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Syd’s Log


Nov 23, 2020

Hey everyone

Thought I’d start a log here to chart my progress. I’m gonna aim to post here a few times a week initially and then once a day as the ball gets rolling for accountability purposes.

Today went well. Carried on hitting my goals:

- Brushed, Flossed and used Mouthwash (small I know, but I used to only brush and just once per day. Sometimes never).

- Listened to the Inner Winner Show whilst cleaning my kitchen. Carried on listening whilst doing my usual house jobs and finished 3 episodes. Hit my 1 hour podcast goal ✅

- Did an hour and a half work on my University assignment (working towards my long-term career goal). This is due in 6 weeks, but I started early and I’m keeping on top of it so it’s not a rush job.

- Went for a run as part of my Couch to 5K programme I’m doing. I completed week 5 today and ran/jogged for 20 minutes without stopping. Really happy with this achievement considering I barely lasted 2 minutes when I first started.

- Did 10 Push-Ups

- Did 10 Sit-Ups

- Read ‘You can’t afford the luxury of a negative thought’ for 30 minutes (my daily reading goal). Nearly finished this one and I am looking at buying another book from Andy’s recommendation list 📚

- Didn’t bite my nails (Day 12/30). I have been using this chemical varnish which tastes awful and is designed to stop you biting your nails. Best £3.50 I’ve ever spent.

- Didn’t have a fizzy drink (day 28/30). I don’t even miss Coca Cola at this point.

Gyms are opening soon here as well, so I hope to go back and post on here more regularly. Hope to post back here in a couple of days where I’ll list my future goals and plans in more detail.

Just wanted to start a log for now to hold myself to account.

Thanks for reading.

All the best,


Hello again folks.

Just checking in for accountability. Here’s my second update for today:

- Brushed, Flossed and used Mouthwash (x2) ✅

- Did 10 push ups ✅

- Did 10 sit ups ✅

- Listened to 1 podcast episode - The Inner Winner Show again ✅

- Went for a run again - Week 6 day 1 of the Couch to 5K programme complete now - won’t be long before I finish at week 9. Really happy with my progress on this. Tried to complete this programme a few times in the past, but always gave up. Also part of my 365 day project ✅

- Didn’t have any fizzy drinks ✅

- Didn’t bite my nails ✅

- Finished ‘You can’t afford the luxury of a negative thought’. I’m now looking at ordering some more books - update to follow shortly ✅

I did the same as above yesterday as well, so I’m doing my best to stay committed and keep the consistency going.

Hope to post once a day soon and set aside 10 minutes every evening for this purpose.

Thanks for reading 📖

Keep it up man, just getting started here too I like how you outline your points each day that you want to hit.
Sydster1995 said:
Didn’t bite my nails (Day 12/30). I have been using this chemical varnish which tastes awful and is designed to stop you biting your nails. Best £3.50 I’ve ever spent
Mind giving a name of that thing? I think I need it badly aswell
Lostcause said:
Sydster1995 said:
Didn’t bite my nails (Day 12/30). I have been using this chemical varnish which tastes awful and is designed to stop you biting your nails. Best £3.50 I’ve ever spent
Mind giving a name of that thing? I think I need it badly aswell


Hey man - it’s called ‘Stop N Grow’. You can get it from Amazon if your chemists don’t stock it - sells for about £3-£4. It’s lasted me 2-3 weeks so far applying it twice a day.

I’ve posted a link here for Amazon:


Hope this helps man. Been 2 weeks and already my nails look better, healthier and have decent length.
enjoyablehat said:
Keep it up man, just getting started here too I like how you outline your points each day that you want to hit.


Hey thanks man - really appreciate it. I’ll keep adding to the list as I develop and grow and I get new ideas and aspirations.

Good Luck in your journey - if I can help let me know 👍

Will do - thanks man.

Did couch to 5k this past spring right after lockdown started - used to be a cardio hater but that programs a great way to stay active, progress, and do something different.

I really loved waking up early to get my run out of the way in the morning - really sets up a good mentality and energy for the rest of the day
enjoyablehat said:

Will do - thanks man.

Did couch to 5k this past spring right after lockdown started - used to be a cardio hater but that programs a great way to stay active, progress, and do something different.

