STDs - when is rawdog okay?

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Feb 27, 2023
Become TinderChad

What's your risk tolerance when it comes to STDs? What safe sex measures do you personally take? How do you decide whether or not to fuck a girl raw (if ever)?

We all know raw sex feels so much better. Common sense suggests that if you go rawdog with hundreds of skanks, you're bound to catch something eventually. However, as someone who's generally skeptical of mainstream medical advice, I think that "always wear a condom" is probably a way too risk-averse strategy, and not at all necessary. The happy path lies somewhere in the middle of these two extremes - but where?

I've been thinking about this a lot the last few months. I personally have settled on the following "rules":
- Blowjobs are fine raw. Use a condom for vaginal/anal sex.
- Use a condom the first few times.
- At some point, sit her down and have a discussion about safe sex. If she's had a recent negative STD test, OK to fuck raw from now on. Otherwise, ask her to get such a test before fucking raw.
- Get yourself regularly tested and monitor for symptoms.
- OK to "fluid bond" with multiple partners at once, if they're all tested. Always be transparent with your partners about who you're fucking.

Interested to hear from other guys on what you think (too risky? too safe?), and your own personal "rules". Particularly interested to hear from some of the more "experienced" guys on your own personal risk tolerance for STDs. Have you become more relaxed on this over time? Have you had an STD scare and been forced to tighten up your "rules"?

P.S. I'm snipped, so I don't have to worry about pregnancy. If you're not snipped, and she's not on birth control, PLEASE use a condom. Unplanned pregnancy WILL ruin your life.
Yo bros. Can you post this one in the logs for me? Feel free to post the link as I'm locking this.

Things like raw dog, are high risk activity, and I do not want threads like this - I have to protect Andy/Radical and our whole community from any high risk activity.

You understand how committed I am to KYIL.

You can discuss within your own, member-specific log, where all factors pertinent to the discussion can be explored and you can conclude for yourself as an individual male. I don't like threads like this which possibly set high risk precedents for what we as a community think, and so on.

My own view: I am a project management professional and I do not like any high-risk activity that can fuck the progression of a project. All KYIL members are individual projects to me. I will only do what increases the project's likelihood of success.

Cheers bros

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