Starting Up New Log - Fitness/Finances/Social


Jun 12, 2020
I had a log here a few years ago and am at a bit better place in my life but still have a lot of demons I need to take care of. Nine months ago I moved to a new city to start a new job at a financial brokerage and moved in with my girlfriend, which was a lot of change for me all at once. I'm already 32, so it feels like now it's make or break, time is running out.

Firstly, I want to focus on getting into the best shape of my life. Between my bad eating habits, my gf occasionally bringing home junk food, and this new job being much more sedentary... I've gained about 15 lbs lol... now at 170 lbs 5'7 with a fair amount of muscle but way too much fat. I have been consistently, inconsistently lifting with my 55lb adjustable dumbbells and no cardio. I feel like I have a solid health supplement stack but absolutely terrible diet. Still working on a plan that I have the best chance of sticking with longer term, for both exercise/diet.

As far as finances go, I eventually want to start investing and a side gig but for now, just finishing paying off the rest of my debt in the next 3-4 months and starting a emergency fund will suffice. Luckily with my new job I have about $1600-$1800 a month to put towards these goals, after bills/food is paid for. Just paid my car off.

Lastly, I still have a massive problem when it comes to social anxiety and how I see myself. A lot of it comes from being out of shape and the way I look... but much moreso from past bullying/other negative experiences. I mostly hang out with my gf, our two mutual friends, and another friend of mine on occasion. Besides that, I don't engage much with anyone else socially except when I'm forced to at my job. We have to go into the office one week a month and I dread every day of it lol. I often take a propranolol (beta blocker) before I go in to take the edge off. I typically don't even sit with the group I'm in and avoid as much interaction as possible... probably socially avoidant personality disorder if I had to guess but have never had any diagnosis. Would like to eventually not feel as anxious/nervous in unfamiliar social situations and not be viewed so much as the weird/socially awkward guy haha.