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Tdoggw - Style


Oct 31, 2020

My situation is kinda whack. I have to dress up for business purposes, most days. Which gives off the boyfriend material vibes. But when I’m not working, I dress as douchey as possible. Ive worn backwards hats all my life because I know that it gives bad boy vibes to chicks. Im trying to max out the douchey style as much as possible so I can filter out the girls I'm looking for. I do wear a headband occasionally when i’m out but the hat helps a lot more.

First pic- This is typically what I wear for work, obviously I have different pants and shirts. The fit is pretty much the same. Can I somewhat look less boyfriend material but look professional for clients?

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Second Pic- Douchebag, what I normally wear. I have different fits but usually wear this kind of style. I dont put in thought when I usually wear this style. Works well when picking up chicks, they can tell what I want. What can I do to MAX out the douchebag look?

Thoughts and advice?
The first one looks like you stop people in the street and tell them that Jesus loves them

Swap out the blue wash for black denim for a start. Grab some black chelsea boots and throw on a couple of rings. Shirt looks fine, could be more fitted. I dunno if its cold where you are or not but I do recommend grabbing a pea coat which would finish of that ensemble. You will look well dressed.

The 2nd is better for sure. You look kinda frat boy in that though which is what it is. You look young afterall and throwing the cap back keeps it youthful af

You could add some edge which would help, necklace for example. A bomber would be better than that jacket. Or maybe a double rider leather jacket.
In a similar situation with dress shirt/pants for work - I think for then a "smart" look is probably the way to go but check Radical's link to get to the guide on his site, it has a couple example. Maybe with a couple accessories can make it a little edgier too
Radical said:
The first one looks like you stop people in the street and tell them that Jesus loves them

Swap out the blue wash for black denim for a start. Grab some black chelsea boots and throw on a couple of rings. Shirt looks fine, could be more fitted. I dunno if its cold where you are or not but I do recommend grabbing a pea coat which would finish of that ensemble. You will look well dressed.

The 2nd is better for sure. You look kinda frat boy in that though which is what it is. You look young afterall and throwing the cap back keeps it youthful af

You could add some edge which would help, necklace for example. A bomber would be better than that jacket. Or maybe a double rider leather jacket.

Good shit. I do have black pants but the fit is tight now since my legs grew a lot the past year. Does show off my gains though. Also I got better fitted shirts, I made the mistake of showing the brown belt, I usually wear a black belt. Gives off less jesus vibes.

Ill take the advice thanks.

Best place to by rings? Been wanting some for a while but cant seem to find clean black rings.
Etsy maybe

If not try online jewellers. Im not familiar with the big ones stateside but you can find independent brands. Might be a bit spenny though. If markets are open you can usually find vendors selling rings for cheap

Get some string and make sure you know the diameter/ring size for the fingers you want them on

If you want the finer points on the smart outfit grab my style guide cause I show how to rock the peacoat plus boots look in it