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Taking a chance at becoming a bartender


Aug 2, 2022
Hey guys,

I'm writing this to keep myself accountable. I am (soon to be) 27 and I just moved to a new city with the purpose of working on my social/dating life and re-inventing myself (feels cringe just typing that lol).

I've lurked GLL forums in the past and I know Chris talks about getting a bartending job to supercharge your social skills and to meet people. Well, I decided that I am going to do just that! I've been applying to barback positions with the intention of being able to move up to bartender in a year.

There is a part of me that worries maybe I am too old to be doing this. And that maybe I should get a job in my degree, business, where I will make lots more money. But... I told myself I would commit 100% to my ultimate goal of knowing that I can get laid. Bartending brings me closer to achieving that goal.

So, my short-term goal right now is to find a job as a barback. I will update this post every day with the action I took to achieve this.
Go for it! When I was 28 I had to move back to my parents place because life.. Lived there for a year while working part-time in a kindergarten, doing bartender work and some other part-time stuff.

If you end up in a place with decent colleagues, working at a bar is a fun and social job, in my experience. At the same time, be prepared to have to deal with people at their worst: black out drunk and miserable at everyone, at worst.
very interested in this.

will be good to see
- how you become a barback
- daily life as a barback and how that's affecting your social/dating ability
- transition to becoming a real bartender and continued social benefits
Hard2Focus said:
If you end up in a place with decent colleagues, working at a bar is a fun and social job

Yeah that's basically what I'm looking for! Glad to hear someone else went through something similar
Daily update: aug 4

Today I made a list of 10 bars in my area that I would want to work at. Basically, anything from sports bars to fancier cocktail places... if it looked like a place i'd go to myself, i wrote it down. I also created a template for my cover letter that i can just copy/paste when applying to jobs online.

So far I've had 4 interviews for barback positions. 2 places never got back to me, the 3rd should be letting me know this weekend, and my 4th interview is tomorrow.


- I will apply to any new positions on indeed
- Reach out to all 10 bars via their website/email/phone
- join some social media groups to find bar jobs
Well... yuh boy got a job as a barback!

I ended up having two interviews today. It's funny cus they both hired me on the spot. Basically, they asked me when I could start, I told them next week and they said "great, we'll see you then!" So technically I've got two jobs. I'll sleep on it tonight and decide which one I drop tomorrow:

Sports bar: Probably the one I'm gonna keep. The staff seem pretty chill, and they are my age. The bar plays good rock music, they do live shows, and it's basically right next to all the sport stadiums in Toronto! So i'll always know how our teams are doing. Only downside is i might not hit 40 hours a week. I guess that gives me more time to focus on making friends and doing the AA program.

Italian restaurant: It's a well known resto, fancy, and they guarantee 40 hours a week. Sure i like pasta and whatnot but sports and beer is more my style haha. From what i saw, it seemed to be an older crowd too.

Anyways, project "get setup in Toronto" is going well.
My next focus will be on making some friends here.

Edit: I guess i'll keep posting in this topic to show the life of a barback and if it helps my dating/social life, as i know colgate was interested in that.

So here's my commitment, I will give an update once a week (for now), every Tuesday. And let's see how long it takes for me to graduate to bartender
Quick update

I had my orientation day today, actual job starts Thursday. I'm pretty stoked about this place! They literally just want me to wear some band graphic tees w/ jeans. And I get to watch some bands rock out on weekends \m/

Going shopping for these clothes tomorrow cause i admittedly currently dress like a dork
Waddup waddup!

I've been a barback for a week so far, and man this job is easy. I'm mainly just trying to make friends with the people i work with. We're a big team so there are lots of hot servers/hostesses running around and some pretty chill dudes as well. I'm getting along with some of the guys but man i gotta work on talking to girls!

This job has been helping my social life a bit tho. Usually after work (after 2am), we'll sit down with a beer or 2 and shoot the shit while we count our tips. I haven't been social for soooooo long so im a bit rusty but i feel like this job is helping with that
Well another week working at the bar. Here are my thoughts so far on working as a barback.

Does it help with social skills?

Kind of. It helps because i work with people my age and we often get to just hang around and talk. Some of us usually stay behind once the bar closes to have a drink or two so that's been pretty cool. I find thats where most people bond. There are also plenty of hot servers running around to talk to. On the otherhand, i don't really talk to customers so i guess thats where bartendending is better for helping with social skills.

I'm pretty much settled into this new job now. Getting a social job and getting settled into the new city was one of my main goals this month. I'd say i'm mostly settled in now. My next goal will be to complete the AA program.
Sup guys!

Last night one of my barbacking buddies invited me out to his friends bar to drink after work. It was pretty cool because we stayed way past closing and his buddy (the bartender) served us free beers. We talked about how getting a bartending job is basically just about the people you know... long story short i made some connections and the bartender is gonna put in a good word for me at a venue that might be looking to hire a bartender.

I'm also realizing now how much money these people make, it's ridiculous! One bartender the other night took home $300 cash just in tips and she was complaining about how it was a bad night for her.

Other than that, there's still lots of cute servers running around so i can't really complain about work lol.

Anyways, i don't think there's much value in posting an update every week for this topic. I'll probably do an update at the start of every month or when something significant happens (when i get a bartending job).