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Tender photo help


Feb 16, 2021
Hey guys I'm looking for some honest feedback on how I look, what photos I should use, and how I should improve. Thank you guys. :)
Hey there,

From your reel, I like photo 1 & 6.

1 and 2 are both great photos and could be used, I have a slight preference for 1 but if you don't have another full body photo in your reel, I would use 2. You can make a call here. The others are OK, but not as good as 1&2.

6 with you and the dog looking at each other is great and doesn't look forced, this is another great one to use.

I wouldn't use any of the gym photos, I generally think any photos with Masks on are just bad for you (especially if you use smart photos on Tinder where that might be the first one shown). Also with a gym photo, they look better when you are lifting the weight rather than the starting position.

Hope this helps and keep at it, you have quite a few good ones here.
Thank you! I’m normally hate taking photos and had a few friends help me. I’m not feeling the gym photos either I just wanted some feedback from trustworthy people.