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Taking it to the next level


Dec 5, 2021
Here I'm flexing and this is before I finished the THORR program, I want to take it to the next level. These are the best results I've achieved so far. Shoukd I just repeat the program over and continue with heavier weights or start a different program? I take test and eat protein heavy foods rather than supplement due to budget.

P. S. If this needs to be posted elsewhere let me know.
Looking good man.

Noticed you're pretty clear and open about your motto, which is listed as 1488 - I understand this is a white supremacist symbol and refers to heil hitler, yes?

I have no concern for the political stances of others, but given you are sharing this very openly, I wanted to clarify this.

Good luck to you all the same,
MakingAComeback said:
Looking good man.

Noticed you're pretty clear and open about your motto, which is listed as 1488 - I understand this is a white supremacist symbol and refers to heil hitler, yes?

I have no concern for the political stances of others, but given you are sharing this very openly, I wanted to clarify this.

Good luck to you all the same,

Jew here, most of my ancestors were slaughtered by Hitler and the Nazis... I don't give a shit if you're a Neonazi. Free speech and freedom of association is extremely important - just don't start advocating for violence or discrimination and we'll get along fine. This site is for self-improvement, not political statements. The 1st Amendment is a great example of free speech protection, and it explicitly does not protect incitement of violence. You'll get problems from me the moment you post about Jews being lesser or advocating violence towards us.

As long as you keep things on the topic of building a life you love, I'm on your side. I can't speak for Andy or Radical, but I'd imagine they'd have a similar mindset.

As for your question - I don't know what the Thor program is, but your first step to improve your physique and results is to lose fat. You may be strong and have muscle, but it's hidden by a lot of fat.

I used to be super fat, lost 100lbs and now I'm pretty lean (11-12% body fat or so.) Girls constantly tell me I'm attractive, and some recent girls couldn't help themselves around me. Dating and sex is so much more fun when you're lean.

Here's an article Andy wrote about why losing fat is important for getting laid: https://killyourinnerloser.com/why-losing-fat-matters-above-all-else/

And here's a video he did, using my weight loss journey to help inspire his viewers (shout out to Ed_ for taking the "after" photo in the thumbnail) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42hOWqZW1Vk

My suggestion is to count calories and eat at a deficit (Lose It is the app I use, I'm also coding my own for iOS right now), eat 1g/lb of body weight of protein, keep going to the gym (progressive overload, www.aworkoutroutine.com has some solid free programs)

Do that consistently and you'll lose weight and gain muscle at the same time.

Tons of members here are personal trainers or fitness enthusiasts so they might be able to elaborate and give you more specific advice. DNPTHC is my trainer, and he's worked with several people here on the forums.

Cheers man! It's a slow process, but it's worth it. Just be consistent and don't quit.
Agreed with my brother above. I am sorry to steer the discussion away from pure self improvement, that was my fault. I only wanted to clarify this poster's motto which was something he shared very openly, and in and of itself, is a very explicit and open political statement. I will not pry any further, we can leave all that alone and get back to work.

As Joe makes clear, we are concerned with building elite lives only.

I respect all people: black, white, Asian, whatever. All religions, all nationalities, all political stances. In return, in my own life, they have respected me. I am blessed to have close friends from all faiths, races, and sexual orientations, all of whom added to my life. That is about as far as I will ever comment on this subject matter and again, I apologise for perhaps derailing the discussion. My fault entirely.

Keep hammering,
MakingAComeback said:
Agreed with my brother above. I am sorry to steer the discussion away from pure self improvement, that was my fault. I only wanted to clarify this poster's motto which was something he shared very openly, and in and of itself, is a very explicit and open political statement. I will not pry any further, we can leave all that alone and get back to work.

As Joe makes clear, we are concerned with building elite lives only.

I respect all people: black, white, Asian, whatever. All religions, all nationalities, all political stances. In return, in my own life, they have respected me. I am blessed to have close friends from all faiths, races, and sexual orientations, all of whom added to my life. That is about as far as I will ever comment on this subject matter and again, I apologise for perhaps derailing the discussion. My fault entirely.

Keep hammering,

All good, MAC. I quoted your post, but my messages were directed at OP. Sorry for the confusion.