Styling a nice guy into a sexy man


Aug 21, 2022
Got very inspired by the post of Vamos.

I want to dedicate this thread to slowly changing my dress code and appearance from a nice traditional guy to a cool and sexy man. All whilst respecting my archetype and the girls I want to go after.

Attached a pic below, this fashion mocks your average guy on the street but honestly that’s not an accomplishment. It also indicates that I’ll probably take you on a fancy date before even think about fucking you (if only you knew girl)

Fashion wise I’m mostly inspired by Rowan Row.
We’re talking mainly high end smart (shirts, blazers, linnen pants, polos,…

I’m not at his level yet. He’s super muscular which I can become too.
I can’t reach his model like facial features so I’ll need a bit more edge like a sleeve for example.

The girls that I like are
Athletic girls
Intelligent girls (not the party girls)

I’ll be updating this log whenever I go window shopping, have time to spend looking for clothes online, want tattoo advise, …

Please be as honest as possible. I need to nail down my look to the bones to truly succeed.

If mods approve this topic, I’ll start updating
Sounds great

This can be work you do in your log bro

Have it as a theme, and when you’re working on it, update the thread title

We don’t tend to do single use threads. We want guys in logs taking action.

Hope this makes sense?

Just trying to serve you. I selfishly want you in your log and working to achieve an amazing life, which is what a man like you deserves.

Locking this one bro, but with love and respect.


I've unlocked this after discussion with the main man above, who helped me get more clarity on some support he is looking for in organising his self improvement journey.

Keep working G kratjeuh

You will succeed!

kratjeuh said:
Archetype is an athletic above average white guy who needs some edge to stand out.

That isn’t an archetype I think.

kratjeuh said:
Attached a pic below

Start with a belt and contrast between top and bottom.

Also don’t wear so many blues. Blue is boring. Blue is the colour for office work. Blue is safe, every man wears blue. I do love blue but it is not a fun colour and doesn’t scream style and that you know what you’re doing with clothes. Try some dark bottle greens to start with.

Play with colours by using t shirts. Get some interesting patterned trousers. Stop wearing jeans for a while, they’re quite boring. Challenge yourself to wear suit-material trousers (patterned), linen shirts.

Where are you based? If Europe, come to London to meet my personal stylist maybe, he’ll do good work and all done in a day.

Create a Pinterest of looks you like, share it here and we can help you refine a vibe.

Your hairstyle. Try some different styles in FaceApp and see what you like. I think you can crop the sides and do a fade. Your current hair is very provider, you can do better.
Potential tattoo sleeve idea 1

Theme Ancient Greece

The positives
- Masculine
- These tats carry more meaning than the average sleeve
- The mythicalness reasonates a bit with my nerdy side but this style is not considered nerdy at all

- Little to none synergie with my main preference (latinas).
- These can get too masculine quick
- Very basic

Examples that I liked, which ones are good enough to be considered?
foducossy42 said:
kratjeuh said:
Archetype is an athletic above average white guy who needs some edge to stand out.

That isn’t an archetype I think.

kratjeuh said:
Attached a pic below

Start with a belt and contrast between top and bottom.

Also don’t wear so many blues. Blue is boring. Blue is the colour for office work. Blue is safe, every man wears blue. I do love blue but it is not a fun colour and doesn’t scream style and that you know what you’re doing with clothes. Try some dark bottle greens to start with.

Play with colours by using t shirts. Get some interesting patterned trousers. Stop wearing jeans for a while, they’re quite boring. Challenge yourself to wear suit-material trousers (patterned), linen shirts.

Where are you based? If Europe, come to London to meet my personal stylist maybe, he’ll do good work and all done in a day.

Create a Pinterest of looks you like, share it here and we can help you refine a vibe.

Your hairstyle. Try some different styles in FaceApp and see what you like. I think you can crop the sides and do a fade. Your current hair is very provider, you can do better.

I agree with all the above. This picture is mainly to show you what we’re working with. And is also the perfect example of dressed better than your average dude, but also not sexy.

My hairstyle however is another story. I’ve tried a fade like every guy ever has probably and it doesn’t suit me at all.
I also can’t fully grow out my hair like you do, so I’m putting that perfect hairstyle on the side for now.
There’s a very good chance I’ll be getting a transplant in 2 years, this would nullify all my current hair issues
kratjeuh said:
Potential tattoo sleeve idea 1

Don’t rush into this please. Work on clothes and style first.

You can always change your style if you don’t like it. Tattoos are harder to fix. pancakemouse blog has a looksmaxxing article, recommend reading it.
kratjeuh said:
foducossy42 said:
That isn’t an archetype I think.

Start with a belt and contrast between top and bottom.

