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Taco's Tinder Profile


Dec 23, 2021
Hi guys.

I'm TacoLover. I'm a 26 years old guy from Northern México.

I'd like to tell you about myself. College graduate living with parents in a +800,000 city, and working at the family business.

I've used Tinder before, and had some successful experiences. However, when COVID hit, I decided to delete my profile (along with all my social media), since lockdowns made it hard to coordinate dates with girls.

Thankfully, things have cooled down a bit. Bars and clubs are reopening at full capacity.

Lately, I've going to clubs with some friends and have had successful encounters with girls. These ranging from making out to getting laid.

Found Andy's site and have been lurking through these forums for the last six months.

After reading Andy's Tinder guide, and reading your successful stories, I finally decided to take action and reopen my tinder profile.

Following Andy's guide, I took my mom's old DSLR camera, learned through YT and practice, and asked my buddy to take me pictures. I'm gonna be honest, modeling felt awkward, but I guess that's natural.

Previous to my photoshoot, I went to Zara and bought some pants and shirts. Didn't buy any accessories since I didn't have enough money at the time. I'm really interested in improving my style.

Downloaded Tinder, bought premium, set my age at 24, and wrote this as my bio:

"1.85 m

If someone asks, we met at the Costco line.

Build houses and bridges.

Let's grab a drink

I'm actually 26. Don't know how to change my age."

Out of the whole photoshoot, I decided to use only two pictures from the DSLR. Last picture was taken with an iPhone, since I wanted to pose while holding the camera.

As of yesterday, I've had 10 matches, and managed to get 3 numbers. Right now, I'm setting dates with these 3 girls for next week, and all 3 are down for it.

Haven't boosted yet. Waiting until Saturday 6 pm.

Along with online dating, I'm improving my night game. Approaching girls and calling them cute at the club has proven successful. I'll keep you guys updated whenever I get a successful encounter (and unsuccessful as well).

That's pretty much it, guys.

I'd like to know how I can keep improving my dating profile and my style. Feel free to analyze and critique. All help is appreciated.

Thanks, happy Holidays and let's fucking go!
The holidays are a great time to boost. I suggest at least dropping 1 on Christmas day when everyone's bored at home. Profile looks like a great start, welcome brother.
Photos look fine. You could also put in an activity photo and a social photo.

I wouldn't set your age to 24 if you're 26. Will barely make a difference and no point in doing it and then having to put a disclaimer in your profile.
Thanks for the input guys! Let's see how boosting in Christmas goes.

pancakemouse You're right. Setting my age 2 years younger and also pointing it out is too much. If they ask, I'll just answer truthfully.
Hi everyone.

I'll throw in a small story time.

I had a small heart attack last night. I've been installing and uninstalling Tinder because I'm fighting the urge to constantly check my profile.

Well, last night, around 11:00 p.m. I reinstalled tinder, and I'm prompted to do a captcha puzzle to prove I'm not a robot, because they detected some unusual activity. Guess it had to do with downloading tinder multiple times, but who knows.

Once completed the puzzle, I'm greeted with a gray screen that read: "YOUR ACCOUNT HAS BEEN BANNED"

It shocked me, since my profile has nothing remotely sexual, and my conversations don't comment on anything sexual either.

I delete all cached files, reopen the app, and I'm greeted with the same puzzle. Once completed, I'm in my account as if nothing had happened. Matches and conversations were intact.

God knows why that happened, but I'll take it as a sign to stop reinstalling Tinder so often.

Anyways, I'm throwing some numbers.

On the first 24 hours, I got 15 matches, out of which I got 4 numbers, out of which 3 are down to date next week (remaining number lives 2 hours away from me). I'm arranging dates to be as soon as possible (Monday - Wednesday)

Almost all my matches replied to my template (just 3 didn't). Some take more time than others (For example, my first match just messaged me on the app)

Not overthinking on why matches are taking so long to reply. After all, this is a numbers game.

I'm staying positive. These numbers would have taken me 4 weeks to achieve on my pre-Tinder Guide days.

On a good looking sale, matches range from 5-7. Hopefully after boosting at 8 p.m. during Christmas dinner, the 8-10s will pop up.

