reciprocate. After this she said "time for you to go" and I got kinda mad at her. Had a long convo where I revealed way too much of my feelings, about what I'm doing with cold approach, she said she can't have sex with me if that's what I want to do. I should've bailed the instant she turned down sex.

I think elements of me have been too beta, fantasising about her becoming an LTR and for that reason she didn't see me as AF and wouldn't fuck me.

Another part is that I'm sleeping around and she doesn't want to fuck me because of that.

Can I deceive her and get into a relationship with her just to fuck her? Is it even possible at this point?

I know TRP says sexual strategy is amoral. Part of me wants to just lie to her, be in a relationship and fuck her, then start acting like the relationship is failing a few months in and leave her. I know the sex would be unreal and probably best I've had.

Yeah, may be oneitis type of shit, but she's probably the hottest girl I've met so far.