Also don’t wear so many blues. Blue is boring. Blue is the colour for office work. Blue is safe, every man wears blue. I do love blue but it is not a fun colour and doesn’t scream style and that you know what you’re doing with clothes. Try some dark bottle greens to start with.

Play with colours by using t shirts. Get some interesting patterned trousers. Stop wearing jeans for a while, they’re quite boring. Challenge yourself to wear suit-material trousers (patterned), linen shirts.

Where are you based? If Europe, come to London to meet my personal stylist maybe, he’ll do good work and all done in a day.

Create a Pinterest of looks you like, share it here and we can help you refine a vibe.

Your hairstyle. Try some different styles in FaceApp and see what you like. I think you can crop the sides and do a fade. Your current hair is very provider, you can do better.

I agree with all the above. This picture is mainly to show you what we’re working with. And is also the perfect example of dressed better than your average dude, but also not sexy.

My hairstyle however is another story. I’ve tried a fade like every guy ever has probably and it doesn’t suit me at all.
I also can’t fully grow out my hair like you do, so I’m putting that perfect hairstyle on the side for now.
There’s a very good chance I’ll be getting a transplant in 2 years, this would nullify all my current hair issues

That’s fair, yeah. Just post pics of your outfits. I also recommend malefashionadvice they have a discord there. But note they are trendy, we are looking for style for attracting women. Trendy doesn’t always attract (but idk, I have my style and it works but some girls I see say that I am not dressing trendily and they prefer the trendy look — that said this is logical, not emotional. They might have a more emotional reaction to me in a tight v neck than a tight roundneck even tho the roundneck is trendier).

Re haircut: good to know you gave it a shot. One thing that can’t be seen well in my photos is that I get a line — 2 rows of hair follicles shaved — to separate the top and side. It adds edge and is easy to get the barber to do. You could maybe try it.

There are possibly other styles you can try, but I’m not an expert on this.

Regardless I think style is the most important factor right now. You can dress trendy and edgy with normal hair. Try a leather and denim jacket — classic fuckboy uniform. Lots of Pinterest examples too. But given your current style you will probably enjoy patterned trousers as I do. Here is me in plaid. It doesn’t take much to suddenly look fashionable. Get some rings, bangles/cuff and necklace. Find them on Etsy. Try to avoid stainless steel. You can wear them with lots of ordinary outfits and suddenly you look like a fuckboy.
Going out shopping alone is difficult, I’ll probably hit up foducossy42 s fashion consultant up after my trip.

Need a couple outfits for a possible photoshoot here and to look better on the street. Added 2 outfits that I like.

Red shirt and white pants are together
The blazer is normally with a shirt and pants but it wasn’t in my size.
foducossy42 said:
Get some rings, bangles/cuff and necklace. Find them on Etsy. Try to avoid stainless steel.
Curious as to why you feel this way about stainless. I started off buying some silver accessories from Daniel Mason and recently decided to switch over to stainless just because IMO it just looks better (doesn’t tarnish and turn dark). Stainless jewelry kind of gets a bad wrap as being cheap but I don’t think any girl is going to be able to tell the difference either. And if you think about it, a high end $10,000 dive watch is going to be made from stainless steel as are all of the hardware on your belts/jackets.

Yeah you can clean silver but you lose some material every time you do that.

Only reason I type this out is because it’s something I thought about quite recently. I think the rest of your advice (and your look) is solid
Nothing wrong with stainless steel if the jewellery is well designed and made

Problem is a lot of the stuff you find online in this drop shipping era isnt

Interested to hear foducossy42 reasoning too
I've been balls deep in this stuff for like 5 years now and have never been convinced silver is worth it

foducossy42 said:
Regardless I think style is the most important factor right now.
Fuck yeah

Think seeing a stylist who's done the exact sort of thing you want would be a great investment kratjeuh, foducossy looks great from this one's help
kratjeuh said:
Potential tattoo sleeve idea 1

Theme Ancient Greece

- Little to none synergie with my main preference (latinas).

I don't know if this is the right viewpoint but from my logical POV, the latinas that will be into you like white guys. And if they like white guys, they prob like your culture and would find the ancient greek stuff cool. Unless you are worried for some other reason than being too white.

I have a dragon which is very asian. And I like white girls, and since the white girls that like me like asian guys, they also find it cool. I have asian tattoos because I am asian.

Maybe girls are different but I don't personally prefer girls with asian tattoos over western ones. If anything I find it a bit weird when white girls have asian letters.
kratjeuh said:
Going out shopping alone is difficult, I’ll probably hit up @foducossy42 s fashion consultant up after my trip.

Need a couple outfits for a possible photoshoot here and to look better on the street. Added 2 outfits that I like.

Red shirt and white pants are together
The blazer is normally with a shirt and pants but it wasn’t in my size.

Don't like either. The blazer is too formal and the red shirt is just not good. Barely anyone looks good in deep red like that.
Paid Renegade said:
Curious as to why you feel this way about stainless.

