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Slowly creating my profile - help


Aug 30, 2021
Avoid mental breakdowns
It's not over until I win
Alright I have the 3 first photos for my tinder profile ready. I'm taking more soon, just very busy finishing up my cabin right now.
Let me know what you think.

I included two snowmobile pics since it shows i'm doing it with other people also, but not sure if i should have two of the same stuff.
Which one of the dog pics do you think is best?
all photos are unedited
Dog pics I would say the 4th. Snow mobile is tricky probably just the trick one. Get a close up of your face, pic of you with your friends and you in the middle, make sure your standing out in the picture thats important.
Jacobpalmer123 said:
Dog pics I would say the 4th. Snow mobile is tricky probably just the trick one. Get a close up of your face, pic of you with your friends and you in the middle, make sure your standing out in the picture thats important.
thanks for the input
yea im leaning towards the fourth one also, i like second and fifth also, idk.
think ima leave the two snowmobile pics in place, it's my passion and the only thing in this world i am really good at. i also dont have any friends so this is my social pic aswell

TheRealGizmo said:
Sick pictures man they look a lot better than my tinder pics. Do you live in a city or a rural area?
thanks man, yea i live in the middle of nowhere, like 4 hours away from my countrys capitol. moving back to my small hometown which is 1 hour ish from the capital. Then im gonna move to the capitol as fast as i can. just need to finish this cabin, should take me another 10 days i think.
I really like your first picture. The lighting and colour are just on point, but i would crop it, so you are center. I'm not to big a fan of the other dog pictures, the way you're posed, and the shadow on your face ruins it.

Do you have any pictures of you on the snow mobiles without your helmets on? It could literally be anyone under there, and it dosen't really sell yourself.
Sin Silver said:
It could literally be anyone under there
are you implying people are gonna think its not me? that seems absurd and i dont think that would be a normal reaction upon seeing it on a profile
i'm taking more pics of myself ofc, i have lots of cool ideas, these are just hobby pics

not sure why it doesnt "sell myself", it shows or gives off the impression that im not a basement dweller who playes videogames every weekend during our 6 month winter, instead im out there doing cool and dangerous shit and the social pic implies i have a network(which is true, but they are acquaintances and family) of people who can afford to drive out of the city and do this expensive hobby. thats how i think of it atleast.
now that you mention it im starting to like the first dog pic alot more
Olafsmash said:
Sin Silver said:
It could literally be anyone under there
are you implying people are gonna think its not me? that seems absurd and i dont think that would be a normal reaction upon seeing it on a profile
i'm taking more pics of myself ofc, i have lots of cool ideas, these are just hobby pics

I think what he's saying is that like it or not, people tend to have a warmer reaction to photos with human faces in them.
Olafsmash said:
are you implying people are gonna think its not me?

I will try to be more specific about what I meant.

You're right, it's great that you have evidence of you having meaningful hobbies, a network of friends and an active lifestyle. Obviously, you would be wearing the helmet for health and safety purposes, but for the purpose of a tindr picture, it stops the women seeing your face, and connecting with you on a personal level.

In your KYIL picture, if you head your helmet off and were smiling, it would convey that you had a happy, fun personaliy. With it on, it's hard to tell what your personality or emotions are.
Sin Silver
I see. I could have taken a pic like you explained with my riding group just doing their thing in the background when we stop to grill and eat. I'll get that next year. Would be better agree.
What do you think of the dog pics? I can take more in a different set if none are optimal.
Sinsilver liked the first one but im abit unsure about it.
Sin Silver
I did find these. Maybe the shot of the two snowmobiles and the one where im sitting on the girl is a better combo, idk.
The one with the kid is low quality