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Svadhishthana's Tinder Improvement Thread

Manganiello Denver metro has 2.7 million. I've heard that when you filter down to the young, single demographic, the ratio is about 6 men to 4 women, but I've never seen any hard data to back that up. Also, pretty stiff competition, since every guy in the country who wants to pursue climbing/skiing/kayaking/ultra running tends to move here. I'll let others weigh in on if this might be a factor, but my null hypothesis is that these are just excuses, and I need better pics.

One more thing - my old college's newspaper interviewed me about living in a van. I took some shots for them to use in the article. Unfortunately, I needed a wider angle lense to get the shot with my DSLR, so I had to use my smartphone. Looking through them, they seem like alright portraits, but not any better than what I already have. Figure I'll let you guys weigh in, though.

Also, did some portrait shots. Following the principle of imitate then innovate, went ahead and tried to copy Manga, Master, and Milf's portrait pics. No dice on Milf's today, planning to try again tomorrow morning. Noteworthy pics I got from the shoots:



Edit: also, on the group pic front, was browsing through some stuff on my Google photos and found these:


I think I dismissed them originally as being too low quality on the basis of "you're only as good as your last pic". But figure maybe that should be balanced by showing I'm not the next Ted Kyzinski yet.
catching up on this thread..

1) i don’t care about your chord insecurities! the guitar photo still looks better than your other body pics. just tell girls your friend was teaching you how to play and snapped some funny pics if anyone asks...

2) your messaging is fine and yea adapt the wording/timing as you see fit. the best no bullshit resource on texting imo is pat stedman’s “tackling texting”, it’s like $7 on amazon.

3) DSC_6801 is pretty good, i would crop a bit closer and 1/3 of the way down your forearms. wouldn’t add any of those group pics

4) you seem to have some resistance to the style Radical advocates and I get that. Tanner Guzy has a good quiz that groups people into rakish, rugged, and refined archetypes for style. Your personality fits the rugged style more than the rakish style that Radical and I favor. It’s fine if you go that route, but you still need cool boots/jacket(s), jeans that fit well and accessories (look on etsy). would def post any items here before buying if you decide to stray from the style guide.

i also didn’t have insta during my last single spree (mid 2019-mid 2020). told girls i killed it to focus on biz but i have snap if they want to make sure i’m not actually a middle aged man named Bubba. Snap should alleviate stranger danger/catfish concerns but if the purpose of asking for your insta is to see social proof then there’s nothing to be done there.
Your style in the first set looks like you've gone bird watching

Can i get you interested in a denim jacket maybe? You can do outdoorsy rugged with a sherpa collar one kind of like my pic and manga's pic

1) Fine, fine. Will re-add

2) Will get it.

3) Cool. Will do.

4) I do, but also I just ordered the stuff he recommends and some is still in the mail. Since I'm shooting my own pics, I figured there was no reason not to shoot now, and then shoot later again once they arrived. I'll look into the quiz.

I reinstalled insta and updated my profile pic. The last girl I asked, I just told her "don't be surprised there's nothing on there, I just use it for messaging" and she didn't seem to have a problem with that. Will install snap as a contingency - never had it before.

Radical Bomber jacket is in the mail. Will try denim out, too, if you tell me to. But can't help feeling like I'd look out of place - everyone here puts on a puffy or a softshell when it gets cold.
Oh nice you got the bomber. Layer a plain black hoodie under the bomber if its cold.

Do you live rural?
I live in Denver. Not rural, but everyone (myself included, obviously) moves here for the mountains. Obviously there's variety, but in winter I would not be surprised to show up at a brewpub and see 100 people exclusively wearing technical apparel.

Like I said, I'll do it if you say so, but I'm 100% expecting my friends to be confused by my decision to spend a bunch of money on an impractical piece of clothing. Non-wicking, heavy, not compressible, expensive (so you can't thrutch in it), absorbent... It's just kinda weird from my perspective.

Those are my personal concerns - but I assume I'm lacking in perspective and just being a dumbass.
There are few bits of clothing linked more intrinsically to mountains than sherpa jackets
I'm not going to say I believe you, but I will say I just ordered one.

If you really want compliments on your clothes up here, the surest way is to get a Mellie - a Melanzana fleece jacket. Limited runs each year, mandatory reservation to drive 2 hours into the mountains to get one - shows you're a local, and not a goddamned Californian/Texan/New Yorker.