Radical said:
I've been balls deep in this stuff for like 5 years now and have never been convinced silver is worth it

Hmm it’s interesting to receive pushback on this one. Radical you’re the expert so I am probably wrong on this but I’ll just list out my reasons.

My stylist is a dating coach as well and his advice to me was “cheap metals, cheap man”.

It’s also advice on r/MaleFashionAdvice that silver generally looks better than stainless steel.

Besides appeals to authority, I personally prefer the look of silver. The way it shines has a certain quality/lustre/reflectiveness that stainless steel doesn’t have. And silver is quite cheap anyway, though I find Etsy has a ton of designs for stainless steel and fewer for silver. Maybe I haven’t seen nice-looking stainless steel?

You make a good point regarding the maintenance of silver though. I upgraded my style very recently so I haven’t run into the issues you raised. It’s entirely possible I’ll come around to your way of thinking.

I do also agree that end of the day your Rolex/whatever is gonna be in stainless steel so if you care about harmonious metal matching to the T then stainless steel all the way would probably work.

I’m willing to be convinced on this. Will buy a stainless steel ring from Etsy (as I said there are more designs for steel there and I quite like some of them) and give it a whirl.

Can you mix stainless steel and silver rings though Paid Renegade Radical ?
kratjeuh said:
Going out shopping alone is difficult, I’ll probably hit up @foducossy42 s fashion consultant up after my trip.

Need a couple outfits for a possible photoshoot here and to look better on the street. Added 2 outfits that I like.

Red shirt and white pants are together
The blazer is normally with a shirt and pants but it wasn’t in my size.

I think you should first be clear about what "dress code" or style you want to use privat and at work. Street fashion, like Radical for example, smart casual, the “old money style” that I introduced aka Mediterranean chic. And then build your wardrobe specifically and strategically instead of just going shopping.

15-20 solid and well-thought-out items of clothing are enough. You or we in general should also ask yourself/ourself the question of quality. Fast fashion is relatively cheap, but it only looks good for a short time. For example, wear a polo from H&M, Zara, ... and then one from Tommy Hilfiger for example and you will see that the H&M polo looks good in the store, but day by day it falls apart and loses its shape/look, the Hilfiger will look good for years if you treat it well.

You can often see quality and, above all, it is more durable. For example, you don't need the trench coat from Burberry for 2k euros, but you also don't need the one from H&M for 70€ either. There are solid models in the €150-€400 price range that you can enjoy for longer. Of course you can buy T-Shirts, underwear, socks and clothing that you rarely wear, but it shouldn't be the standout pieces. In the end, it's even cheaper to have a wardrobe made up of a few well-thought-out, high-quality items than to have to go shopping for new items every new season.

You can also get some extremely good, second-hand clothing on sites like Vinted. Of course, with the small risk that you won't be able to send them back if they don't fit (don't forget the tailor btw). This week i got completely new, unworn chelsea boots from Hudson London there for €35, which would otherwise cost €200+.
Vamos said:
kratjeuh said:
Going out shopping alone is difficult, I’ll probably hit up @foducossy42 s fashion consultant up after my trip.

Need a couple outfits for a possible photoshoot here and to look better on the street. Added 2 outfits that I like.

Red shirt and white pants are together
The blazer is normally with a shirt and pants but it wasn’t in my size.

I think you should first be clear about what "dress code" or style you want to use privat and at work. Street fashion, like @Radical for example, smart casual, the “old money style” that I introduced aka Mediterranean chic. And then build your wardrobe specifically and strategically instead of just going shopping.

15-20 solid and well-thought-out items of clothing are enough. You or we in general should also ask yourself/ourself the question of quality. Fast fashion is relatively cheap, but it only looks good for a short time. For example, wear a polo from H&M, Zara, ... and then one from Tommy Hilfiger for example and you will see that the H&M polo looks good in the store, but day by day it falls apart and loses its shape/look, the Hilfiger will look good for years if you treat it well.

You can often see quality and, above all, it is more durable. For example, you don't need the trench coat from Burberry for 2k euros, but you also don't need the one from H&M for 70€ either. There are solid models in the €150-€400 price range that you can enjoy for longer. Of course you can buy T-Shirts, underwear, socks and clothing that you rarely wear, but it shouldn't be the standout pieces. In the end, it's even cheaper to have a wardrobe made up of a few well-thought-out, high-quality items than to have to go shopping for new items every new season.

You can also get some extremely good, second-hand clothing on sites like Vinted. Of course, with the small risk that you won't be able to send them back if they don't fit (don't forget the tailor btw). This week i got completely new, unworn chelsea boots from Hudson London there for €35, which would otherwise cost €200+.

Great points, I’ve edited my first post and added the fashion Im going after.

