The IronWill Project: Year 3 of MAC DADDY: Realising My Greatness: DAY 59/90 - STARTED THE CUT TO 15% BF

Life is literally better than I could have even imagined right now.

Fuck me.

I am not far from being able to call myself a certified legend.

Life update post to come.

I could shed a tear man. God damn.

Thank you Andy & Radical.

Thank you Pancake, Rags and The Dom.

Thank you to the IR Grind Chat & No Brains Crew.

If I could bottle this feeling up and sell it, I would be a very rich man.

I will remember this feeling until the day I die.

Because I now know, beyond a shadow of a doubt.


Now to really go high in life so none of you can make excuses.

I am living close to my dream life right now.

...Now, lets create a massive movement, and save as many other souls as possible.














We know the game too well.

We can take guys from struggling to making killer progress.

Ash will live an insane life.

Why I like him, is he was a lurker on my log, who actually reached out, joined my program, and worked like his name was MAC DADDY

You will see a video from him in 6 months form now and he will kill bigger and bigger

...Do NOT let other people's limitations on you stop you from shining your light.

If someone has a problem with you going out and becoming successful, FUCK 'EM

Someone else's limited thinking is not our problem

We will rise to the top and really give them something to be mad about

If you are ready, and will do the work, I will be your performance coach and we will achieve 10 x the goals, in half the time

Because we get to f**king make it too

We will do the work

And we DEMAND our results

We want them hot, ready, crispy, and how we ordered it

That is what we do in The IronWill Tribe

The only thing stopping you from getting a free clarity call with me, is your mindset. Nothing else. It's YOU.

...Help is there for serious people. And if you spin your wheels this year, it's your own damn fault, because the help was there for those who were willing to drop their ego and ask for it.

Be a champ and not a f**king chump

The fact I can make a reel about my life now like the one below….

Go read my log from 2/3 years ago

3 years ago I was considering ending my own life

I have gotten to where I am today because I am consistent

That is pretty much it

I am otherwise just a normal man


A simple day

No technology at all this weekend. Didn’t know what time it was. I liked it. After a weekend that was spent in silent meditation, taking a 2 day vow of silence, it was good to be able to speak again. Today was about showing up, serving, and being open to trying new things. It’s a big thing I’ve learned in life the past few years. The importance of course correcting. A lesson I learn and relearn an awful lot. See you again tomorrow.
Day 29

Day 29.

Work’s done.

My structure is nailed down, so I can get everything done, and then just kick back and enjoy my life. If you can’t get all your work done in a few 90m work blocks, and then have time freedom to enjoy your life, you don’t value your freedom and the richness of life’s experiences. I use the free time I’ve regained by using IronWill to invest in myself further.

By recharging my biology using light, earthing, and cold exposure, and keep learning & studying to go higher in life. Up early, in bed early. Lots of great experiences and lots of great people in my life. If you’re not scaling and growing with a smile on your face, you’re using idiotic grinding and hustle methods that work fine if you’re an unfeeling psychopath, and fail for everyone else.

Because normal human beings value happiness and sustainability and tend to do better when they feel better. Be smarter, you’ll go a lot further.

I think I have a girlfriend now.

She's actually quite pretty too.

Kinda surprised.

Life's good.

Working my butt off on biz, body, and biology.

Still grinding harder than any of you by a country mile and even since getting my gal, I've just worked even harder, dedicated myself to healing even further, did a silent meditation retreat this weekend with Loki, 2 days vow of silence.

Biohacking for hours each day.

Hitting strength PBs, Repping 100kg on the bench, 70kg push presses. Just so much more muscle and strength than before.

Unlike others who slow down when they start to progress....I double the f**k down and get even more motivated.

Just watch me in a year.

And then in 2 years.

At a certain point, the gap will be so large between where I am in a few years and the rest of society. there will not be enough time in life to even catch up.

That is because I am f**king consistent and don't give in.

Anyone can make progress that way. That is why my ideas work and can be applied to anything.

Scratch the above.

It didn't work out.

Back to the ol' grindstone.

Re-strategesing. Doing some deeper reflection, and creating a new container to go deeper and work on the actual issues.

This year, I will get my SMV right, and heal further.

Consider this a fresh start. I am dissolving everything from the past, and starting again.

I will do my own independent research, seek advice from further afield, and see how others are solving this problem.

I'll crack it. And share it with you.

Do not fall into the same rabbit hole I did. If your metrics that matter are not improving (stopping, exchanging, conversion to dates, match quality, frequency). just stop. It's OK. There are always answers, you just need to humble yourself and admit you've fucked up and took on the wrong ideas.

I admit it, and if I misled you, truly I am sorry.

Winning is everything, and if you are not getting the outcomes you seek, change. Drop it all. Burn it all down the ground. Walk away. Start again.

I will not do any more:

-Technical Game

Instead, I will work on:

-SMV (top priority)
-Vibe & Energy

I dissolved any dating chats I had. And I will push this work forward, myself, logging and carefully monitoring all data. This will be a personal project, but I will share when I figure it out.

Determination and a powerful will, is how you find answers.

Scratch the above.

It didn't work out.

Back to the ol' grindstone.

Re-strategesing. Doing some deeper reflection, and creating a new container to go deeper and work on the actual issues.

This year, I will get my SMV right, and heal further.

Consider this a fresh start. I am dissolving everything from the past, and starting again.

I will do my own independent research, seek advice from further afield, and see how others are solving this problem.

I'll crack it. And share it with you.

Do not fall into the same rabbit hole I did. If your metrics that matter are not improving (stopping, exchanging, conversion to dates, match quality, frequency). just stop. It's OK. There are always answers, you just need to humble yourself and admit you've fucked up and took on the wrong ideas.

I admit it, and if I misled you, truly I am sorry.

Winning is everything, and if you are not getting the outcomes you seek, change. Drop it all. Burn it all down the ground. Walk away. Start again.

I will not do any more:

-Technical Game

Instead, I will work on:

-SMV (top priority)
-Vibe & Energy

I dissolved any dating chats I had. And I will push this work forward, myself, logging and carefully monitoring all data. This will be a personal project, but I will share when I figure it out.

Determination and a powerful will, is how you find answers.

I remember your overreactions when you had a bit of a breakup/heartbreak in the past (you were straight back down the blackpill rabbit hole).

Your reaction here to continue learning and developing is a positive, but don't throw away what you've already learned. This was just another step in the right direction IMO (two steps forward, one step back).
I remember your overreactions when you had a bit of a breakup/heartbreak in the past (you were straight back down the blackpill rabbit hole).

Your reaction here to continue learning and developing is a positive, but don't throw away what you've already learned. This was just another step in the right direction IMO (two steps forward, one step back).

Very true.

Man, this is a very difficult one.

The gal and I, have not broken up. I just was super sad about learning about her past, and it troubled me that I do not have the sorta woman I want to be with.

She is pretty, and has aged well given she is 35. She is an amazing girl, and treats me REALLY well. As you may know from reading this log, that isn't the norm. But, I've improved a lot, and my life has gotten better at every level.

It's just....I am not really happy with the sort of woman I am attracting, and I am confused about why this keeps happening.

Long story short: she was one of the first big wave of webcam models, was a super successful webcam model, had an audience of 50,000+ simps who'd log in daily to talk to her and chat with her, look at her boobs, watch her masturbate. She would do amateur porn videos of her banging her boyfriend who she was in an open relationship for 12 years. She admits to having a "VERY" promiscuous past.

I don't blame her for any of this, btw. I've heard her full story, she is a really stand up woman with a great heart. and had it been ten years ago, I'd have been open to considering her. But not now.

We'll date, I am just seeing her, I will continue to give her my love and full masculine presence. Because she does deserve that, for how great and awesome she is to me.

But, I will have to do the deeper thinking to figure out why I've stayed stuck in dating lower quality women for 3+ years at this point.

If you've read this log, you'll know I did a lot.

It doesn't even make sense to me why my quality issues did not improve, despite every facet of me getting better.

