Taking a break from online dating until things are more stable in the world (Girl ain't meeting up due to Covid?)

Aug 15, 2020
So I got back into online dating about 2-3 weeks ago and I actually got a decent number of matches. But the problem is, NO IS trying to meet up right now, and I'm wasting too much time (even if it's only 5-10 messages) when all the girls end up either flat out saying they don't want to meet up right now due to Covid or they just keep trying to push the subject of meeting up off.

I still plan on working hard on my photos and my body, and I might try the apps again in a month or 2 when things calm down more.

So, what have your experiences been with online dating and Covid? Am I the outlier here or is this similar to what you all have been experiencing as well?

Praying for a vaccine so we can be done with this shit and move on!
Exactly the same place as you. One girl was down to meet but can't due to COVID-19 and living with parents. Do something else.
My opening message qualifies girls who are interested:

Hey you're cute. I'm not interested into something super serious right now due to <insert excuse>. However I'd love for us to grab a drink and see if we click. What do you think?

Obviously I get ignored a lot. But with only 25 matches, I've went out with 4 girls, 2 of which were cute and one was hot.

I got no idea if it will work for you and your area. But at least it will save you time.
I would interpret the "can't meet due to COVID" line as just an excuse (ie she was never down to meet up in the first place). Have met tons of girls during COVID. The ones that do want to meet you will find a way to meet you.
My area hasn't been badly affected but we still have to wear masks and some stuff is closed down. Hasn't been an issue for me.
In Poland no one gives a single fuck about the covid right now. There is a second wave coming tho, and school were opened today, so it may change soon lol.
Anyway, it kinda filters the girls that are not down to meet anyway, because have an excuse not to.
My opinion is dating will be 10x better once corona is over. Self improvment should be priority one girls 2 cause it might eat more time. I think by next year dating will explode. Birth rates drop during pandemics and spike after.

So do what's most useful with your time
Yea i agree. Some of the guys here are saying the girls are just making excuses but they don't understand that where I live, the news makes it seem like you could die from this thing at any second. It's insane!

The girls are all stuck inside so they're more than happy to suck away your validation by messaging you online and leading you on, but very few are willing to go any further than that right now.

Fuck it. I'm still losing 1 body fat percentage a month so hopefully be the end of the year I'm down to 17-15 percent.