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The hotter the girl, the more I do this "I reject you first" Nice Guy move

Aug 2, 2020
And it's incredibly visible... Even with women that are taken, at work, etc. I'm kinda paranoid because I know people see this. I'm very tense around very good looking women, awkward, ignoring them, etc. very shy.

I've only recently started going out more again with groups of friends and so on and it's the worst level so far.

What can I do?
Talk to girls on the streets and feel comfortable with the feeling of being "rejected".
Rejection is a part of life friend. Just try to be natural with woman they can literally smell fake attitudes and forced emotions.
InsaneAndHappyWithIt said:
I'm kinda paranoid because I know people see this.

you think they do, they don't. Nobody notices you.

Guys use this as an excuse all the time to not talk to girls. "People will notice me at the mall hitting on every girl I see." No they wont. Nobody cares.

Internalize this and don't look back.
Even if people notice you they really don't care. They may notice but they don't care. And if they do fuck them they are busy bodies plain and simple. Some may encourage you others indifferent and a few white knights