Some tinder pics / looking for improvements in looks


Nov 28, 2022

I included some body pics of where I’m at now (not as lean) and some pics of me when I was lean.

Getting super lean for me is easy. It’s essentially just tons of black coffee and lots of walking and HIIT YouTube videos.

In a shirt when I’m super lean I look a bit frail and my face kind of gaunt but I’m open to any suggestions.

Also - im using retin a for anti aging (so I must avoid sun tanning)

-Saving up for a hair transplant
- have under eye filler now. May get more

***finally I’m strongly considering bleaching my hair blonde (in public I see guys with blonde dyed hair dating up)

AND getting some tattoos ***

Open to all suggestions. Thanks.
Straxington said:

I included some body pics of where I’m at now (not as lean) and some pics of me when I was lean.

Getting super lean for me is easy. It’s essentially just tons of black coffee and lots of walking and HIIT YouTube videos.

In a shirt when I’m super lean I look a bit frail and my face kind of gaunt but I’m open to any suggestions.

Also - im using retin a for anti aging (so I must avoid sun tanning)

-Saving up for a hair transplant
- have under eye filler now. May get more

***finally I’m strongly considering bleaching my hair blonde (in public I see guys with blonde dyed hair dating up)

AND getting some tattoos ***

Open to all suggestions. Thanks.

My god, your physique genetics are insanely good. You are truly blessed in that department. If I were you I would walk around lean all the time.

I've been using tretinoin for years, but haven't noticed any issues with sun exposure. Just wear a ton of sunscreen each time you go out.

Perhaps consider minoxidil to fill out your beard.

Eyebrows could use a trim.

Crest Teeth Whitening Strips.
Hey bro physique is looking good, really lean with some decent muscle.

Personally I'm not sure about bleaching your hair blonde, not sure where you're based but I feel apart from Latin American girls most girls out there prefer guys with dark hair, partly due it looking more masculine. Also you could be risking further hair loss etc from the bleach process.

Tattoos would deffo aid your look and aside from that an easy improvement would be to add some more accessories in to your look. Stainless steel watch, a thin bracelet, ring and 1-2 necklaces. Maybe adding a designer piece or too as-well into your wardrobe could help, e.g. wearing one obvious designer item can elevate the rest of your outfit.

Are these some of the pictures your using for Tinder? If so you really need to get a professional photoshoot done as these pictures are not ideal for something hyper competitive like tinder. Looks and physique are good so with some sick professional photos you could be smashing it online.
Straxington said:

I included some body pics of where I’m at now (not as lean) and some pics of me when I was lean.

Getting super lean for me is easy. It’s essentially just tons of black coffee and lots of walking and HIIT YouTube videos.

In a shirt when I’m super lean I look a bit frail and my face kind of gaunt but I’m open to any suggestions.

Also - im using retin a for anti aging (so I must avoid sun tanning)

-Saving up for a hair transplant
- have under eye filler now. May get more

***finally I’m strongly considering bleaching my hair blonde (in public I see guys with blonde dyed hair dating up)

AND getting some tattoos ***

Open to all suggestions. Thanks.

Physique on fleek brah.

Agree on the tattoos. Only if you want them for you though. You'll only care about girls for the next decade or two, the tattoos will be on your body until after you die and it decomposes or gets cremated.

Adding accessories + upgrading fashion would help a ton. I'd check out Radical's course on fashion. I'm in it, can confirm that it's quality for getting girls.

A professional photoshoot would help too. Obviously I'm biased but it's true. I've worked with several guys from the forums, link in my signature, happy to help you out.
pancakemouse said:
Straxington said:

I included some body pics of where I’m at now (not as lean) and some pics of me when I was lean.

Getting super lean for me is easy. It’s essentially just tons of black coffee and lots of walking and HIIT YouTube videos.

In a shirt when I’m super lean I look a bit frail and my face kind of gaunt but I’m open to any suggestions.

Also - im using retin a for anti aging (so I must avoid sun tanning)

-Saving up for a hair transplant
- have under eye filler now. May get more

***finally I’m strongly considering bleaching my hair blonde (in public I see guys with blonde dyed hair dating up)

AND getting some tattoos ***

Open to all suggestions. Thanks.

My god, your physique genetics are insanely good. You are truly blessed in that department. If I were you I would walk around lean all the time.

I've been using tretinoin for years, but haven't noticed any issues with sun exposure. Just wear a ton of sunscreen each time you go out.

Perhaps consider minoxidil to fill out your beard.

Eyebrows could use a trim.

Crest Teeth Whitening Strips.

Thanks bro. Will do.

I actually prefer to walk around lean. I just tend to get a little scrawny looking in clothing when I get below 12%.

I remember chris and other guys from the GLL forum years ago telling me to throw on some mass.

As far as the rest I’ll probably just go in to get my teeth professionally bleached —- my secret to leaning out black coffee tends to stain them hahaha and white strips are a bitch to keep on, feel like I’m swallowing half the peroxide

SORRY guys - these are my actual pics. I meant to include in OG post.

For tinder and bumble.

