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Starting Small - A few dating app questions


Apr 6, 2021
Hey guys, first thread

I'm dipping my toe in the apps this month while working on career goals. Just a prototype profile to make the mountain into a molehill.
Goal is only to message any matches, no pressure to meet up unless I want to. I've been living with my parents since Covid hit so the logistics are unlikely even if I see success

1- Do you think it's worth my time, or don't bother?

2- Thoughts on putting "Just looking for cool people to talk to" in the bio up front?

3- Thoughts on having a "before/after" picture of my weight loss (in clothing, or just the face)? Both for this experiment and in general. My intuition says no, that'll only make me look like I'm seeking attention or "a prize"

Any other advice is appreciated as well
No it's not a waste of time. Your intuition is correct about the before after photos. Use portrait mode on your phone and take some photos outside, well dressed.

You're unlikely to get much success at first, takes a while to get a profile that gets matches.

Get started now. Try and meet your matches in person.
CFB said:
2- Thoughts on putting "Just looking for cool people to talk to" in the bio up front?
You dont give us any idea what are your goals for tinder, but if you do, you are basically screening out the girls that would be down to meet, while getting nothing in return. I dont see a point really.
Radical Good current pictures aren't taken yet, that's part of my goals this month. The before pictures are on my external hard drive but basically think the one in my profile, just with clothes on - aka shit mirror pics. I think my intuition & play_time_is_over are right, skip the idea.

Lostcause Good call, I'm feeling that's likely. Will update my signature with goals later today. Problem with Tinder goals is I don't really have a metric. I want to say get laid by end of May, or at least June, but I have no idea if that is reasonable. I'm still a ways away from my ideal body, there's the living with parents problem, and practice talking with girls takes time. For April the idea was "Just make a profile and message someone of the opposite gender already, you've put this off for 2 months you pussy"
CFB said:
@Lostcause Good call, I'm feeling that's likely. Will update my signature with goals later today. Problem with Tinder goals is I don't really have a metric. I want to say get laid by end of May, or at least June, but I have no idea if that is reasonable. I'm still a ways away from my ideal body, there's the living with parents problem, and practice talking with girls takes time. For April the idea was "Just make a profile and message someone of the opposite gender already, you've put this off for 2 months you pussy"
Do dont put that in your bio. Your goals are in order:
1. Get a professional photos
2. Set up a profile
3. Get first match
4. Message first match
5. Set up a first date
6. Go to a first date
6.5 if you are willing to practice talking with girls, that's the point you should. Messaging on tinder does not take you anywhere.
7. Get a first lay.

All these goals are perfectly measurable, so I suggest going with it.
Also, you will only be as succesful as your photos, remember that. You cannot put anything in your bio that will make girls wanna match with you despite bad photos. But you can easily put there something that will make her swipe right on you despite good ones.
Hi, same situation here, i live with my parent and have some other time consuming project that i need to finish first, so i have little motivation into meeting girl.
But if you haven't really put any effort into tinder before, i strongly recommend doing it. Even if you don't get laid, you will at least get the basis of the app, learn how to take picture, message girls, have some dates, handle the anxiety of the firsts dates/messages and get most of the material you need to be good.
Imo, by doing it, you will progress more efficiently and get better result when you get your own place, because you will already know the dynamics and dealt with all the beginner mistakes

I did all that shit for about 1 or 2 month and stopped because it's a pain in the ass to not have the logistic, but now i have the dslr + accessories, know how to take picture and feel comfortable about messaging/dating random chicks
And i'm dying rn to get my own place (which will come surely in less than a year), so i can just go all in into tinder