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Svadhishthana's Tinder Improvement Thread


May 31, 2021
Total newb here, and just looking for some initial input. Currently working on getting better photos re Andy's guide right now. Just hoping to get some feedback on existing photos to see if small tweaks might yield immediate improvements. Root folder is all the pics I found that aren't total trash. Tinder_Current is what I currently have on my profile (active for about 2 days rn).

Any input is greatly appreciated!

Except the one with the long name (361 kb, where you hang on that rope in front of the sunset), you can drop all of them.

You do not look "bad". That is lacking.
I'm not sure I completely understand what you mean - I'm guessing you're saying I'm not bad looking, but my photos are trash?

If so - thanks! I totally agree! Planning on canning everything, shooting a bunch, canning again, repeat ad nauseum. But right now, I'm trying to wrap up a time-consuming project in my life, while getting started on this in what little time is remaining. So figured I'd see if there was anything low-effort I could do right now to improve.
You def need better photos, you don't look like a guy that gets laid in any of them and if you read the tinder guide, that's what you want to go for. There's people way more certified than me in here to give you advice on your photos, but yeah except for the first one and the last 2 the other ones doesn't bring anything to the table and even sets you back in some cases.
As someone who also need glasses I would ditch out the glasses for contacts ASAP. We all look better and less "good guy" without glasses.
You have a really good baseline, you are already skinny and have what looks like great hobbies you just need edge and good photos and you are all set.

Hope it helps!

- Master
Ok, I went and took some photos. I basically just went down the list of photos in the Tinder Inspiration article and tried to replicate all of them (or, I mean, most of them). Physique shots are in the works, but I'm not expecting much from them, since I'm a skinny bitch.

Here is a link to the full album if you have way too much time on your hands:

Otherwise, below are the shots I think are probably the best, that I would consider putting up. Any and all feedback would be appreciated. These photos were mostly taken as an exercise in getting in reps with the camera, so more I'll be working on more shots in the near future.

Casual 12:
View attachment 11

View attachment 10

View attachment 9

Dog 8:
View attachment 8

View attachment 7

Dog 11:
View attachment 6
View attachment 5

Dog 9:

Hobbies 2:
View attachment 4

Hesitant because I don't play the guitar at all, nor do I wear jewelery.

Travel 3:
View attachment 3

View attachment 2

Travel 10:
View attachment 1
Master Thanks a lot for your feedback! Somehow I missed it - but yeah, currently poking myself in the eye every morning now. Looking to get ink soon.
TBH all of these pictures are quite trash. You're like miles away in every photo. You are the subject, not the scenery. Fill the frame.

Try and get some inspiration from Instagram models like https://www.instagram.com/magic_fox/

in most of his pictures he takes up 70% of the picture. His outfits are something to try and copy as well.

You have a good physique so you should definitely try and show it off.

A simple crop where you are way closer improves this picture like 10x
Someone with better editing skills can probably make this pop even more
i’m at a pretty boring pregame in Vegas waiting for ppl to get ready so here’s some free game

if you were one of my paid clients i’d run your profile as follows until you get better pics:

1) dog pic i referenced in your main thread. the version you edited, not the dark original

2) suit pic i posted in your main thread

3) guitar pic i referenced in main thread

4) View attachment 1

5) rock climbing pic i referenced in main thread


normally i use a “portrait” type hook photo for the main one with your eyes visible, but you don’t have one right now. i think the dog one will work to pause enough girls before swiping left so they look through the rest of the stack. let us know how it performs
good stuff.

last thing— i didn’t see this one before, it’s too badass to not include, even when vertically cropped. i’d put it 4th and bump the others down by one

Mad love to you my guy you always keep persisting and I really really fucking want you to succeed.

Keep hammering,
Rags2Bitches Cool - I kept being on the fence about that one, because the mountains look pretty, but I don't look pretty. Done.

Thanks MakingAComeback - I'm not quitting anytime soon!

Also, side note, bumble removed both my shirtless pics. Worth trying to dispute? I assume their support would get back to me sometime between a week from now and the heat death of the universe.
Update: last night, used a boost at 10pm. Damn son! Got about 10 matches and 20 likes. I was kinda harried flipping between screens seeing my new likes and messaging the girls. Went so well I used another boost after that one ran out. Got about 10 more likes from that, but fewer matches (fewer women I was attracted to). This morning, I'm still getting a few matches coming in marked as "because of boost" - I think the algorithm puts your card further towards the top of a girl's stack when you swipe on them when boosted, and their stack will persist even after the boost ends.

Final results:

14 matches
4 responses to initial message
2 convos continued until asking for their number
0 numbers

In my opening message, I opened with sexy or cute, depending on the vibe their profile gave, and really just arbitrarily based on my feelings.

I opened with sexy 6 times. Of those, 2 responded, and of those, 1 kept the convo going until the number ask.

I opened with cute 8 times. Of those, 2 responded, and of those, 1 kept the convo going until the number ask.

Looking at the numbers, it seems my opener is not that important. But results could be highly skewed by my selection process.

The lack of actual numbers annoys me a bit. Currently just following the templates in the guide, but the conversation always seems a bit stilted - especially asking for her number. I wonder if less stilted interactions would result in success here.

As instructed in the tinder guide, I skipped the section on messaging theory, and instead focused on sending messages until I got to 20 sent. I counted a "sent message" as one where there was mutual interest and I messaged. So:

[Match, message] on Tinder.
[Match, get message, send message] on Bumble.
[Match, send message, get message, send message] on Hinge

So I just hit that mark last night, and I'll go read that section today. However, I recognize that this may very well be my own warped perception of things, and the messages really don't matter that much.