I am just going to work even harder on my SMV, consult a bit further afield, and see if I can figure out something that is worth testing, something that has legs and substance. I am open to ideas and suggestions, and if any of my readers know something

Please do not suggest any more of:

-Online dating (can still not really get matches, and poor quality at that)
-Day Game (despite my best efforts, was not able to make changes to getting them to stop, talk, exchange numbers.....I've wrapped that one up)

I have not done that much night game, and will be open to exploring more of that.

I will also try to go to classes and events, stuff like that.

I am grateful my life improved a lot, social skills, vibe, etc. This made ZERO different on the quality of woman I could attract and I just couldn't keep going on like that.

So I am dropping those things and trying to find out if there is something different out there I can try.

Not yet. Will take a good and long break. I need to speak with different people from different communities. 100% appreciate everyone and all I've learned, it was a blast. It's just, my current approach didn't work. I am OK with that. Life goes on.

I personally think, raising my SMV will get me out of this bind.

For now, I will just roll with the chick I've got. I am learning a lot about healing. I am not sure about the future.

I'm going to do more research and speak to some more people and see what their opinion is.

Open to ideas and will test things. If anyone else had the problem of years of persistent unlivable dogshit quality, and overcame that, DM me.

I would say she is a decent looking chick. Issue is, her age (35), and also, she's not taken care of her body right there's a LOT of sagging goin' on. Just way too much for me to be cool with that.

Lovely human

Super chequered past

End of the day, it is my choice, and this is not what I want.

Will handle that.

Other men, tended to experience better quality, when they improved their own quality.

If I could add a point to my SMV from a great body (moving myself from 5/5.5 to a solid 6/6.5) I should be able to get the quality level I'd like (6, normal person, not old, decent values, etc)

I am sure you can understand why I had to rip up the rule book on what the fuck I was doing. Cold approaching and using online dating apps for several years has gotten me, well, this kind of

I have to solve this. There are lots of great women out there. I will be open minded to a way to meet them.

I am grieving a little that I put so many years into the methods I chose (cold approach, dating apps) and didn't progress enough in them

I will take time just to psychologically heal. It wasn't my fault and I did think this would work. Nevermind. There will be other ways.

I'll find a way. And I'll be back as ever.

I will learn to see things differently, and either find a new approach, or create my own.


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So you went from an non-existing dating life, to dating fatties to dating a chick a shitton of guys paid money for to see her do things you are doing with her, still you don’t see the improvement?

I still love to see you do daygame with the chicks you are super attracted to, it would be stupid not to… Especially since I know you have the skillset to crush it in that area. Remember the fitness chick you approached for the second time that, after improving after a year, was so much more into you.
So maybe implement it like Paw is implementing it in his life (aka doing alot of walking and if your type appears you do approach, just not the long daygame sessions)

I love the idea for you to check out courses and meeting people there, you are ripe for those kinds of enviroments and I feel they will give you good results, or at worst, some cool new skills and people you meet.

I don’t think nightgame will be your solution, as I feel you are looking more for a girlfriend kind of girl. Also, it will mess up your sleep to much. Then again, last time in szimpla you were having great success, so those kind of bars, where you can go and socialize from 10-12 might be a good option.
Yeah I get all that bro, honestly, it's just the quality issue. Did I improve as a man? YES

Has the quality of woman I date moved, at all, over 3 years?


That was what made me decide it was time to just rip it all down and start over.

Thanked everyone I learned from, expressed gratitude, and just gracefully moved on.

This chick has had men pay her so much money to look at her naked she has bought houses and to this day doesn't need to work

And they got nothing

I am here telling you all how I don't really find her attractive and she is actually treating me very well, super kind, and is a beautiful human for sure. Great human. I even like her. I just can't get over the way her body looks and the fact she didn't take care of it properly. And her past, is just too much man.

I will simple get smarter, learn more, and improve.

I spoke to Dante, who did actually emphathise, and said all I can do really is improve my SMV and keep chipping away. He does always keep it real which I admire about him. I like him a lot for this reason. He does not lie. He told me not to expect good outcomes in my dating life, he said it will be pretty hard for me to get anyone worthwhile. He was right to be honest.

