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Spermophilus's non smoking log


Jul 12, 2021
Hi All.

So, today is the day when I'm quitting smoking. It will be tough as hell, but I have to do it and moreover, I WANT to do it.

Why? We all know why --> health, money, looks, smell etc etc blah blah. But one thing I want to especially raise, that I'm fed up being a fucking slave. Cigarettes are controlling every aspect of my life.

Smoked for most of my life and now I'm done with this shit.

Since I have posted this, there's no going back now, right? :)


Smoked last cigarette at 21:30. New me is born.
First day done. All good. But I cheat, I have nicorette :lol: But it for sure helps!

What difference I see? I don't smell bad anymore. Maybe breath might still be stinky. Other than that, after shower and change of clothes, no bad smell.

Another thing, there's more space in my pockets since cigarette pack and lighter are missing.

No other major findings.

Rewarded myself today (with all the money I will save) by bying a new wrist watch.
Good shit

Been on this journey myself this year. Has its ups and downs

If youve quit before you’ll know the major withdrawal stuff comes in the next month or so. Be nice to yourself