Null hypothesis is that I'm not getting numbers because my pictures aren't good enough. My pictures now are much, much better. I'm proud that they've graduated from being a steaming pile of dog shit, to being a much less distasteful mummified pile of dog shit. So I will repost here when I have some more pictures I'd consider to improve my profile. Will also boost again this evening to collect more data for further analysis.

Yeah, women are sexy. But you know what's sexier? Statistical analysis.
hey, not bad! id say you’re about a third of the way there in terms of your profile.

let’s tinker a bit…switch out the white hoodie photo for this. let’s make sure that photo is not sabotaging you.

you look pretty dorky in the hoodie photo, i only included it cause it was the easiest to edit into a half smile. needed something non-serious to prevent serial killer vibe since you’re alone in all your photos. in the photo above your style is worse but your face/grooming looks much more masculine

other than that man, just keep improving, you’re on the right path. a couple of solid outfits then a good portrait photo (see joe’s, master’s and brandon’s for examples) then a social photo.

no numbers from that many matches is unfortunate but too small a sample size to draw any conclusions. if you want, post some messaging screenshots so we can make sure you’re not saying anything disqualifying in the non-scripted parts of the conversation
one final thing as i’m about to walk into this festival and lose service

i would tinker more aggressively on another app like hinge and put this as your portrait main photo and bump everything down one (still take white hoodie out). low quality obv due to the zoom but my gf and her friends are saying it’s solid

Ran some boosts again last night, similar results.

One girl I matched with two nights ago got back to me. Then matched with another girl and got her number as well. Stoked! Otoh, I went off-script and tried asking for numbers in a way that felt more organic to me, and unfortunately I left out the "looking for something casual" line. Not sure if it was 100% necessary given the context of the rest of the conversation, but it makes me a little nervous about not being up front enough. Not intentional - I just sent messages asking them for their numbers, and then was like "shit, I forgot!"

Another downside - both aren't particularly close. One is about a 30 min drive away from me. The other is 6 hours. Obviously will still go for it on the closer girl. Kinda split on the girl 6 hours away. Obviously, 6 hours is excessive just for a date. But I regularly drive 8h one-way for weekend climbing trips in the desert when it gets cold here in the Front Range anyway. So if I'm headed to the desert anyway... why not a desert where I might get some action? Plus she's super cute and just my type, so I'm probably rationalizing, lol.

Rags2Bitches s - thanks! Just saw this this morning. Will make suggested changes and run them this week/weekend. Definitely gonna keep improving, will check out those profiles.

Edit: Messaging -

View attachment 1

^ Like I said, I seemed to just drop it in at an awkward spot. Just doesn't feel like a good transition.

Here are the ones where I got the number. Currently both are following up.

View attachment 3

View attachment 2
So I finished sorting through all the pics I took while copying photos from the inspiration article. Next shots I'm going for (this weekend) will be straight portraits and group shots (which will be more difficult and take longer...).

In the meantime, some of the body shots came out looking relatively good. Hoping to get some feedback on them, especially since I want to replace the guitar shot - makes me uncomfortable, since I know about 6 chords in real life. These shots seem more honest, since I do often work out, drink beer, ride my bike, go for hikes, and hang out without a shirt on.

Body 1:

Body 3:

Body 8:
The one with the beer in the gym is funny. I can't narrow it down but I like the concept. The other two don't seem as natural but hey you got a great bod I literally have never had abs so steps 1 and 2 right there lol.
Dewm - lol, thanks dude! I actually showed off these 3 sets to my ex, too. She said "you look hotter in the gym pics, but also douchier." Perfect.
Update: ran two boosts last night, but results were disappointing compared to last week. The app said I'd run out of people in my area about halfway through my first boost, and a lot of the women in my stack were pretty unattractive. I fiddled with distance settings to get it to refresh until I'd finished both.

14 matches
6 responses to opener (2 actually messaged first)
5 number asks
2 contacts exchanged

The apparent lack of active girls in my area is concerning. I have a few hypotheses for this phenomenon:

1) Cooler weather which arrived this week is driving people inside, altering tindering habits.
2) The semester is spinning up for college students, who are now more engaged in their studies with new-semester energy. Or who are meeting each other at parties instead of swiping.
3) I was swiping heavily all week before this, to the point of compulsion, so by Friday night when I ran my boost my stack was already whittled down to the bottom.
4) The pic swap I did last week killed me (highly skeptical)
5) Tinder gives your profile an extra boost when you update your pics. Since I didn't update this week, I was shown to fewer girls.
0) Null hypothesis: It was a statistical anomaly. Don't overthink it. Just get better pics.

On the messaging front, I blew it six ways to Sunday.

Two of the women I matched with were clearly just time wasters. One was sick with covid, and one was in Germany using passport. Ngl, I kept the convos going longer than I should have, just for the validation that they wanted to talk with me. Exchanged Instagram info w/ German girl just to get reps in, but that ain't goin' nowhere.

One girl was absolutely smokin', and was actually responding - but when I went for the number, she asked for my Instagram instead. This wouldn't be an issue, except my Instagram is totally empty. I explained that I don't use social media much because it's a timesink. I think this weirded her out, and she stopped responding. Also, people probably don't like being reminded that their favorite way to waste time is a waste of time. So, todo: start fleshing out Instagram for future such scenarios.

Got one number this morning from a girl, but not super stoked. Limited number of not-very-good pictures. She isn't obese, but I can't tell if she's chubby. Will pursue on the off-chance she's hot, and to get some practice dating, and some practice possibly dealing with catfish.

Will swap out guitar pic for beer pic and boost again tonight.