But as long as there are things I can improve, I will get better.

For now, I'll keep working hard on my SMV. Frankly, the issue I ran into was sheerly one of physical attraction. The 10,000+ women I've approached, the 200+ I dated, and the many I banged, were all great for me to LEARN TO BE BETTER

They taught me a lot

So the best thing to do is simply learn how to be better

I am not suggesting this is the end of the line, it's just the limit of my own knowledge and ability, and frankly, my SMV

I will get smarter, I will keep growing, and I will find the answers elsewhere

Trial and error

Cold approach, didn't work for me.

Neither did online dating.

I will find something else, and see if I can make it work.

There will be a way.

Chiming in quickly to say that a girl's past, while I agree it can be a legitimate concern for LTR purposes, is not an indication of her "quality"

You say your quality hasn't improved, but from what I see on the pics, she's much cuter/hotter than previous girls you've posted.

The true test of your SMV is, how hot are the girls you're 1) fucking and 2) retaining.

It has nothing to do with how sweet, affectionate, or promiscuous they are.

Besides, it seems like you got the truth out of her. Most guys aren't so lucky. Most girls are savvy enough to hide their pasts for precisely this reason, and they only let down their guard in this respect when they're assured you, as a man, won't judge them for it.

Point being, most girls are more promiscuous than most guys think. This is as true for a girl who's 24 as for a girl who's 35.

She treats you well, and she's hotter than your previous girls (right? I don't know for sure). So what's there to complain about? If you knew from the start she was 35, you probably already knew she wasn't going to be the mother of your children anyway. So what really changed?
Has the quality of woman I date moved, at all, over 3 years? NO

Retarded argument.

We've told you multiple times not to like whales/ugly girls. And you still did. Your responsibility.

"But what was I supposed to do, you Greek troll??? I wasn't getting any matches!"

Which brings me to =>

The Dom - a guy who has gotten laid with all types of game, in all kinds of location, with hot girls, and overall one of the best "not a dating coach players in the world - told you that Budapest was a bad market for you. Yet, you stayed there for a year, getting browndown after browndown.

You deserve what happened in your dating life because you cherry-pick advice and think you can Frankenstein together a plan that will work for you.

If you pick a mentor, you shut up and do what the mentor tells you to do. You don't listen to other people, no matter how good they are, especially when you have minimal results. Your problem was, is, and will continue to be that you try to listen to many people at once - Andy, Dom, Radical, PancakeMouse, Rags, Dante, etc. And you get confused because, for example, something the Dom says might contradict what PM says and vice versa.

Lastly, it boggles my mind that you haven't put together a plan to find a good location. You want a wife and kids? Go to a location where the majority of the girls will want a husband and kids. It sounds like a Captain Obvious moment, but I bet you haven't considered this.

Spoiler alert: This place won't be Budapest (since you're brown) or NYC (America IMO is a failed society and you'll get raped if you get a divorce.) Look for places where having a family is celebrated and not seen as a nuisance.

Great human. I even like her. I just can't get over the way her body looks and the fact she didn't take care of it properly. And her past, is just too much man.

That's unfair.

You were a complete disaster just 4 years ago that no woman wanted to date. If the past is so important, why are you entitled to an exception and she isn't? It's not like she killed kids.

From what I understand she's also trying to heal. If anything, you two are great together.

Sure, she might not be marriage material, but you barely had 30 lays. You don't exactly find marriage material girls after every 2-3 app lays, you know.

I wonder if you're hoping to find your own Immogen as Andy did.
If you pick a mentor, you shut up and do what the mentor tells you to do. You don't listen to other people, no matter how good they are, especially when you have minimal results. Your problem was, is, and will continue to be that you try to listen to many people at once - Andy, Dom, Radical, PancakeMouse, Rags, Dante, etc. And you get confused because, for example, something the Dom says might contradict what PM says and vice versa.
Nope, I'm pretty sure all of us agree. The problem is not the advice, it's Ravi's brain. Until the brain is healed, any advice given will not be heeded.

