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Started the guide this week, have MFF 3some set up for tonight. I AM FREAKED TF OUT. Plz assist


Sep 3, 2020
So hey,

I started reading this guide earlier this week after seeing it linked on r/letsgetlaid. I'm new to the dating scene, as I mentioned in my newcomers post, because I've lived a devoutly religious/monastic lifestyle for about the first ~29 years of my life. I also worked as a model in LA at a major agency, and I've always been surrounded by offers to have sex, but I had a conflicting world view in the past which negated those possibilities. I was very disciplined, and probably an idiot. That said, after implementing the guide's script and some of the profile-building pieces for a few days, I've gotten linked up with what seems to be two girls looking for a 3some in my area, one of California's major cities. It's set for 9 PM PST, which is tonight in about 7 hours.

Their profile was set up as a 2fer, and after we matched on bumble and got to talking, the girl was into meeting almost immediately and I was fine with that. She seems very normal, and pretty hot. Probably an 8. But then she said her "sister" saw my profile on tinder and was realllly into me too. I think this is because my tinder profile leads with a pretty ripped photo of me, so they were both about it and wanted to meet up but they INSISTED I go to their place which is around the corner from a popular club. I immediately redirected that to meet by me which is just outside of downtown, to a spot I know well, and they said they wanted to drink and were concerned about driving back so I offered my place as an option (this was before I realized there were actually two girls involved. Maybe that was the wrong call) Which is cool now I'm thinking, cause I'm on home field again, but I'm a little freaked out you know?

For me, I've had a really rocky experience with sex since it started. Traumatic actually, and I was hoping for a nice girl to get things going softly, but I am not opposed to an awesome experience. I just feel very, very nervous and afraid of the unknown and how INTENSE this has suddenly gotten lol

- Idk them
- Why is their profile a 2fer
- Why do they look older than 25
- Why were they so ready to have me come to their place
- Do they have Coronavirus?
- Are they clean?
- Should I not have invited them to stay at my place?

I'm sure it could be cool, but I'm just kinda scared of the unknown, and any bad expereinces that could make it harder to pursue this path of opening up more... I know my circumstances are an outlier, and I should be stoked, but I'm fucking freaked out

Any feedback at all would be really helpful
I dont think a threesome with girls you dont know is a good idea. More so because you are inexperienced.

Ofc, it may be amazing experience, it happens. I just think the chance is low for it to end good. Or to even happen, sorry for bringing you down to earth.
Let us know what happens. I think the plan to find a nice girl to get experience with is a good idea.
Thanks for the feedback:

Lostcause said:
I dont think a threesome with girls you dont know is a good idea. More so because you are inexperienced.

I've already pointed out that the time and place are booked for tonight, so this may be a moot point unless you're suggesting I just outright cancel?

Ofc, it may be amazing experience, it happens. I just think the chance is low for it to end good. Or to even happen, sorry for bringing you down to earth.

I don't mind being down to earth, it's good! I appreciate the tempering of expectations. On that note of being practical, how many 3somes have you had and what sort of advice would you suggest going into the actual process? For me, I believe input on how to proceed might be more practical and elevate confidence rather than simply speculating, but I appreciate you reaching out with the feedback man, thank you
Mav said:
Let us know what happens. I think the plan to find a nice girl to get experience with is a good idea.

Thanks bro, I appreciate that. I'll plan to follow up after the experience unfolds, no matter if it happens successfully or not.
Alright, gonna nip this in the bud. There was some back and forth about location in the end, and we landed on a rain-check. I'm relieved to say the least, but the fact that this could have happened if I really pushed for it is in part a testament to the material available on this website. Shoutout to Andy putting the effort to create such a monumental and exhaustive guide.

In the meantime, hoping for a rematch on this opportunity after I get some more reps in on the 1on1 format
Thats the exact thing about experience I meant - Ive never had a threesome, but Ive set up enough dates to know most of time the girl will flake, or ghost you. Thats the thing - you got all excited about the threesome, yet according to your story there was not even an indicator they want to fuck you together, so it sounded like you jumped to a conclusion, while they were just thinking hanging out together.
Or maybe there was something we dont know about that suggested threesome - then then ok, but remember, its online dating. The girl might have just been playing with you because she was bored. Its not uncommon. And she probably was lol.

Anyway, I dont think even Andy himself ever had a threesome with 2 girls he just met online (correct me if I am wrong). You know why? Because girls tend to play with you, ghost you and cancel at the last minute. And with two girls the chance of something going wrong doubles.

Dont get discouraged. Keep on dating and eventually you will get experienced enough to set up your own threesomes. On your own terms.