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Test Post: Day 1

Jun 27, 2021

Just finished up Day 1 of the plan to improve my life.

After applying to a couple of jobs at a major bank in my country through a job agency and investigating into a retirement investment account for my little brother at my mother’s request, I ate lunch & then went outside to the local city park to spit some game. I saw a girl immediately coming out of the washroom.

Field Report I wrote in the moment: So this time I actually talked to a girl & she rejected me. Said she was leaving & couldn’t even get a phone number. Told her she was gorgeous, told her my name, asked her if she was “coming in or going out,” she said “going out,” I asked her for insta, she said “I don’t have any of that,” I said “aight, do u at least have a phone?” She said no, & kinda started walking away after that, so I let it go. Dammit she was “tryin not to shake hands after getting out of the washroom” so I was fucked there haha. Idk what else to take from this.

Reflections: I should have tried to continue the conversation, build comfort, & ask her to walk & talk with me. And I shouldn’t have given into her frame so easily & contorted myself to what she was saying. I should have listened to actions, not words. But I was worried about coming off creepy.

After that, I met this guy & impressed him enough that he got me on a workout routine of doing 150 sit-ups in the morning & 150 before bed. I also got his number. I did the 150 before bed today, & texted him about it as I was doing it. I learned that the reason my butt always slides backwards when I do sit-ups is that I always inadvertently engage my hip flexors when lifting my body up. So I tried just flexing my core & engaging only my abs after doing my 150 & could only get up to I think my hip flexor sitting up. Turns out I’m weaker than I thought, but hey, better than nothing. And if I didn’t do those 150 sit-ups I wouldn’t have known that. The guy recommended me to put my feet up against the wall, I did that & my ass was still sliding backwards until I figured it out. I also did the 5x5 A workout (bench press, shoulder row, & chin-ups in place of squats), & since I was coming back from not working out in over a year, I just lifted the bar at my house (25 lbs.). I could only muster up 5 pull-ups, but again, better than nothing. I also played football & basketball outside today.

A friend tried to call me at 9 PM but I told him it was too late for me to talk to him; I’m learning to stand up for myself. I wrapped up my day reviewing some videos from an online blogging course I’m taking. All in all, a really productive day. Wish I could have done more with it though. Too bad I woke up at 9 AM due to oversleeping after a nightmare. Ah well.

Also I saw this smoking hot blonde, but she was with her (apparent) boyfriend, who looked intimidating as all hell & like a gangster, so I decided against approaching her because I was scared of him getting offended, aggressive, & beating me up.