I really loved waking up early to get my run out of the way in the morning - really sets up a good mentality and energy for the rest of the day


I’ve tried to do it a few times in the past, but I always just gave up after week 1 because I was weak and thought it was too hard. It was going through a breakup which made something click and say ‘I gotta do this’. In the past I’d just kinda dabbled in the idea of self-improvement, but now I’m ready to hit it hard.

I agree I find I’ve got more energy to get things done throughout the day as opposed to feeling groggy. Eventually my goal is to work up to the 30 minutes running and do this more frequently I.e 5 days a week. If I can work up to an hour of running/jogging then and go every morning, I’d be really happy with that.

Do you still run?
Sydster1995 said:
Lostcause said:
Mind giving a name of that thing? I think I need it badly aswell


Hey man - it’s called ‘Stop N Grow’. You can get it from Amazon if your chemists don’t stock it - sells for about £3-£4. It’s lasted me 2-3 weeks so far applying it twice a day.

I’ve posted a link here for Amazon:


Hope this helps man. Been 2 weeks and already my nails look better, healthier and have decent length.

Will it work on a skin too, or is it just for the nails tho? Because in my case it's about the skin around the nail, not the nail itself
Lostcause said:
Sydster1995 said:

Hey man - it’s called ‘Stop N Grow’. You can get it from Amazon if your chemists don’t stock it - sells for about £3-£4. It’s lasted me 2-3 weeks so far applying it twice a day.

I’ve posted a link here for Amazon:


Hope this helps man. Been 2 weeks and already my nails look better, healthier and have decent length.

Will it work on a skin too, or is it just for the nails tho? Because in my case it's about the skin around the nail, not the nail itself


Hi mate,

Yes it will - works for the cuticles and the skin around. It’s also used to stop kids sucking their thumbs (mentioned in the user instructions) so yeah all good for the skin 👍
I've ordered it to give it a try - I don't really know if I can erase the habit of mutilating my fingers since it's been with me for so much time, but you inspired me to at least try, thanks!
Lostcause said:
I've ordered it to give it a try - I don't really know if I can erase the habit of mutilating my fingers since it's been with me for so much time, but you inspired me to at least try, thanks!

Not a problem brother. If that don’t work, there’s plenty others out there. Just gotta keep trying them til’ you find one which works.

For me, it was about it just being a constant reminder - I’d put my fingers in my mouth, taste the chemical taste and say ‘Oh, hang on I shouldn’t be doing this...’ makes the unconscious act into a conscious one, so you need a bit of willpower to go with it.

Good luck and let me know how you get on 😎
Sydster1995 said:

I’ve tried to do it a few times in the past, but I always just gave up after week 1 because I was weak and thought it was too hard. It was going through a breakup which made something click and say ‘I gotta do this’. In the past I’d just kinda dabbled in the idea of self-improvement, but now I’m ready to hit it hard.

I agree I find I’ve got more energy to get things done throughout the day as opposed to feeling groggy. Eventually my goal is to work up to the 30 minutes running and do this more frequently I.e 5 days a week. If I can work up to an hour of running/jogging then and go every morning, I’d be really happy with that.

Do you still run?

Not running at the moment but I'll alternate between doing C25k style intervials for a month or two and then just walking. Depending on what I'm focusing on in the gym the accumulated running starts to beat up my knees a bit.

Seems like a solid goal - the more you get into it you'll probably get more ideas on what frequency, intensity, etc. works for you
enjoyablehat said:
Sydster1995 said:

I’ve tried to do it a few times in the past, but I always just gave up after week 1 because I was weak and thought it was too hard. It was going through a breakup which made something click and say ‘I gotta do this’. In the past I’d just kinda dabbled in the idea of self-improvement, but now I’m ready to hit it hard.

I agree I find I’ve got more energy to get things done throughout the day as opposed to feeling groggy. Eventually my goal is to work up to the 30 minutes running and do this more frequently I.e 5 days a week. If I can work up to an hour of running/jogging then and go every morning, I’d be really happy with that.

Do you still run?

Not running at the moment but I'll alternate between doing C25k style intervials for a month or two and then just walking. Depending on what I'm focusing on in the gym the accumulated running starts to beat up my knees a bit.

