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Tinder Algorithm - A glimpse


Jul 30, 2020

First of all KillYourInnerLoser bro not a day passes by that I don't visit KYIL . The love n empathy you poured in here is unparalleled.
I have given lot of validation to you in past but still want to give more :lol: .

I am working on lot of photoshoots with theme of GUY WHO FUCKS / GOES ON DATES / SOCIAL .
Last but not least learnt many real time issues here at KYIL forums.

Oh ... before I lose your attention.
KillYourInnerLoser I got so much value here n pretty confident of getting 50+ matches/week as my Portfolio completes.

I have something to give back to you n this forum.

Check this out :

This OFFICIALLY shows Tinder Algorithm works on 3 things -
1. Your Last seen (If you're online in peak time 10-12pm... Ooh la la)
2. Your Proximity (Set your location into dense areas of hot chicks)
3. Type of guy a girl is swiping right to ( This 1 is tricky to logically understand)

Further I dig deep regarding 3rd point n found some nerdy stuff ie, Tinder / Hinge Algo inspiration :


Gale-Shapley Algorithm for stable marriage

I have my own understanding of this by being a Finance guy (Math nerd)
but anyone can decode this n help the forum to further hack/improve ROI on tinder/hinge is most welcome.

KillYourInnerLoser you missed this n I strongly recommend it to be added to the Tinder guide.

Spreading lots of Love n empathy :lol: