TheAscendentOne's Progress Log

Oct 30, 2022
I haven't posted here in a few months after I first discovered Andy's content. I haven't really slipped off the wagon too bad, but I wanted to post here as I think some of you guys might have some constructive things to say to me.

My Vision and Change Towards the New Vision

My Vision is that I will live differently than I am currently. It will be radically different than what I am doing now. The first thing that I will change is waking up late in the morning.

I need to change this as without it, I won’t have enough time to do the things that I want to. The things I want are to be on top of my classes, I want to be physically fit and make myself more dangerous, I want time to spend with my girlfriend, and I want to have time to develop my skills for a future career, physical strength and readiness, and develop and discipline my mind, such that I will do what I need to do when it needs to be done, all on time, without losing the creative spark inside of my mind. I also need to develop my love of the world, love for others, and love and skills in music. With more time I can develop my skills in these areas even more.

I have urgency as I could be doing what I want, but I misuse what time I have.

My guiding team will be my brother and friends. I will use the KYIL forum and post there at least once a week on Tuesdays.

My vision is that I will develop the vision more with my brother, friends, and the KYIL forum.
The main parts of this vision are that I first fix how I feel on a daily basis. This means I change the way that I conduct my days. I think this will mean that I will log out of my twitter and snap for a while and put the passwords on a separate piece of paper in my safe and remove the passwords from the password vault on the computer and phone so I can’t just easily log in. I will commit to physical activity every day. This does not mean that I will lift every day, but I will do at least some movement (preferably in the sun) no matter the weather. On days with bad weather, this means that I will do calisthenics in the room. I will take my vitamins and medicine every day and experiment with only drinking tea, as coffee feels a bit much with caffeine.

6:30 am Wake Up, 10pm bedtime, 9:30 pm melatonin and magnesium dose, 9:15pm meditation session, 8:45 shower

When I wake up, I will have a morning ritual. My ritual will be that I wake up, the phone will be in the common room, and I will start the tea (electric kettle being filled the night before). I will start the tea and go to the bathroom (shit, brush teeth, wash face), and when I get out the water will be ready and I will make tea. I have not touched my phone yet. I will get my tea and get dressed. Then I will be ready for breakfast then gym. After gym, I will shower and go to library and then classes.

Night Before Prep:
- Water in the kettle and tea by the kettle every night.
- Phone will be plugged in the common room.
- Outfit for next day placed on chair the night before.
- Supplements and medicine will be put in the pill holder night before.


I am bought into the idea of changing, but it feels a bit scary and I feel a bit pessimistic that I can actually make it happen this time. This is because I feel that my goals in the past were developed a bit and then I fell off. I can’t fall off. I need to radically change my life, as what I am experiencing right now is not what I want. I cannot live like this any more.

I am empowering myself right now. I have a plan that will be executed. This must happen.
I will send this to my brother and the Forum.
I will update my brother and the Forum.

My short term win will be that I complete this routine tomorrow and will post about it on the forum. I will give an update immediately after I have completed it.

I will not let up. Once I can get up every day for 18 days (about two weeks) I will commit to a new part of changing. This will make it stick. If I make a mistake with this, I will just try my best the next day, but I must log my failure on the website and explain why I failed. I will print this post and put it on my wall in front of my desk.


Night Before Prep:
- Water in the kettle and tea by the kettle every night.
- Phone will be plugged in the common room.
- Outfit for next day placed on chair the night before.
- Supplements and medicine will be put in the pill holder night before.

6:30 am Wake Up,
Start the water boiling
Bathroom (shit, brush teeth, wash face)
Make the tea
Get dressed

8:30pm Prepare for the next day
8:45pm shower
9:15pm meditation session,
9:30 pm melatonin and magnesium dose,
10pm bedtime

Post every Tuesday in the afternoon around 3pm to KYIL forum
Post whenever you fail and whatever you did wrong
Post an update (tomorrow on 11/15/2023) once you’ve completed day 1 of the new change
UPDATE (11/15/2023)

I went to bed late as I went to my girlfriend's to talk as she was having a really bad time dealing with some drama related to some of my friends (maybe soon to be ex-friends unfortunately), so I got home at 11 and went to bed at midnight. I did all the prep right. It was a great idea to have the plan of setting up prep. I got up at 9 and followed the plan, and have been working most of the day. I did not follow my plan to a T, but I will do better tonight for sure. I logged out of my twitter and aim to do so for a long time. I am changing.

Feels Good Man.

What I did wrong and what I can do to avoid these issues in the future:
- Spend time with gf during the day rather than night.
- Cannot think of anything else right now, but will update once I can