Seems like a solid goal - the more you get into it you'll probably get more ideas on what frequency, intensity, etc. works for you

Yeah man that sounds like a good plan! I struggle with my back, so I gotta take it easy sometimes too but I’m getting there.

Yeah it’s hard here at the minute as gyms are shut and even if they were open, I’m shielding vulnerable family members, so running is the way to go at the minute. Least it’s given me chance to do it this Lockdown as I really didn’t want to 😂 but I actually enjoy it now.

I’ll play around with the intensity etc. Once I get to 30 minutes running
Post 3

Hello again

Just wanted to post another update - made some good progress since last time I posted.

- Still haven’t had an alcoholic drink ✅

- Have been keeping up with brushing, flossing and mouthwash twice a day ✅

- Couch to 5K programme - I’m still on week 6, but I only have one more run left to do before I move onto week 7 - completed a run today (part of my 365 challenge) ✅

- I completed another 30 day challenge of not having any fizzy drinks - I rewarded myself with a can of Coke. I’m now off the fizzy drinks - I don’t need to have one every day and will have one occasionally as a rare treat instead ✅

- I’ve started treating my acne twice per day in the A.M and P.M after showering and washing the area first. (only a little on my back, but it’s something that bothers me a little as I suffered with it terrible in my teens). Hopefully if I keep applying the cream for 30 days, I’ll manage to get rid of it ✅

- Today I listened to 4 of Andy’s Inner Winner Show podcasts - really enjoying these. Hit my 1 podcast a day minimum goal. Plans for the future are to take notes while I listen and wrote down any tips/suggestions that really resonate with me. ✅

- Did 10 push ups ✅

- Did 10 Sit Ups ✅

- I finished ‘You can’t afford the luxury of a negative thought’. Bookmarked some of the pages with the techniques/tips I feel will benefit me the most. I also purchased The Rational Male by Rollo Tomassi as per Andy’s recommendation list. Already a few pages in, my mind is completely blown and I feel that I have had an awakening. Hitting my target of 30 minutes reading per day 📖 ✅

That’s it for today. Trying to focus on the positive and keep going. I did have some bad news today. I have been advised to shield family members, so doesn’t look like I’ll be going to the Gym anytime soon and may have to wait until my parents have been vaccinated.

Bit of a blow, but I’m keeping up with the running, push ups and sit ups to offset this and meet myself ready for when I can eventually go to the gym.

I’ll leave it here for now and post back in 2-3 days. I’m currently making a note of some of my long-term goals and plans for next year and also what’s motivated me to get into self-improvement 📝

I may share these thoughts on here during the week - for my benefit as well as whoever wishes to read.

Thanks for reading if you made it this far!


Hey folks.

Been a couple days since I’ve posted, so thought I’d log a quick update.

- Still haven’t had a alcoholic drink ✅

- Still brushing, flossing and using mouthwash twice a day ✅

- Still been going for a walk for at least 10 minutes a day (My 365 Day Project) ✅

- Still haven’t had any fizzy drinks ✅

- Still doing 10 push ups a day ✅

- Still doing 10 sit ups a day ✅

- Haven’t bitten my nails - they are growing back and looking healthier every day ✅

- Still reading for 30 minutes a night ✅

- Have been listening to several podcasts of the Inner Winner Show over the past couple of days, so hitting the target of at least 1 podcast per day ✅

- Completed Week 6 of Couch to 5K - I ran for a total of 25 minutes. This is a massive achievement for me and the longest I’ve ever run. I only have 2 weeks left of the programme and I am due to start Week 7 tomorrow ✅

I’ve also started 2 new challenges as of 01/12/2020:

- Skincare - I’ve started washing and moisturising my face every morning and evening using some L’Oreal I bought.

- Started NoFap - be interesting to see if I notice any of the benefits that people claim.

And that’s it for now - just a quick update, but I’m carrying on with my goals and making the progress gradually. I complete a month then keep it as a habit and come up with new goals - seems to be working well for me.

Next time I post, I may discuss what motivated me to get into self-improvement and some of my plans for the future.

See you all next time!
Solid progress, man!

I don't have much else to add :) I think one month might be too short to form a habit, but that's just my opinion ofc.