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The Inner Winner Show -- Questions for Interview Guests


Jul 2, 2020
Get Laid
Boston, MA
I’ve been talking with KillYourInnerLoser about what kind of interviews I’d like to see on his Inner Winner Show. I’d like to hear from advanced guys who've mostly “figured it out” and achieved an elite level sex life.

I’m mostly interested in “learning about the journey”. Here are the questions I've come up with, feel free to add some more:

  • Did you ever feel like giving up?
    • What was your lowest point?
  • What were your biggest fears in the beginning?
  • Can you give us a play-by-play of what a "really good, successful week" looks like (or looked like, if you're not presently in that lifestyle) for you in terms of getting laid?
    • How many dates? How many lays? How many “new girls” vs “ongoing fuckbuddies/girlfriends”?
    • Where were you meeting these girls? Online, daytime cold approach, bars, social circle?
  • What were your biggest challenges?
    • Was there any particular aspect of the whole process that was hardest for you? Getting in shape, taking tinder photos, overcoming approach anxiety, logistics / procedures for dates?
    • Did you have any particular sticking points in terms of actually getting laid? Last minute resistance, getting second dates, keeping girls around after you had sex with them the first time, getting really hot girls?
    • What change did you make that you think made the biggest difference in your results?
  • What did you want when you first started?
    • What did you imagine your sex like would be like when you started? Number of women, type of relationships?
    • Did your goals change?
    • What was your approach towards less attractive / non-ideal girls in the beginning? When/how did that change?
    • Do you have a particular type of girl? Has that changed?
  • How did you know you "made it"?
    • How did you know you were ready to move on?
  • What was your approximate timeline (months/years)?
    • When did you start working hardcore on getting laid?
    • When did you start seeing results?
    • When did you know you "made it"?
    • How long did you maintain that lifestyle, before moving on?
  • Who did you look to for motivation, inspiration, or potential goals to strive for?
  • Are there any popular goals/strategies/objectives/methods/advice within the GLL/KYIL community that you don't agree with?
    • What’s your “controversial opinion(s)" within the GLL/KYIL community?
    • Do you think you stand out or are unique from other guys in this community in any particular ways?
  • Were there any tricks/shortcuts/cheats that you found most helpful?
Do you wanna know from guys who are ahead of you?

Or literally just like super elite dudes who are basically done with getting laid?

Not sure how many we have of those

Por ejemplo I put myself intermediate and there's a ton I still want to do with dating

I think that with a couple of exceptions(like Chado) the more experienced guys that post here have a similar laycount to mine ~30

Thebastard tbf has put some serious numbers in if he sees this
Radical said:
Do you wanna know from guys who are ahead of you?

I think it would be good to hear from anyone who has more experience than me. Obviously there are few super-elite guys around, and even intermediate guys have a lot of perspective to give.

Duke discussed his story in his thread and I consider that pretty elite.
Did you ever feel like giving up?
Nah that wasn't an option. Already fell off the GLL bandwagon before when I didn't fully believe in it, now that I do this is a journey i cant turn from

What was your lowest point?
Letting my ex back into my life. It fucked up a lot of my progress. I left a date early to call her and chat once (thankfully that chick i bailed on drunkenly invited herself to mine 2 nights later). I ended that ex connection earlier this year after Andy and the co made it clear that was necessary.

What were your biggest fears in the beginning?
Not being able to approach even when paying Andy in person. Being seen as a pussy basically.

Can you give us a play-by-play of what a "really good, successful week" looks like (or looked like, if you're not presently in that lifestyle) for you in terms of getting laid?
3 first dates, all ending in lays. You feel like a god after that. Andy pushed this to like 3 new chicks in a day which I dont have much interest in doing. Rather spread it out

How many dates? How many lays? How many “new girls” vs “ongoing fuckbuddies/girlfriends”?
Very few dates didnt lead to lays. I didnt track well. But since starting the GLL era its been like 20 lays in the first year. Never really gone beyond seeing 2 girls at a time. Its on my list to get to 3 in rotation.

Where were you meeting these girls? Online, daytime cold approach, bars, social circle?
Approached a ton at the start. Online since. Very rarely social circle

What were your biggest challenges?
Actually putting the numbers in consistently. I have big issues with consistent drive, more of an intermittent sprinter/400m runner than a marathon guy

Was there any particular aspect of the whole process that was hardest for you? Getting in shape, taking tinder photos, overcoming approach anxiety, logistics / procedures for dates?
Logistics by a mile. Andy almost had an intervention on me as I was choosing to live in hostel dorm rooms (usually 4 man rooms - i write about how to get laid in them on Andys website) and I was floating around travelling making it harder to retain and have good logistics

Did you have any particular sticking points in terms of actually getting laid? Last minute resistance, getting second dates, keeping girls around after you had sex with them the first time, getting really hot girls?
Nah, converting dates to lays is the bit im good at

What change did you make that you think made the biggest difference in your results?
Moving into a flat/ style upgrade/getting leaner/getting picture on point

What did you want when you first started?
I didnt know. Andy kind of picked the 100 lays goal for me

What did you imagine your sex like would be like when you started? Number of women, type of relationships?
I couldnt imagine it. Had a long chat with Andy about that.

Did your goals change?
Eh covid affected more than anything. I still aim at 100 lays for the benefits that journey should bring

What was your approach towards less attractive / non-ideal girls in the beginning? When/how did that change?
Good for approach practice. Screen them out now

Do you have a particular type of girl? Has that changed?
Party girls and nope

How did you know you "made it"?
After like 8 lays from the first date or coming straight to mine. Felt like it was easy

How did you know you were ready to move on?
Havent yet. Intermediate. Will quit when elite.

What was your approximate timeline (months/years)?
Went to see Andy May 2019 so since then. Giving myself a break for Covid affected time. Still got laid 3 times in Melbourne lockdown

When did you start working hardcore on getting laid?
As above

When did you start seeing results?
Immediately. I took pretty drastic action

When did you know you "made it"?
When your results are making you long term happy

How long did you maintain that lifestyle, before moving on?

Who did you look to for motivation, inspiration, or potential goals to strive for?
The GLL OGs. Best community on the internet bar none and what I aspire this place to carry on from

Are there any popular goals/strategies/objectives/methods/advice within the GLL/KYIL community that you don't agree with?
Anything red pill related. Not a phase i went through

What’s your “controversial opinion(s)" within the GLL/KYIL community?
You can be friends with girls, including hot ones. I go as far as to say not having girls as friends is a sign you are socially inept

Do you think you stand out or are unique from other guys in this community in any particular ways?
Andy wont stop talking about my two lays in first 7 approaches shit so i guess that. Im also very extroverted which seems to be a rarity among guys that rock up to this community

Were there any tricks/shortcuts/cheats that you found most helpful?
STYLE - I put it alongside the gym in terms of immediate shit to sort out at the start
Embrace it, go edgy, get tattoos, get piercings. Look like someone that gets laid as fast as you can
Dont half arse shit. You should be doing fairly drastic stuff to catch up with guys that have good sex lives
Did you ever feel like giving up?

Nah that wasn't an option. Already fell off the GLL bandwagon before when I didn't fully believe in it, now that I do this is a journey i cant turn from

KillYourInnerLoser had a similar reply to this question. I feel this is encouraging since my mindset is similar. I often tell myself: "I'm going to be working on this for the next 10 years. So it doesn't matter if I'm disappointed in my current results, my path is already set."