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Suggestion: 2024 Improvement competition


Aug 21, 2022
Improvement competition

Just had this idea pop up in my head. Why don’t we make a 3 month competition amongst us in several categories as extra fire to do the work.

It will be based on who can improve the most, not who gets the best objective results to make it fair.
Posted results will be based on trust. For example im not flying to NYC to check if you truly fucked certain girl.

Several categories I was thinking of
- Gym
- Dating
- Bizz
- Social status
- …

Feel free to add suggestion or general feedback

Let's get this going.

And we will see who is a grinder, and who is not.

Let us throw down the gauntlet and see whose soul is strong enough to become an undeniable legend

You already know I am in


I'll throw down

here's what I'm interested in competing in and willing to take seriously. reply if you're down to compete with me on any of these
- weight added to squat, bench, or deadlift 1-rep max (before and after vids)
- progress on some measure of grip strength (possibly weight added to wrist curl 15 rep max, or suggest your own measure)
- lbs of fat lost, lbs of muscle gained, or bf % change (before and after dexa)
- cumulative hours of TRULY deep work (honor system)
- number of "quality" online dating photos taken/added (to be judged by a third party, plenty of experts on the forums)
- if anyone's into soccer freestyle, new tricks learned (a trick is judged to be "learned" if you go from lower than 50% hit rate to higher than 50% on a large sample of attempts)

also down to join other people's competitions but not as likely to "try my hardest" (e.g. not going to force a new lay if i'm not into the girl)

competition opens jan 1, closes april 1
I will do gym.

I will also follow the weight added to Sq, B, Dl metric.

I also want to smash biz.

Any G's want to hustle biz and compete in some defined metrics?

Obv, I am a new business owner, and can't compete in revenue. But I can compete in brand building, content consistency, networking/commenting, outreach, cold email, shit like that!

So far we have 3 guys down to legit compete.

We can make a thread, and we can compile some form of tracking/google sheet, which will track everyone's hustle.

And whoever works the hardest, in those 3 months, is the champ.

I am not throwing my hat in the ring for any dating hustle. I am not worried about that anymore........

I’d like to keep it basic so most people can and will compete. nipple-flip grip strength and tricks are cool but barely anyone does this.

MakingAComeback maybe you can make a poll and let people vote 3 categories max. The 3 that get the most votes will be the ones in what we’re competing and you can choose in which one you like to invest.

My basic suggestions:
Gym: Increase in the 3 main lifts
Status: Increase in followers
Biz: Completed working hours
Dating; Most CA in 3 months
OLD: Best profile improvement

I also believe that after this period, the forum members can decide who wins. This is because for example it’s say easier to add 30kg to your deadlift if you start at 60kg.
Someone who’s deadlifting 220kg will have a much harder time increasing the weight so a smaller increase might be more impressive
i see. i understood this to be individual users setting up 1:1 competitions among themselves, but 3-5 main things that everyone takes on is also cool.

in that case, these work for me. I like that they are measuring outcomes that are relatively insensitive to luck