High end clothes are a fact. In fact all my shirts and shirts are from high end fashion stores and I definitely have stuff at home that I can already implement
foducossy42 said:
Can you mix stainless steel and silver rings though @Paid Renegade @Radical ?

Yeah you can wear them together no problem. I still wear a silver cuff with my dive watch and they match because they’re both silver toned. (Although one woman did ask me if my cuff was “made from brass”) My point with the watches being made from stainless is just that no one considers those to be “cheap metals”.

Maybe just go on a piece by piece basis and go with whichever looks best. Personally when I was holding my sterling silver pendant next to my dive watch I was amazed at how much brighter and cleaner the dive watch looked, so I went ahead and ordered a stainless steel pendant from twistedpendant and have been very happy with it. I wear it instead of the silver one now even though I paid like $150 for the silver. I feel the stainless one has a more appealing shine and looks brighter.

Then again when I look for rings I see more options in silver that I like compared to stainless. So again maybe just go on a piece by piece basis

Radical makes a good point about looking out for cheap options, and there are different types of steel as well. The one I bought is “surgical grade 316L”

EDIT- here’s a picture of both pendants. Guess which one is silver
View attachment 1

And after cleaning:
foducossy42 said:
My stylist is a dating coach as well and his advice to me was “cheap metals, cheap man”.

It’s also advice on r/MaleFashionAdvice that silver generally looks better than stainless steel.

Yeah i've heard that

But on both a practical & aesthetic front i cant agree and some of the arguments is typically made from like a snobbery - i dont have a fairer word than that which describes it
You could also make the argument that guys are spending a lot on silver in comparison and have to justify it somehow

No bad word towards your guy though, we are in very similar lines of work and he did a great job with your style
I admire the outlook he gives to clients too, a recurring problem i have is convincing the uninitiated to spend more on clothing

I do think there's a lot of crap steel accessories floating about which probably doesn't help as most accessories made of silver - due to the price of material - is always going to be crafted to a higher standard

Regards mixing there isnt much issue, as you would pair silver with a steel watch
I have a silver St Christopher Pendant and i wear steel rings with that
Paid Renegade said:
@Radical makes a good point about looking out for cheap options, and there are different types of steel as well. The one I bought is “surgical grade 316L”

EDIT- here’s a picture of both pendants. Guess which one is silver

Thanks, will look out for that kind of steel! Clearly the steel is brighter though so I’ll definitely give it a try. But pictures and real life can vary quite a bit when it comes to shiny metal things.

Radical said:
Yeah i've heard that

But on both a practical & aesthetic front i cant agree and some of the arguments is typically made from like a snobbery - i dont have a fairer word than that which describes it
You could also make the argument that guys are spending a lot on silver in comparison and have to justify it somehow

No bad word towards your guy though, we are in very similar lines of work and he did a great job with your style
I admire the outlook he gives to clients too, a recurring problem i have is convincing the uninitiated to spend more on clothing

I do think there's a lot of crap steel accessories floating about which probably doesn't help as most accessories made of silver - due to the price of material - is always going to be crafted to a higher standard

Regards mixing there isnt much issue, as you would pair silver with a steel watch
I have a silver St Christopher Pendant and i wear steel rings with that

Yeah I do think MFA is quite snobbish so don’t disagree there.

Thanks, appreciate the compliment re my current style! And yeah I think it’s the crappy quality of steel out there which is the problem, I’ll try the surgical steel that Renegade suggested and see if I like it.

If anything this just gives me more variety as sometimes there are nice designs on Etsy I write off for being made of steel. Now I feel I have artistic licence to go buy them, lol.
Insole shoes

Been reading stuff on insole shoes that can elevate you up to 2 inches. There’s ones that go higher but they look hella awkward.

How does one go about this?

Do I wear these everyday or only when going out? I think it would be weird to suddenly be taller than some of my mates.

Coloured contacts

I found this very interesting because my eye area is weak and it’s a dangerous one to improve cosmetically.
Eye colour doesn’t impact attractiveness (only rarity which in some sense does impact it) but the brightness of the eyes is a main factor.

The majority of people using them go for an insane colour which makes them look fake as they are. It’s however very less noticeable if you pick a colour that reasonates which your current colour. For my dark brown eyes, I could pick lighter brown or hazel or possibly a small shade of green.

Obviously only high tier contacts are usable as they aren’t causing irritation and are barely noticeable.

I will be testing these for sure when I plan a new holiday because people won’t know me and can’t tell by previously meeting me that I’m rocking contacts.

Now here’s the real question, if I ever intend of leaving the country I could rock these. But would it be an immense turn off if I take a girl home and take off my contacts?
—> I’ve had girls compliment me on having minor makeup in my bathroom because they thinks it’s cool that guys take care of their appearance, would this differ?