I only put ONE of the pics with the two girls. I didn’t mean to upload two of them to the imagur

Keep in mind some of these photos are HEAVILY doctored with FaceApp. Maybe that’s a bad idea? Open to suggestion.
Keep 1,5 and 7. Then get 2-3 more of you doing a hobby or something cool.

You look amazing, congrats on the work to achieve this. Tinder should be easy for you.
Straxington said:

SORRY guys - these are my actual pics. I meant to include in OG post.

For tinder and bumble.

I only put ONE of the pics with the two girls. I didn’t mean to upload two of them to the imagur

Keep in mind some of these photos are HEAVILY doctored with FaceApp. Maybe that’s a bad idea? Open to suggestion.

#5, 6, and 7 are great in my book. Scrap the others. My advice in my original reply still applies.

Seconded on the "you look amazing." Tinder is easy for guys who are attractive. Max out your photos and you'll have too many matches to deal with and have to pause the apps.
Sometimes I wonder if my facial comes off as out of touch since it’s so sparse and weird. I tend to prefer college aged girls —- not sure if that matters.
Straxington said:
Sometimes I wonder if my facial comes off as out of touch since it’s so sparse and weird. I tend to prefer college aged girls —- not sure if that matters.

I think anywhere between 5-7mm would work well for you.

Also, remember that black coffee is just a tooth-staining vessel for caffeine, which is doing the real work in metabolic rate heightening and appetite suppression. You can substitute with tea or other sources of caffeine, like caffeine pills.
Nice profile dude. My immediate reaction to the dog pic was holy fuck this guys good looking

If I’m nitpicking I like #1, 6,7, and 8 the most. 1 would be even better if you can redo it without the dog looking uncomfortable. And after you said something, yeah I can sorta tell it’s been FaceApped but if no ones saying anything about it in person then idk it’s probably fine

I like 8 better than 4 because in 4 the girl is kind of towering over you

But yeah overall getting some sexy high quality pictures like Andy recommends will do you a ton of good. I’m in the same boat with grainy cell phone pics and I just bought a higher end camera which I will be practicing with a lot.

Maybe these are good for tinder? All are taken with one of the new iPhones. I recently got the iPhone 14 I should test it for pics soon.
Straxington said:

Maybe these are good for tinder? All are taken with one of the new iPhones. I recently got the iPhone 14 I should test it for pics soon.

Good job dude. 1,3 and maybe 4 are good.

in 4 the girl taking the photo isn't my type and I can't put a pin on why... I think it's her expression. Makes her face look wrinkly, puts 5-10 years on her even though she's probably young with no wrinkles. the background is a bit bland too but still the other girl is hot so it's a good social photo for now.

Also seek to take some photos of you doing things, in action. Here's my personal instagram for some examples of "action shots" where I'm doing more than just sitting or walking (although I have some of those too)

I have a 14 Pro and I like it a lot. I use it for photos sometimes even though I have 2 professional cameras with pro lenses.
MILFandCookies said:
Straxington said:

Maybe these are good for tinder? All are taken with one of the new iPhones. I recently got the iPhone 14 I should test it for pics soon.

Good job dude. 1,3 and maybe 4 are good.

in 4 the girl taking the photo isn't my type and I can't put a pin on why... I think it's her expression. Makes her face look wrinkly, puts 5-10 years on her even though she's probably young with no wrinkles. the background is a bit bland too but still the other girl is hot so it's a good social photo for now.

Also seek to take some photos of you doing things, in action. Here's my personal instagram for some examples of "action shots" where I'm doing more than just sitting or walking (although I have some of those too)

I have a 14 Pro and I like it a lot. I use it for photos sometimes even though I have 2 professional cameras with pro lenses.

Are any of these shots taken by yourself on a tripod and if so, how can you land those shots?
I just got back from a date. Here’s how I looked on it. I wore a “name brand” with the Gucci hat. I wonder if my hair sticking out all wild is bad. I think it makes me look younger like a skater or whatever but I don’t actually skate.

Also: all the photos were taken by a friend.
I live in LA and I think it may be the hardest place on earth to get laid

I have millionaire friends who look good who go out and hit on girls and get nothing

This has me thinking some colorful bright hair or some other feature that makes me stand out is going to be necessary
You shouldn't have any problems getting laid in LA with your current looks and photos.
pancakemouse said:
You shouldn't have any problems getting laid in LA with your current looks and photos.

I do ok. It can be hard at times because the more success I have the higher my standards become. I also have complete access to all clubs Ect too.

But I will say it’s harder than you think.
Straxington said:

SORRY guys - these are my actual pics. I meant to include in OG post.

For tinder and bumble.

I only put ONE of the pics with the two girls. I didn’t mean to upload two of them to the imagur

Keep in mind some of these photos are HEAVILY doctored with FaceApp. Maybe that’s a bad idea? Open to suggestion.

1, 5, 7, and 8 are all ones i think are really good. Try to take one or two additional hobby pics, and for shirtless one do something cool while shirtless like working out etc not just standing there. On looks i think your pretty good and would focus more on adding photos at this point

I’m really doing terribly with girls lately. Any date I has ghosts me right after. Maybe I edit my tinder pics too much and don’t look like them? I’m not sure