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SPICY NEW PHOTOS: need feedback!


Feb 17, 2021
I’ve been carefully following Andy’s guides, taking better photos and have developed a solid funnel while also combining other dating products I’ve had over the last decade.

I funnel girls to my Instagram to set up dates, including ones I’m not interested in so I can build a base of women who are attracted to me.

I use Instagram because women spend a significant amount of time on it, and it’s much than a phone number. Why? Because there's a face attached to a message when I talk to them. They see what I'm up to; I'm constantly in their lives. A phone number doesn't do that. Snapchat kind of does, but I have better things to do with my time than update snapchat all the time.

The attached files are what I use on online dating profiles.

I've also started to use Instagram business tools in order to find girls in the area that have similar interests to me, and DMing them in an automated manner. More to follow on that as I develop something that's streamlined.
Hey man I wish I could offer really good feedback but I am pretty new to this. That being said I'm curious, is your second photo with the cat and your last photo (the B&W one) blurrier on purpose?

Also personally I really like the pic with you holding the camera; it's a cool way to show your hobby and it looks really good to me.
Avihihi said:
Hey man I wish I could offer really good feedback but I am pretty new to this. That being said I'm curious, is your second photo with the cat and your last photo (the B&W one) blurrier on purpose?

Also personally I really like the pic with you holding the camera; it's a cool way to show your hobby and it looks really good to me.

Those photos were screenshots from the app, which decimates photo quality.

Still looking for some feedback; if they're good it would be appreciated if someone said they were good (if they are), right now I'm just firing from the hip with the camera and tripod. The only feedback I'm receiving coming from the nerds on the reddit datingoverthirty subreddit, who hated me because the men realized who the competition was, and the women knew they didn't have a chance with me.

I suppose if I'm getting the nerds mad, I'm on the right track.
Not too qualified to make comments on the photos. But I love the jetpack bio and might borrow it haha. In your cat photo your expression is a bit odd and blank. I think I'd get yourself in focus in the BDSM one as opposed a shallow depth of field of just the hands. Others I think are decent.
Wait, it looks like you are a pilot? And you're not mentioning this in your bio or don't have a photo making this clear in your tinder profile? It's a huge DHV (demonstration of higher value).

Most girls, especially the really hot ones won't bother checking your IG. Unless you are intentionally trying to downplay this, I see no point in putting up extra hurdles for the girls to find out.
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Tyler Bourbon said:
Wait, it looks like you are a pilot? And you're not mentioning this in your bio or don't have a photo making this clear in your tinder profile?

Reminds me of the old joke:
"How do you know when there's a pilot in the room? Don't worry, he'll tell you."

That said, OP why the fuck don't you have "pilot" in your bio and at least 1 photo of you in the cockpit and 1 of you in uniform? What in the fucking fuck.

Without getting into too many details, it's for security reasons due to the nature of my specific airplane. I can explain a little more via DM/Telegram, I'm sure you'll understand.