Wanted to clarify something. I initially stated that I bought premium, when I really meant platinum. Downloaded Bumble as well, but volume is not promising. I'll use Tinder as my main app.

I'm arranging another photoshoot with my buddy to include a social and activity picture. Gonna have (want) to buy more clothes. I'll show pictures once taken.

Thanks for reading guys and feel free to comment!

I wish you all happy holidays and hope we all smash our New Year's goals.
That banned thing has been happening to a bunch of people lately. And a bunch of people have been getting asked to verify way more often now.
Hi guys!

I'll throw in some statistics then story time. I'd also like to show you my opener so you can comment.

Matches - 25
Numbers - 7
Dates - 1
Lays - 1

Sadly, my awaited Christmas boost didn't yield good results. Just 2 matches, who were 4 on a good looking scale. Immediately unmatched.

After some thinking, I decided to tweak my profile a bit. Sunglasses picture became my main: I think I look better. iPhone picture moved to second, and original main Picture changed for a similar photo. I'm attaching a screenshot of my rearranged profile.

Not 20 minutes passed and I was getting more matches already. I even matched with 2 Top Picks. They never answered my opener, but they still swiped right on me, which is a big confidence boost.

Anyways, on to the lay story.

Matched with this boosted girl (not from Christmas boost), and conversation went like this:

"Hi! You look like a girl I'm gonna have a date with. Funny, right?"

"Should I get ready?"

"If you're ready, let's go"

"Will you come pick me up?"

"Obviously. Send me your WhatsApp"

*She sends WhatsApp*

Once I pick her up, I make small touches to her thighs to grab her attention. Make her clear that I'm not drinking. Don't wanna get a DUI. She's cool with that.

At the bar, we sat next to each other. Physical contact increases. We even kiss a few times during the date.

While on my dates, I usually try to sexualize the conversation. I end up asking her which position she likes the most, what are her dos and don'ts, if she's ever used toys. Shit goes smooth.

Finally, I pay the check, walk her up to my car, open the door for her, she hops in, I hop in, and make out starts.

God, she was holding herself back at the bar. Love it when girls pull me over to themselves, not letting go.

I then ask the deal-sealer question: "Let's go and get ourselves a more private place. You up to it?"

She agrees. I set my destination to a love motel, get there, pay for a room, and have sex with her 2 times.

Sex is pretty basic. Make out, get naked, she sucks me, I put on a condom, I fuck her, cum in her mouth, cuddle, repeat.

I leave her at her place and I'm back at bed.

One thing I'd like to point.

During the date, she showed me her tinder profile, which she activated 2 weeks ago.

427 matches! She then told me I was her first tinder date turned sex. Maybe she lied, but I'll believe her to get that confidence boost.

If I want to keep results like tonight, I only have to keep improving. Better looks, style and pictures. Stand out from the crowd.

As to my opener, this girl was an exception. Usually, girls answer something like: "Whoa! What a coincidence!". I then proceed to ask for personal info, such as where are they from, hobbies and thinks they like to do for fun. Later, I tell them: "I liked you, we should talk through WhatsApp". Finally, I set the date ASAP.

I think my opener works because it plants the idea of having a date on their minds at the very beginning. Also, it reduces the amount of texting. But I'd really like to hear what you have to say.

I'm also using "Hi! You're cute. We should have a date. How are you?" but it hasn't yielded as many results.

Anyways guys, thanks for reading! Please let me know if there's any room for improvement. I'm attaching my rearranged profile and tinder conversation as proof.

Keep grinding boys!

PS. Does anyone know how I Can put this thread into the private Google free zone?

PS2. No matches on Bumble. Profile is copy paste from tinder. Maybe not so popular in my area?
>> I'm also using "Hi! You're cute. We should have a date. How are you?" but it hasn't yielded as many results.

Makes sense why. Needless validation. Then immediate date pitch (too direct), but then hiding your balls and asking her a meaningless comfort-building question when you haven't given her time to respond to the original question first.

Your other opener is decent because it's direct but disguises itself as indirect, and it's fun and flirty.