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Style recommendations SOS advice needed for Photoshoot planning


Jan 19, 2021
Hey guys,

Hope you're having a great day. I'm really struggling & being overlooked by women on dating apps, tired of mediocre results. Although my Surgeon & ER lifestyle schedule is insanely busy, I've been putting in the time at the gym and gradually working on leveling up. I've picked my photographer and getting ready to do my photoshoot in the New Year. I'm in the process of planning the styles & would greatly appreciate your honest candid feedback on your thoughts on the current styles in my pics & what you feel would look great on me to help me stand out. I'd be indebted to you guys. Stay awesome and you rock. Many thanks in advance.

PS. Sorry for the plethora of pics, this is everything I'm using with hit-or-miss results.
Many of these are better off cutting out.

To keep my comment concise and let myself go to bed instead of giving super-detailed advice, I'll say:
The one in the chair is good, but if the rest of your profile doesn't come off as nerdy
The one in the park on the bench is okay but the background is busy
The second-to-last one has the right kind of camera setup and quality, blurred background and stuff, but something about the facial expression and pose just strikes me as off, not natural/casual/relaxed.
The rock climbing one isn't great, but shows you doing an activity and isn't terrible.

All the rest I would drop like hot coals ASAP. Unless you're on Hinge... in which case drop the other pictures on all apps but hinge

Feel free to ask me specifically about a couple of the photos if you're curious to know more.
Everything is super dated, like from the late 2000s. You need to read https://wellbuiltstyle.com/ front to back.