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Style & Grooming Feedback

Johny B

Feb 8, 2022
Hey all,

New to the forum from Southern California and happy to be here! I’m looking for some feedback on style, beard, hair and any other advice welcome. I got these taken back in September. Since then I bulked up some more and will be taking more photos with a more serious face and a new outfit soon. Tell me what I can improve on for the next ones.
Why are all the pics with you in the bottom 1/3 of the pic? If these are supposed to be for dating apps you want to be more focused on you taking up most of the frame. Style is not bad but need more accessories- a necklace w/ a pendant, rings etc. Maybe throw on a nice jacket too. Not feeling the sunglasses in the pics either, you can't see your face. The sunglasses themselves are fine though