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The Slight Edge – How to Achieve Anything (How I’ve Achieved All My Goals)


Jun 29, 2020
I ordered this book at the recommendation of this site. I was not dissapointed! Andy summarized the book in an older article about just making small improvements EVERY DAY , even if they seem like nothing. "If its easy to do, its also easy not to do".

I got so bogged down in depression I developed the "fuck it whats the point" kind of attitude and it was always I'll do it tomorrow , tomorrow , tomorrow. When I feel better blah blah. Excuses, excuses. Fucking pathetic. Why go for a little jog today? I already ate like shit and drank, Ill hit the gym hard tomorrow! No , go for the jog, put the booze down, and eat a healthy meal when you get home. Get back on track RIGHT NOW. Every single small decision you make during your day I now think " Is this going to help, or hurt my goals?"

Drinking that water instead of a pop, eating that salad instead of fries, mixing your vodka with lemon and water instead of juice, do you really need one more YouTube video? No! Go to bed. All of these little things start adding up HUGE real quick. You'll start to see the results quickly, and that will make you want to go even harder. I always understood these principles, but reading Andy's article really drove it home for me. Especially after reading the book.

I've been getting compliments like crazy from everyone i see about how I seem like a completely different person from even 5 months ago. People who haven't seen me since before lockdown are like " holy shit dude ! what have you been doing you look great! Your skin is glowing! What happened? Your like a different person already. Your energy is contagious etc " I cant even remember the last time I got compliments, and its not just a few, its most people I see now. That feels amazing since 5 months ago I was at complete rock bottom. Helplessly addicted to booze and pills , and i just lost the will to live. Scared to be in public. Family and friends were all worried about me , but nobody wanted to tell me to my face about what a fuckin trainwreck id become. I was convinced I gave myself permanent brain damage. People thought I was just gonna get worse and worse and it was over for me. I'm off all that shit and am starting to live the life i fucking deserve!

Thanks Andy! Id highly recommend this book to anybody. I just started reading " You Can't Afford the Luxuray of a Negative Thought" yesterday and i will report back