The idea was to go to Mexico and relax and "not think about dating". Yet somehow you have a girlfriend and every post here is now discussing women (despite you leaving Game-focused groupchats for the purposes of "not discussing women").

My advice that won't be taken: sever, disconnect, and fix yourself for as many months that is needed, just like you said you were going to do at the start of all this.
Something I will express:

-Quality Issues: I've complained about this for 3 years. We've not been able to progress this. This is a significant issue for me as it means I do not really enjoy the journey, as I am not able to get the outcomes I am looking for. I lost the heart to keep approaching, because I didn't see any of the metrics go up (stops, exchanges, dates, etc).

For all the guff and bluster, and all the typical male inability to listen and oversimplification, I have actually tried different locations:

-Several different cities in the UK
-Europe: Several cities in Poland. Hungary, Budapest. Did experiments across the Schengen zone. Match quality & frequency was poor. A few numbers a month (usually 1 to 3). Quality range, I'd say were 4 or 5 tops.
-US: NYC. I got matches. 2 converted to dates. Fat women.
-Latin America: Mexico, Brazil. Performed just as badly as anywhere else.

Again, I expressed these things, was clear about them.

Just got glossed over.

I don't dispute the above know a thing or two.

And yet, we're not able to replicate outcomes, the advice, when put in practice, literally has not produced outcomes in any measurable sense across day or night game.

What DID happen, however, is I am more reliably able to sleep with women I am able to screen through online dating. This is usually where my quality issues are at their worst. So, yeah.....

To be here after 3 years, where I have enjoyed ONE lay (which was in the 2nd month of this journey, years ago) is frustrating. And I am expressing this clearly for the last time. Please try to listen.

Anyway, what I am actively working on, daily:

-Healing Actions: Reading & Study. 2 x guided meditation made by my healer girlfriend, morning and night. Weekly therapy session. Energy and emotional work with my girlfriend, who is a professional healer and coach. She has many years of experience, has some impressive healing results with herself and her clients, and generally very much an expert.

-Biz & SMV raising work.

I didn't intend to be talking about relationships. I didn't approach her. I didn't match with her. I was in the world, living. She liked me, and asked me out.

I will deal with it.

I am going to keep working on myself as I agreed. I will get to the heart of the actual issue.

You can blame "my brain".

And you can forget that I have had to sift through 3 years of experiences I do not want, while unable to create the ones I do want.

When I express this, usually, it's radio silence.............................................

That was why I stepped away and stopped talking to all of the above.

I'm going to keep working on myself, and I will figure it out.

i will gloss over this entire discussion and also your log to highlight this one statement
To be here after 3 years, where I have enjoyed ONE lay (which was in the 2nd month of this journey, years ago) is frustrating. And I am expressing this clearly for the last time. Please try to listen.
would you mind articulating here why this ONE lay is the one you enjoyed?

if possible, it'd be good for you to replay every single lay and even non-lay (but "milestone" experience to you) throughout when you actively pursued dating. would love to see how you currently recall every lay and milestone experience right now, "laid" out one by one. like more specifically each experience as opposed to just grouping them and talking about them generally.
You should also address, in full definition, what "quality" to YOU is?

From the pictures, it looks like she is cute. She treats you REALLY well, is a stand up gal with a good heart, in your words. You didn't say much to her values, so maybe there is a misalignment there. From the outside she sounds "quality".

Maybe she didn't take care of her body as well, as you say. So? You could lead her to taking better care of it.

You may not jive with her past, but is she still the woman that holds those previous values? Do you believe people can change? Who is she now? @Crisis_Overcomer, rightfully pointed out that you were not stellar in your past. Yet we all respect you for who you are now. I'd be curious to know why she is no longer doing it. If she was so good at it and it made her lots of money, why did she stop? Sounds like some character to look at there.

I'm not trying to convince you either way. I don't know this girl at all. Maybe you should break up with her.

I'm just trying to show you that while you're hunting for unicorns, there are plenty of amazing stallions you could be riding off into the sunset on.