TheAscendentOne's Progress Log

Oct 30, 2022
Hello all,

I just made my account. If you haven't seen my new post in the introduce yourself section, I am a 19yr old student in the United States. I have made great strides in my personal progress since realizing that I am completely responsible for what happens in my life.

My goals are:
-to bulk up in the gym, get to 175-180lbs lean (currently at 161 at around 15% body fat)
-get good grades,
-get a paid business internship at a firm that will look good on my resume for the summer or even the upcoming winter break,
-work on my music projects and writing music with my band
-Get laid a lot (I want to fuck at least 2 girls by the end of the academic year (probably as fuck buddies) or find a healthy LTR)

I just got back from the gym after an uppers day. I feel pretty good right now.
I have some exams coming up and have a thing I am setting up with a classmate to study for the one exam in a few hours before the exam. I will make sure that I will study with her before the planned study session.

I have been having some issues with eating enough because of being on ADHD meds which suppress appetite. I have been getting better with this by making sure to eat at least 1.5-2 times the amount of protein I usually eat and reducing my carb intake but not enough that it hurts my ability to perform in the gym for the gains.

My band has a confirmed gig coming up and the other guys in the group are really good at playing. We mostly play pop rock style music and have been covering some stuff but also writing our own stuff as well. This is a fulfilling side project that I believe will also have the possible positive of boosting my reputation on campus and meeting women.

Getting laid has been a struggle as the girls that I've talked to or have expressed interest have either decided that they don't like me (I've become more of myself by being more authentic over time and this has made some of them not like me) or I don't like them reasons including them being fat or not as mentally sound as I would want in a partner or fuck buddy.

All I know is that despite not getting laid, things have been improving due to my action. Every day I improve the closer I get to my goals which lead to the next ones. I will fulfill my goals.
Today I woke up and made it to class on time. I have a lot of stuff to prepare for academically. Last night I was reading and found the GoodLookingLoser archive on the Red Pill Archive ( for those interested) and this will be my new side reading thing for a while.

Another thing I also found was a post that said that if you really take an objective look at the tasks you need to do in most things in life are either easily split into individual tasks that are easy, or are outside of your current means. I interpret this as saying that anything is possible with a plan (breakdown of steps) or you need to prior work to meet the prerequisites of what you need to do. This could be asking for help or increasing your efforts.

Since I made this account and I've been seeing the profile pictures of the others here, I have come to two conclusions. I need to up my fashion game/be more consistent with my fashion aesthetic (I wear either really nice stuff or jeans, sneakers, and old sweatshirts and flannels throughout the week) and also reduce my body fat percentage so I can get more face definition and a haircut to compliment it. The body fat percentage will have to wait as I am on a bulk and trying to build more muscle, but a haircut and being more consistent with my fashion aesthetic can change over this weekend.

I sent my friends the GoodLookingLoser archive and they have found it interesting so far. My one friend has my copy of Models (great book btw, especially for a completely clueless guy like me in the past or my one friend that read it already) and I'll have to get him to read it or give it back to me because my brother wants to read it.

My priorities for today are assignments, going to bed on time, and being prepared for tomorrow's classes and a camping trip with friends. I may trip in the woods this weekend, but we'll see.

I haven't made that much progress so far today, but the work today will help with tomorrow's work which will make massive gains in the future.